
  • 网络friction reducer;dra;drag reducing agent
  1. 现场应用结果表明,添加HG减阻剂不仅具有较好的减阻效果和增输能力,提高了输送的经济效益,同时保证了输油生产安全平稳运行。

    The site application results show that applying HG DRA not only obtain satisfactory drag reduction effectiveness and increase transportation capacity of pipeline , but also ensure the safe operation .

  2. 本研究为减阻剂的工业化生产提供了可靠保证。

    This research provided guarantee for industrialized producing of DRA .

  3. 介绍了EP系列减阻剂的作用机理、研制方法、中试生产和现场实验的概况。

    The mechanism , development , pilot testing and field test of EP DRA are introduced .

  4. 原油在管道中输送时,加入少量ppm的减阻剂,增输量可达到10%以上。用作减阻剂的油溶性聚合物,分子量一般高达几百万到上千万。

    Drag reducing agents are oil-soluble polymers with molecular weights ranged from several to ten million .

  5. DL水泥减阻剂的研制与应用

    Properties and application of DL cement dispersant

  6. YZ-84润滑减阻剂在金刚石钻探、绳索取心中的应用

    Study on the Application of YZ-84 Resistance Reducing Agent in Diamond Drilling and Rope Coring

  7. YZ-84润滑减阻剂是以腐植酸盐为y型原料,用造纸废液为Z型原料,以及其他原料制成。

    YZ-84 lubricating resistance-reducer is produced by using humate as Y type raw material , and pulping waste liquor as Z type raw material , as well as the other raw materials .

  8. 在格拉成品油管道上对局部管段进行了FLOXS减阻剂的应用试验。

    Application test of FLOXS drag reducer in partial section of Gela Oil Product Pipeline has been carried out .

  9. 为探讨表面活性剂CTAB作为一种减阻剂使用的可行性,使用5mm圆管研究了CTAB水溶液的粘度流变特性及减阻特性。

    In order to probe into the feasibility of CTAB surfactant as drag reducer , an experimental investigation was made on the characteristics of the shearing viscosity and drag reduction for the CTAB aqueous solution by using a circular pipe with 5 mm diamter .

  10. 通过对这次试验数据的对比分析,指出该成品油管道注入FLOXS减阻剂减阻效果十分明显,可关闭中间泵站、减少注入站运行设备;

    Through comparison and analysis on testing data , it is pointed out that an evident drag reduction result is obtained , meanwhile closing intermediate station and reducing the running equipment at injection station ;

  11. 表面活性剂减阻剂对超空泡特性影响实验研究

    Experimental Study of Characteristics of Supercavity Influenced by Surfactant Drag Reducer

  12. 天然气减阻剂的研制及减阻性能测试

    The Development of Natural Gas DRAs and Drag Reduction Performance Test

  13. α-烯烃合成减阻剂的研究

    Study of synthesis of drag reduction agent with α - alkene

  14. 橡胶和石油减阻剂现代仪器分析方法研究

    Modern Instrument Analysis Method of Rubber and Petroleum Drag Reducing Agent

  15. 注入方式对减阻剂作用的影响

    Influence of Injection Patten on the Action of Drag Reducing Agent

  16. 原油高效减阻剂的制备及其性能

    Preparation and properties of high efficient drag reducing agent for crude oil

  17. 减阻剂在铁大线上的试验与应用

    The Test and Application of Friction-Reducing Agent in Tie-Da Pipeline

  18. 水泥减阻剂在盐井封固中的应用

    Application of Cement Resistance-Reducer in the Cementation of Salt Well

  19. 温度对聚α-烯烃合成减阻剂的影响

    Influence of temperature on drag reducing efficiency of poly - α - olefin

  20. 高分子减阻剂溶液的热量传递

    Heat Transfer of Polymer Drag - Reducing Agent Solution

  21. 本体聚合油溶性减阻剂的抗剪切性能

    Anti-shear Property of Drag Reducer Prepared by Bulk Polymerization

  22. 管输油品减阻剂性能评价的研究

    Studies on the Property Test of Drag Reduction

  23. 原油与油品输送减阻剂的研制Ⅱ.EPO型减阻剂

    Drag reducing agents for crude oil and petroleum products in long distance pipeline transportation

  24. 研究高聚物减阻剂对国民经济有很重要的意义。

    Therefore , the study of DRA was of great significance for national economy .

  25. 输油管道减阻剂的合成及性能评价

    The Synthesis and Property Test of Drag Reducing Agent in Transportation Pipeline of Oil

  26. 高分子减阻剂对非牛顿型流体流动特性的影响

    The Study on Influence of Polymer Drag Reduction Agent on Flowing Properties of Non-Newtonian Fluids

  27. 用于原油及其相关产品中的减阻剂称为油相减阻剂。

    DRAs used in crude oil and other correlative products are named oil base DRAs .

  28. 最终获得了减阻剂生产过程的最佳工艺参数。

    The optimun parameters have been obtained .

  29. 原油减阻剂的研究概况

    Research Situation of Crude Drag Reducing Agent

  30. α-烯烃高分子减阻剂的质量浓度对减阻效果的影响

    Influence of α - olefin polymer drag reduction agent concentration on the efficiency of drag reduction