
  • 网络vacuum residue;VGO;short residue
  1. 第二种方法是根据减压渣油的H/C原子比来判别。

    The another is the atom ratio of H / C of the vacuum residue .

  2. 阐述了近10年来超临界流体萃取分馏法(SFEF)、色谱法、波谱法、光谱法在减压渣油(VR)族组成分析中的应用。

    The application of supercritical fluid extraction and fraction ( SFEF ), chromatography , wave spectrum method and spectrum method for the analysis of vacuum residue group composition were reviewed .

  3. 减压渣油与FCC油浆共炭化的化学组成变化

    Composition changes in the CO-CARBONIZATION OF FCC slurry and VR

  4. 减压渣油搀兑FCC油浆制备针状焦

    Preparation of needle coke from FCC slurry blended vacuum residue

  5. 减压渣油焦化温度对产品分布的影响I.产品分布与适宜焦化温度


  6. 减压渣油超临界窄馏分的两种SARA分析方法比较

    The comparision of two Sara analysis methods on supercritical sub fractions of vacuum residues

  7. 加工大庆减压渣油的DVR裂化催化剂的研究开发

    Research and development of DVR catalytic cracking catalyst for processing Daqing vacuum resid

  8. 通过以辽河减压渣油为原料,经溶剂萃取对渣油进行“掐头去尾”处理,获得了分子量分布窄、杂质含量少的中间馏分A及馏分B。

    Solvent extraction was employed to modify the residue and the coking properties of extracts A and B , both of which have low impurity content and narrow molecular weight distribution , are given .

  9. 减压渣油与超临界亚组分的元素组成及SARA分析

    Analysis of elemental and Sara composition of vacuum residues and their sub fractions by super critical fluid extraction

  10. 分别用薄层色谱/氢火焰检测法(TLC/FID)和经典液相色谱法(LC),对国内外8种减压渣油超临界萃取窄馏分的族组成进行了研究。

    The SARA composition of supercritical extracted sub fractions of eight vacuum residues were analyzed with TLC / FID and LC .

  11. 减压渣油和正庚烷沥青质的VPO平均相对分子质量都减小了。

    The VPO average molecular weight of vacuum residues and asphaltenes all decreased .

  12. 用~(13)C-NMR自旋回波技术研究减压渣油的平均结构

    Study on the average structure of vacuum residues with seft ~ ( 13 ) c-nmr

  13. 以抚顺石油二厂大庆减二线、三线抽出油和大庆减压渣油为原料,加以Span、Tween系列复合表面活性剂,制成乳化重油。

    Heavy oil emulsion is produced by vacuum distillation and vacuum residuum of Fushun Petroleum Company , putting Span , Tween compound surfactant into it .

  14. 辽河减压渣油中非卟啉镍的XAFS研究

    Structural Characterization by XAFS Spectroscopy of Non-Porphyrin Nickel in Liaohe Vacuum Residue

  15. 利用减压渣油及其超临界流体萃取分馏馏分的基本性质数据(H/C原子比、分子量、密度),由多元线性回归分析法得到了结构参数的关联式。

    By multivariate linear regression analysis method , the correlation of structural parameters was obtained from the basic property data ( H / C atomic ratio , molecular weight , density ) of residues and their fractions under ultra - critical condition .

  16. 介绍了齐鲁石化公司减压渣油加氢脱硫装置及大连西太平洋石化有限公司的常压渣油加氢脱硫装置的工艺流程、操作条件、催化剂及石脑油、柴油和FCC原料等产品性质。

    The VRDS unit of Qilu Petrochemical Company and the ARDS unit of West Pacific Petrochemical Company including process schemes , operating conditions , catalysts and main product properties of naphtha , distillate and FCC feedstocks are introduced .

  17. 用改进的Brown-Ladner方法计算了6种国内与2种国外减压渣油及其以正戊烷为溶剂、在超临界条件下切割出的各馏分的平均分子结构参数。

    The average structural parameters of the residues of six Chinese and two foreign crude oils and their sub fractions were calculated based on their 1 H NMR spectra with modified Brown Ladner method .

  18. 在380~460℃,1~3h条件下,在自制的热裂化反应实验装置上,对减压渣油重胶质进行了热反应,讨论了减压渣油重胶质热反应规律。

    Under conditions of reaction temperture 380 ~ 460 ℃ and reaction time 1 ~ 3 h , with home-made thermal cracking reaction experiment device , vacuum residue heavy resin thermal reaction was processed , and the reaction law has been discussed .

  19. 研究了采用超临界流体萃取技术(SFEF),以减压渣油和催化裂化油浆为原料,制备重交通道路沥青产品的可行性。

    Experiments have been conducted to produce heavy paving asphalts from Xinjiang vacuum residue mixed with RFCC slurry by supercritical fluid extraction and fractionation ( SFEF ) .

  20. 将胜利减压渣油中的胶质与饱和分、芳香分以及减压馏分油加氢裂化(SSOT)尾油中的石蜡进行调合。

    The resins of Shengli vacuum residue were blent with saturates , aromatics from Shengli vacuum residue and paraffin from SSOT hydrogenation residue .

  21. 对中国石化齐鲁分公司高硫减压渣油两种生产方案,即减压深拔工艺生产重交沥青和VRDSFCC组合工艺生产轻质油品进行技术经济比较。

    The two processing schemes of high-sulfur vacuum residuum in SINOPEC Qilu Branch were compared from the viewpoint of techno-economy : one is to produce heavy asphalt through vacuum deep extraction process , the other is to produce light oil products through VRDS-FCC assembled process .

  22. 本文采用正戊烷溶剂沉淀和5%H2O-Al2O3吸附色谱把胜利、大庆、任丘和临盘四种减压渣油各分离为六个组分,其中包括四个胶质沥青质组分。

    The residues were separated into six fractions by means of normal pentane precipitation and newly available liquid adsorption chromatography technique with alumina containing 5 % water as adsorbent , i. e. , fraction 1 , 2,3,4,5 and n-pentane asphaltenes , among which fractions 3,4,5 are three resin fractions .

  23. 动力学研究结果表明,大庆减压渣油各组分的表观速度常数为0.01157~2.225h~(-1),表观活化能为11.91~79.32kJ/mol;

    The results of kinetics study demonstrate that the apparent rate constants and activation energies of all constituents of Daqing vacuum residue are 0.01157 ~ 2.225h ~ ( - 1 ) and 19.91 ~ 79.32kJ/mol respectively ;

  24. 由减压渣油生产石油沥青,以胜利100号高芳香烃的沥青为原料合成的改性COPNA-B树脂可做为油井防砂材料。

    Petroleum asphalt was produced from vacuum residue . The modified COPNA-B resin was synthesized using Sheng-li No.100 petroleum asphalt . The resin can be used as the sand control agent in the high temperature oil well and heavy oil thermal recovery .

  25. 在烧焦空气中氧体积分数从20.5%提高到24.4%时,再生器烧焦量从8.95t/h提高到了10.85t/h,进而使该装置掺炼减压渣油的比例从57.1%提高到了85.1%;

    When the oxygen content in the air increased from 20.5vol % to 24.4vol % , the coke burning rate in the regenerator raised from 8.95t/h to 10.85t/h which enabled the vacuum residue blending ratio in the feedstock increasing from 57.1 % to 85.1 % .

  26. 神府煤与胜利减压渣油共处理反应特性的研究

    Reaction characteristics of coprocessing of Shenfu coal and Shengli vacuum resid

  27. 全大庆减压渣油催化裂化工艺技术中型试验研究

    Pilot scale study on FCC technology for processing Daqing vacuum residue

  28. 废聚乙烯塑料与减压渣油混合延迟焦化的研究

    Co-processing of waste polyethylene plastics with vacuum residue in delayed coking

  29. 高凝减压渣油延迟焦化生产中的问题

    Problems occurred in delayed coking of high melting point vacuum residue

  30. 高硫减压渣油加工方案的技术经济比较

    Comparison between Techno-economy of the Processing Schemes of High-sulfur Vacuum Residuum