
  • 网络vibration reduction measure;vibration reducing measure
  1. 确定机组振动原因并排除,制定减振措施。

    The fault of unit is determined and eliminated , then make vibration reduction measure .

  2. 而系统无相应减振措施,同时消声器安装存在过约束,消声器安装点出现较大的扭曲变形,产生较大的内应力。

    However , the system does not have the vibration reducing measure , simultaneity the installation of the muffler exist overfull restriction , and the installation point of the muffler appears biggish distortional deformation which brings biggish internal stress .

  3. 5L型压缩机管路振动分析与减振措施

    Vibration Analysis and Shock Absorption Measurement of Pipes for 5L-Type Reciprocating Compressor

  4. 介绍了几种改善人行桥振动的减振措施以及3种常用的阻尼系统,即调质阻尼器(TMD)、调液阻尼器(TLD)和粘滞阻尼器。

    Several vibration reduction measures to improve the footbridge vibration and three kinds of commonly used damping system are also present in this paper , including tuned mass damper ( TMD ), tuned liquid damper ( TLD ) and viscous damper .

  5. 采取现场动平衡等减振措施后,使风机两端轴承的径向水平振动和径向竖直振动由原来的10.9mm/s和8.4mm/s下降到5mm/s以下。

    Local dynamic balances reduced the vibration in the directions of radial horizontal and radial vertical from 10.9 mm / s and 8.4 mm / s to 5 mm / s below .

  6. 异步电动机振动分析与减振措施

    Vibration Analysis of Asynchronous Electromotor and Relative Measures for Vibration Reduction

  7. 大跨度悬索桥猫道减振措施探讨

    The Discussion on Oscillation Damping Measures for Large-Span Suspension Bridges Catwalk

  8. 氢压缩机出口管线振动分析及减振措施

    Analysis on Pipeline Vibration of Hydrogen-compressor Speak and Measurements of Damping

  9. 隧道敏感地段爆破减振措施

    Vibration Absorption Measures of Blasting in Sensitive Areas of a Tunnel

  10. 谐波传动的动态特性及其减振措施

    Dynamic Properties of Harmonic Drive and a Method of Vibration Damping

  11. 压缩机管道振动分析及减振措施

    Analysis of Vibration of Compressor Pipes and Measures for Vibration Absorption

  12. 复杂环境中深孔爆破减振措施试验研究

    Experience on Blasting Vibration Decreasing of Mid-length Hole in Complex Environment

  13. 斜拉索减振措施探讨

    Investigation of Damping Measures for Stay Cables of Cable-Stayed Bridges

  14. 伊河大桥振动测试与减振措施评价

    Appraisal of Vibration Tests and Shock absorbing Measures of Yi River Bridge

  15. 超大跨径斜拉桥斜拉索振动特性及减振措施研究

    Stayed Cable Vibration and Damping Measures for Extra-large Span Cable Stay Bridge

  16. 在此基础上,提出了确定最小安全距离的方法和减振措施。

    The measures to minimize vibration damage are proposed .

  17. 高架轨道交通减振措施研究

    Study of Vibration Reduction Techniques in Rail Transit Viaduct

  18. 给水泵组前置泵的振动与减振措施

    Vibration Analysis and Controlled Measure of Booster Pump in Feed water Pump Units

  19. 列举了各种船舶振动实例及有效的减振措施。

    Some examples of hull vibration and effective means to reduce vibration are provided .

  20. 有压输水系统减振措施分析

    Analysis of damping measures for pressurized conveyance system

  21. 汽车动力传动系弯曲振动及减振措施

    A Study on Bending Vibration and Counter Measures to Reduce Vibration of Automotive Powertrain

  22. 首先描述了斜拉索常见的风致振动及其振动的特点,同时介绍了目前斜拉索的减振措施及其存在的问题。

    First , the common phenomenon and characteristics of the wind-induced vibration is described .

  23. 6180船用柴油机轴系扭振特点及减振措施分析

    Characters of Shafting Torsional Vibration and Analysis on Damping Measures of 6180 Series Marine Engine

  24. 有限水域的爆炸振动效应与减振措施

    The Blasting Vibration Effect Induced by Underwater Explosion in Limited Water Area and Decreasing Vibration Measures

  25. 因此,它是叶轮机械中一种非常简单有效的减振措施。

    Platform friction damper is an effective measure to reduce the blade vibration in gas turbine .

  26. 地铁列车引起的低频地表响应及减振措施研究

    A Study on the Low Frequency Ground Response Induced by Metro Train and Corresponding Vibration Reduction Measures

  27. 而现有的减振措施大都通过附加阻尼装置来增大结构的阻尼,达到减振的目的。

    However , damping installations are mostly appended to mitigate vibration by increasing the damping of structures .

  28. 北京地铁5号线高架线减振措施现场测试与分析

    In-Situ Test and Analysis on the Vibration Mitigation Measures of the Elevated Line in Beijing Metro Line 5

  29. 三缸发动机惯性力与力矩的新公式及减振措施

    The New Formula of the Inertia Force and Moment of a Three-cylinder Engine and the Measure of Reduced Vibration

  30. 耕整机扶手架振动机理及减振措施的虚拟研究

    A Study on Vibration Mechanism and Measures for Vibration Reducing to the Handle of Cultivator by Virtual Prototype Technology