
  • 网络behrman;bellman;berman;Lazar Berman;R.Bellman
  1. 该方法特征是静、动态负荷分配,动态设定AGC完成了板形板厚的闭环控制,其计算方法是贝尔曼动态规划。

    This method 's characteristic is that shape and gauge close-circuit control , which by means of static load distribution , dynamic load distribution and dynamic setting AGC , can be fulfilled , its calculating method is Bellman dynamic programming .

  2. 利用数学归纳法和连续型的贝尔曼不等式给出并证明了离散型的贝尔曼不等式。

    In this paper , by using mathematics inductive method and continued Bellman Inequality , we gave and proved dispersed Bellman Inequality .

  3. 离散型贝尔曼不等式F-T合成超微粒子碳化铁催化剂制备的研究

    Investigation on the Preparation of Ultrafine Particle Iron - carbonide Catalyst for F-T Synthesis

  4. 詹尼尔•麦克格雷格里是位于亚特兰大的史贝尔曼学院英语文学专业的学生,她告诉BusinessInsider,她是在脸书招聘人员来校宣讲后心血来潮申请加入2015年脸书实习项目的。

    Janelle McGregory , an English and literature major at Spelman College in Atlanta , told the Insider that she applied on a whim to Facebook 's FB University for Business program in 2015 after a recruiter visited her school .

  5. 基于哈密顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程将构建最优控制器问题归结为解偏微分方程问题,通过巧妙构造Lyapunov函数从而得到最优控制器。

    Based on Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation , the problem of constructing the optimal controller comes down to the problem of solving the partial differential equations . The optimal controller is obtained through constructing Lyapunov function .

  6. 约翰逊&贝尔曼法则与无节拍流水作业

    Comparing the Johnson - behrman method with flow process without steps

  7. 贝尔曼看上去挺像艺术家,但在艺术上却没有什么成就。

    Despite looking the part , Behrman was a failure in art .

  8. 贝尔曼动态规划在板形板厚协调控制中的应用

    Dynamic Programming Methods in the Shape of Plate Thickness to Coordinate Control

  9. 只要斯贝尔曼比他早死,他自己也情愿死。

    He would die gladly , so only that s.behrman died before him .

  10. 我得叫贝尔曼上楼来给我当老矿工模特儿。

    I must call Behrman up to be my model for the old miner .

  11. 水溶液中甲苯分散相增强难溶气体吸收离散型贝尔曼不等式

    Sparingly Soluble Gases Physical Absorption Enhanced by Presence of Dispersed Toluene Droplets in Water

  12. 贝尔曼在艺术上是一个失败者。

    Behrman was a failure in art .

  13. 苏娥把窗帘拉到了窗台,打手势把贝尔曼带进另一个房间。

    Sue pulled the shade down to the windowsill and motioned Behrman into the other room .

  14. 老贝尔曼双眼通红,显然是泪涟涟的,他大声叫嚷着说他蔑视这种傻念头。

    Old behrman , with his red eyes plainly streaming , shouted his contempt for such foolish imaginings .

  15. 并用统一的方法证明了贝尔曼不等式,格朗旺不等式和基本不等式,从而发现这三个不等式都是微分(积分)不等式的特殊情形。

    There by discover that this three unequalities are the special case of differential ( integral ) unequality .

  16. 老贝尔曼年过六旬,是一个画家,就住在她们楼下的一楼里。

    Old Behrman , over sixty , was a painter who lived on the ground floor beneath them .

  17. 明年她就将作为一名大学新生就读于斯贝尔曼学院,开始大学生活,她计划在医学预科学习生物。

    She starts college next year at Spelman College as a junior where she is planning to study biology , pre-med .

  18. 贝尔曼穿着破旧的蓝色衬衣,坐在充当矿石的倒置的水壶上,摆出矿工的架势。

    Behrman , in his old blue shirt , took his seat as the miner on an upturned kettle for a rock .

  19. 比较了蔗糖离心浮选法、改进的贝尔曼漏斗法和浅盘法对土壤线虫的分离效率。

    Extraction efficiency of soil nematodes by density ( sucrose ) centrifugation , modified Baermann funnel and shallow dish methods was compared .

  20. 啊,亲爱的,那是贝尔曼的杰作――最后一片叶子掉落的那天夜里他画上了这片叶子。

    Ah , darling , it 's Behrman 's masterpiece & he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell .

  21. 本文主要将借助贝尔曼最优性原理,来研究一下多维多阶段的模糊最优控制问题。

    In this article , we will study the multi-dimensional multistage fuzzy optimal control question , which mainly draw support from the Bellman optimality principle .

  22. 在非对称的供应链情形下,运用汉密尔顿-雅可比-贝尔曼方程求得了斯坦博格博弈下均衡的广告投入和广告分担比例,给出了零售商市场份额的计算公式。

    In asymmetry supply chain , the equilibrium advertising , advertising cost sharing rate and market share of the retailer are obtained in Stackelberg game with Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman .

  23. 在最优控制中,最重要的两种优化方法是庞特里亚金最小值(或称最大值)原理和贝尔曼动态规划法。

    Of the problems of optimal control , the most important two optimization methods are Pontryagin minimum ( or called maximum ) principle and Bellman dynamic programming .

  24. 本文介绍了动态规划及其基本方程贝尔曼方程,然后应用贝尔曼方程和处理不确定性问题的基本引理伊藤引理,阐释了一个著名的不可逆性投资模型及其现实应用,由此抛砖引玉,推进该领域的研究。

    In this paper , the dynamic programming method and Bellman equation are introduced , and then Bellman equation and Ito lemma are used to introduce a famous irreversible investment model .

  25. 构造了二次型目标函数,可用贝尔曼动态规划方法求出板形板厚最优控制综合,轧辊实时凸度估计和最佳弯辊力设定。

    Quadratic object function is built , which can be served as to figure out the optimal synthesis control scheme for shape and gauge , and actual roll crown estimation and optimal bending force setting by using of Bellman dynamic programming method .

  26. 贝尔曼漏斗法的分离效率高于浅盘法,主要反映在食细菌线虫和虫体在40~32μm(400~500)的线虫数。

    Baermann funnel method showed higher extraction efficiency than shallow dish method , and the difference was reflected in the numbers of bacterial-feeding nematodes and the nematodes with body size between 40 μ m and 32 μ m ( 400 ~ 500 mesh ) .

  27. 在分析仓库各种复杂出入库系统的基础上,根据贝尔曼的最优化原理,提出堆垛机运行作业的优化控制模型,使其运行路径最短。

    Bellman 's optimization principle , an optimum control model , which describes stacker 's operating , is submitted to realize the stacker 's shortest traveling distance basing on the work of Analyzing various kinds of complicated input / output work in AS / RS.

  28. 在考虑交易者指令流对价格变化产生影响的情况下,建立了知情交易者的随机最优控制模型,给出该模型满足的贝尔曼方程及知情交易者的最优指令提交速率,做出了合理的经济意义解释。

    The stochastic control model of the informed trader was constructed , the Bellman equation of value function and the optimal strategy of informed trader when considering the effect of his own order on the stock price were given , and reasonable economic sense was then illustrated .

  29. 而且离心浮选法分离得到的虫体大于53μm(>300目)和53~40μm(300~400目)的线虫数显著高于贝尔曼漏斗法和浅盘法。

    Nematodes of body size more than 53 μ m ( > 300 mesh ) and between 53 μ m and 40 μ m ( 300 ~ 400 mesh ) extracted by centrifugation method were also significantly higher than those by Baermann funnel and shallow dish methods .