
  • 网络polygon
  1. 在实际的GIS空间分析过程中,为了更加简便快捷的实现某些特定的空间分析功能,常常需要将不规则的矢量多边形区域转化为规则的格网区域。

    For the sake of realizing some special functions in spatial analysis of GIS , it is necessary to covert irregular vector polygon into regular grid .

  2. 研究了含执行器故障的线性时不变随机系统满足区域极点指标(一类凸多边形区域/扇形区域)、状态方差指标和H∞指标约束的满意容错控制;

    Satisfactory Fault-Tolerant Control for a class of continuous linear systems with actuator failures under constraints of regional pole index ( convex polygon pole index , sector pole index ), steady covariance index and H_ ∞ - bound index .

  3. 简要讨论了GIS各类矢量图形元素间的空间拓朴结构及基位置关系,并用VC++6.0及MFC具体分析了圆弧与多边形区域的相交关系及实现。

    In this paper , the author compactly discusses the special structure and the relation of all kinds of the vector graph in the GIS , and concretely analyses the relation and implementation between the Arc & the Polygon using VC + + 6.0 and MFC .

  4. 本文着重地讨论了所谓标准的多边形区域上的二元三次样条函数空间的维数与基底问题。用Frederickson样条的局部性质证明了[1]的推广的结果。

    In this paper , we emphatically discuss the dimensions and bases of bivariate cubic spline spaces on so-called " normal " polygon field , and prove the extended results of the paper [ 1 ] with local properties of Frederickson 's splines .

  5. 确定任意多边形区域截面核心的算法

    The Algorithm to Determine the Section Core of Arbitrary Polygon Area

  6. 多边形区域内储层建模结点三角剖分算法研究

    Study on Triangulation Algorithm of Stochastic Reservoir Modeling Data in Polygonal Domain

  7. 气泡堆积法生成曲线多边形区域非结构化网格及其应用

    Bubble Packing Method Based Unstructured Grid Generation of Curved-Edge Polygon with Its Application

  8. 凸多边形区域中的有限元方量校正

    Defect correction for finite element in convex polygonal domain

  9. 基于拓扑构建的多边形区域间运算的新方法

    Realization of Operations Among Polygons Based on Building Topology

  10. 复杂多边形区域边界搜索算法的研究

    A Study of Borderline Search about Polygonal Region

  11. 典型的多边形区域填充算法包括标准扫描线算法和边填充算法。

    The typical polygon-filling algorithm covers the standard scan conversion algorithm and the edge-filling algorithm .

  12. 提出了一个适用于任意平面多边形区域及散乱点集的通用三角化算法。

    A general algorithm of triangulating arbitrary planar polygonal domain and scattered point set is presented .

  13. 文中还定义了平面单连通多边形区域的所谓分层三角剖分,并确定了此剖分下二次样条空间的维数。

    Then , a new kind of so-called stratified triangulation of a simply connected planar polygonal region is introduced .

  14. 改进二维多边形区域的裁减算法,解决了闭合曲面在参数空间中的边界环形成问题。

    The clipping algorithm of2D arbitrary domain is improved to form the parametric boundary loops of the closed surfaces .

  15. 结合储层建模结点数据的特点,提出了一种对多边形区域内建模结点数据进行快速三角剖分的算法。

    A fast algorithm is put forward that is used to triangulate stochastic reservoir modeling data in a polygonal domain .

  16. 利用前者填充边自相交的多边形区域需要做大量排序操作,这极大降低了填充效率;

    But using the former to fill polygons with edge self-intersection needs large of taxes , affecting filling efficiency greatly .

  17. 心脏活动受限;本文提出了一种适用于多连通的多边形区域的三角剖分和非连通的受限数据的三角剖分算法。

    The action of heart was limited ; The paper presents a new triangulation method suitable for both multiple connected polygonal domains and unconnected constrained data .

  18. 针对立体图像匹配中的特征检测问题,提出了一种基于树结构的立体图像中边缘点、直线段、交点和凸多边形区域等特征的检测方案。

    Aiming at feature detection for stereo matching , research on the feature extraction of stereo image such as edge , line segment , corner and polygonal region was performed .

  19. 保护私有信息的点定位是一个典型的安全计算几何问题,研究两个参与者在不泄露私有信息前提下共同判定出点是否在多边形区域内。

    Privacy-preserving determination protocol for point positioning is a secure two-party computational geometry problem , which researches two parties can determine the location relationship between a point and a polygon without leaking private information .

  20. 在此基础上,借鉴种子填充算法的一些思想,提出了一种针对任意复杂多边形区域的搜索算法,该算法克服了传统算法的一些缺陷,可以满足实际编程需要。

    Based on the seed filling algorithm , we put forward a borderline search algorithm for complex polygonal region , which gets over disadvantages of the traditional algorithm and satisfies the demand of programming .

  21. 圆与多边形重叠区域的判定算法

    A deciding algorithm of overlay area for a circle and a polygon

  22. 圆与凸多边形重叠区域的判断及确定

    Judgement and determination of the overlay area for a circle and a convex polygon

  23. 本文提出了一种实用的圆与多边形重叠区域的判定算法,它集判断与确定功能于一体。

    A practical deciding algorithm of overlay area is presented for a circle C and a polygon P , which serves the needs of judging and determining functions .

  24. 该算法的基本思想是,在二维多边形边界区域中部署传感器节点,节点以自组织形式构成网络,通过两跳节点间的信息转发方式找到共同节点,借助共同节点使监控区域得到完全覆盖。

    The nodes of the sensor network cooperate to find common neighbors by the transmit information of two-hop away nodes , with the help of common neighbors ; the protected region can be completely covered .

  25. 在MIMD-CREW模型上确定凸多边形可碰撞区域的并行算法

    A Parallel Algorithm for Determining the Possible Collision Region of Convex Polygons on Model MiMD-CREW

  26. 本文发展了一种系统的一次性数值保角转绘方法,可以将一含多个角点的任意曲边多边形的外部区域,一次保角转绘为单位圆的外部区域。

    A systematic method of numerical conformal mapping is developed in this paper to map the exterior of an arbitrary 2-D body having several discontinuities of surface slop onto the exterior of a unit circle .

  27. 海量数据多边形布尔运算的区域分割算法

    Area Partitioning Algorithm of Boolean Operations on Highly Complicated 2D Polygons

  28. 分割就是将影像划分为一个个大小不等、互不相交的多边形的过程,这些多边形区域具有相同的光谱特征,并拥有共同的属性。

    Image segmentation is a step that image is divided into polygons that have different size and disjoint . These polygons have the same spectral characteristics and properties .

  29. 多边形填充算法只适用于多边形区域的填充,边界填充算法虽然对区域边界形状无严格要求,但要求区域边界颜色特征一致。

    Polygon filling can only be used in the filling of polygon area . Without requirement for the shape of the boundary , boundary filling algorithm demands for the uniformity of the boundary color .

  30. 引入了点的三种转换方式概念,通过建立多边形的扫描转换点表和边表,利用动态的有效边表,用直接写屏的技术来实现任意多边形的实区域的快速填充。

    By establishing the changing - point table of polygons and using the dynamical active edge table and the technology of writing DRAM directly , the solid filling of any polygon becomes quicker and more practical .