
  • 网络bezier;Bezier curve;Bezier spline
  1. 在数字曲线拟合的各种方法中,常见的用作拟合基元的曲线有B样条、贝塞尔曲线等。

    There are many common base curves used in the method of curve-fitting , such as B_spline curve and Bezier curve etc.

  2. 文章主要研究了贝塞尔曲线和B样条曲线,光照明模型和光照明因子模板,颜色模型及其之间的转换,给出了具体技术的实现要点和程序框架。

    Bezier curve and B-Spline curve , illumination model and illumination factor template , color models and their transformations are studied in the paper .

  3. Inkscape提供了一个功能丰富的编辑器,可以用梯度、贝塞尔曲线、3D填充物制作精细图像。

    Inkscape provides a feature-rich editor to draw sophisticated images with gradients , Beziers , 3D fillers , and so on .

  4. 基于贝塞尔曲线及柏林噪声模型的纱线外观仿真

    Yarn appearance simulation based on Bezier curves and Berlin noise

  5. 贝塞尔曲线在虚拟森林景观单树几何模型构建中的应用

    Applying the Bezier Curve in Creating Tree Geometric Model on Virtual Forest

  6. 贝塞尔曲线将使用这个纹理。

    The bezier curve will be swept using this texture .

  7. 第一条和后面的每一条贝塞尔曲线只需要三个点。

    The first and each subsequent Bezier spline requires only three points .

  8. 贝塞尔曲线总是锚定在两个端点。

    The Bezier spline is always anchored at the two end points .

  9. 用贝塞尔曲线拟合服装结构曲线的处理方法

    Approximation of the Apparel Construction Curves with Bezier Curves

  10. 绘制带纹理的贝塞尔曲线通过开始和结束点带有给定切线。

    Draw textured bezier line through start and end points with the given tangents .

  11. 其内容为一个完整的贝塞尔曲线的实例,是很有价值的源代码。

    It contains a complete example of Bessel curve , is a very valuable source .

  12. 在场景视图的贝塞尔曲线。

    Bezier Line in the Scene View .

  13. 更需要注意的是,把你的扫描稿用钢笔工具的贝塞尔曲线手动转换的过程。

    More specifically , take care while converting your scanned image manually with a Bezier based pen tool .

  14. 一条单独的二维贝塞尔曲线由四个点定义&两个端点和两个控制点。

    A single two-dimensional Bezier spline is defined by four points - two end points and two control points .

  15. 它们有许多不同的风格,但是贝塞尔曲线曲尺已经成为最受计算机图形程序设计欢迎的。

    They come in many different flavors , but the Bezier spline has become the most popular for computer graphics programming .

  16. 波形线绘制情况下根据不同数据量采用线性插值绘制曲线或用贝塞尔曲线算法进行曲线绘制。

    When drawing wiggles in the waveform data according to different curves drawn by linear interpolation control points or Bezier curve drawing .

  17. 采用了二次贝塞尔曲线进行运动衔接处的轨迹规划,实现了机器人运动过程不停顿。

    Quadratic Bezier curve is adopted to design trajectory planning at motion convergence so as to actualize robot motion process without pausing .

  18. 要想操作好贝塞尔曲线,需要一定技巧和熟练程度,这种方式最好还是放在专业的作图和建模应用中。

    B é zier curves require a good deal of skill to operate effectively and are probably best reserved for specialized drawing and modeling applications .

  19. 为了获得平滑的伺服电机运动并便于控制器的设计,采用贝塞尔曲线来设计伺服电机的运动方程;

    In order to obtain a smooth motion characteristics of servo-motor which will facilitate the design of controller , the servo-motor motion is planned with Bezier curve ;

  20. 第四,贝塞尔曲线常常是具有美感的。我知道这是一个主观的标准,但是我不是唯一这样认为的人。

    Fourth , the Bezier spline is often aesthetically pleasing . I know this is a subjective criterion , but I 'm not the only person who thinks so .

  21. 其次,针对现有不确定变量隶属度函数构建方法的不足,设计了基于贝塞尔曲线构建模糊隶属度函数方法。

    Secondly , a model to build fuzzy membership function based on the Bezier curve is proposed on the analysis of the shortage of the existing methods to determine the uncertainty variable membership .

  22. 算法结合曲线长度与曲率两种因素,通过计算贝塞尔曲线的两个端点与两个控制顶点之间的连线的距离与夹角,求出曲线分解步数。

    The algorithm combines two factors of curve length and curvature , by calculating the Bezier curves of between the distance and angle between the two endpoints and two control points ' connection , find the number of decomposition steps .

  23. 根据构建隶属度函数的数据实例,求得隶属度函数与实证数据之间的最小的平方误差总和,验证了贝塞尔曲线方法对于构建模糊隶属度函数的可行性和优越性。

    Data examples of membership function building are listed and we obtained the smallest sum of squared error of the membership function and the empirical data . In this way , the feasibility and superiority of the way for constructing fuzzy membership function using Bezier curve theory is verified .