
  • Betty;Bette;BETTY BOOP
  1. 飓风贝蒂正在逼近佛罗里达海岸。

    Hurricane Betty is now approaching the coast of Florida .

  2. 贝蒂的第一份工作是在服装厂里当运务员。

    Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory

  3. 加上贝蒂的薪水,他们仅能勉强维持生计。

    With Betty 's salary they barely made ends meet .

  4. 一直到他死后她才知道他和贝蒂有染。

    It was only after his death that she learned of his affair with Betty

  5. 贝蒂设法在走廊里拦住了阿特金斯,和他谈了几句话。

    Beattie managed to collar Atkins in a hallway

  6. 贝蒂给我们照了张相。

    Betty took a photograph of us

  7. 乔感到帮不上贝蒂什么忙,他的心思在别的地方。

    Joe felt there was little he could do to help Betty , and his heart was pulling him elsewhere .

  8. 每个人都说贝蒂应该得奖。

    Everybody said Betty had it coming when she won the prize .

  9. 这些充当老师的学生受到激励去帮助贝蒂掌握某些材料。

    Student teachers are motivated to help Betty master certain materials .

  10. 在他们向贝蒂讲解这些信息的过程中,他们也发现了自身想法上的一些问题。

    And as they explain the information to it , they identify problems in their own thinking .

  11. 计算机科学家们已经创造了一个叫作“贝蒂的大脑”的动画人物,她被数百个中学生“教授”了环境科学。

    Computer scientists have created an animated figure called Betty 's Brain , who has been " taught " about environmental science by hundreds of middle school students .

  12. 贝蒂走出去,发现一只小鸟死在了草地上。

    Betty went outside and found a small bird dead on the grass .

  13. 约翰:哦,贝蒂。格林先生生我的气。

    John : Oh , Betty . Mr. Green is angry with me .

  14. 贝蒂:你为什么不叫他把音量关小点?

    Betty : Why don 't you ask him to turn it down ?

  15. 贝蒂:格林先生?他是个好人,为什么?

    Betty : Mr. Green ? He is a kind man , How come ?

  16. "可怜的家伙!贝蒂说。

    " Poor thing ! " Betty said .

  17. 贝蒂:但我不明白。你一直都很小心。

    Betty : But I don 't understand . You 're careful all the time .

  18. 贝蒂和托尼可以爬树、种花甚至打羽毛球。

    Betty and Tony could climb up trees , grow flowers and even play badminton .

  19. 贝蒂:不客气。

    Betty : You ' re welcome .

  20. 贝蒂:嗨,约翰。你怎么了?你看起来很沮丧。

    Betty : Hi , John . What 's wrong with you ? You look upset .

  21. 贝蒂:如果你不想见他,就给他写张便条。

    Betty : If you don 't want to see him , just write him a note .

  22. 贝蒂:我想你应该向他道歉并解释你的遭遇。

    Betty : I think you should say sorry to him and explain what 's happening to you .

  23. “一定是飞进了窗户,”托尼说。这时他的姐姐贝蒂叫他去看看。

    " It must have flown into the window , " Tony said when his sister Betty called him to have a look .

  24. 贝蒂敲打一小块奶油要做一块更好的奶油面

    Betty beat abit of butter to make abetter butter .

  25. 她叫上朋友贝蒂,与她促膝长谈了她的种种问题。

    She called her friend Betty to have a heart-to-heart talk with her about her problems .

  26. 贝蒂在最后时刻力挽狂澜,赢得了制胜一球,尽管她伤了膝盖。

    Betty came up trumps and scored the winning goal , even though she 'd hurt her knee .

  27. 海瑟顿o贝蒂o福特基金会(HazeldenBettyFordFoundation)是全球最大的非盈利治疗提供商。

    The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation is the world 's largest nonprofit treatment provider .

  28. 但正如贝蒂在周一所说:新兴市场国家并不乏担任IMF总裁的可信人选。

    But as Beattie reported on Monday : ' There is no shortage of credible potential candidates from emerging market countries to head the IMF .

  29. 认知控制能力从4至12岁左右开始逐渐增强,然后就进入了平台期,威尔康奈尔医学院萨克勒发展心理生理学研究所(SacklerInstituteforDevelopmentalPsychobiologyatWeillCornellMedicalCollege)的所长贝蒂·J·凯茜(BettyJ.Casey)说。

    Cognitive control increases from about 4 to 12 years old , then plateaus , said Betty J. Casey , director of the Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology at Weill Cornell Medical College .

  30. 我们去购物。我买了学校的课本,亚当则买了一些美国电视剧集的DVD送给我,其中包括《丑女贝蒂》。片中的女主角贝蒂虽然戴着超大牙套,却有着美丽心灵和宽大胸怀。

    We went to shops where I bought school books and Adam bought me DVDs of American TV programmes like Ugly Betty , which was about a girl with big braces and a big heart .