
  • 网络liability business
  1. 因此,商业银行通过不断地进行金融创新以及积极发展主动负债业务,以满足客户的需求并稳定银行的资金来源。

    Therefore , commercial bank financial innovation , and actively develop through constantly active liability business , to meet customer demand and stable bank source of funds .

  2. 论文背景和目的负债业务与资产业务是保险公司经营的两大重心,任何一部分经营不好都将使保险公司难以健康发展。

    Liability business and assets business are two cores for the operation of the insurance company , any failure of which business is detrimental to healthful development of the insurance company .

  3. 中间业务、负债业务、资产业务是商业银行的三大基本业务。

    Intermediary business , liabilities business , assets business constitute the three basic operations of the commercial banks .

  4. 但面对或有事项,企业有时会存在大量的融资和负债业务却不在现有的财务报表体系中进行反映或反映不全面。

    Sometimes companies have a huge amount of financing and debt service without comprehensive reflection in their financial reports .

  5. 商业银行业务主要分为三大部分:资产业务、负债业务和表外业务。

    Main business of the commercial bank is divided into three parts : assets , liabilities and off-balance-sheet business .

  6. 开行资产负债业务的特点及存在问题决定了开行进行资产证券化操作的内在动力和重大现实意义。

    The characteristics of business and existing problems give CDB internal momentum and realistic significance to conduct ABS business .

  7. 分析还表明,产险公司破产成本高昂的主要原因来自负债业务方面。

    We also find that high failure cost of P & C insurance company is mainly because of liability aspect .

  8. 针对这些问题,从资产业务、负债业务和中间业务三方面对银行业务创新的思路进行了阐述。

    According to these questions , propose state-run commercial bank basic trains of business innovation are brought out from three respects .

  9. 因此银行应该调整债务结构,丰富融资工具,增加创新性债务负债业务。

    Therefore , the banks should adjust the capital structure , enrich financing instruments , and subjoin the innovative business liabilities .

  10. 金融机构要强化自身的资产与负债业务管理,建立科学的风险评估体系和机制,加强金融创新,分散和降低贷款风险;

    Financial institution should strengthen asset and debt management , set up science risk assessment system , strengthen financial innovation and disperse loan risk .

  11. 对公存款作为商业银行低成本资金的重要来源,在负债业务的竞争中占据着越来越重要的地位。

    Corporate deposits as an important source of low-cost funds for commercial banks , occupying an increasingly important position in the Liabilities business competition .

  12. 中间业务是商业银行业务总体的重要构成部分,它同资产业务和负债业务一起被称为商业银行业务的三大支柱。

    The intermediary business , the asset management and the liability management constitute the major part of the total business of the commercial bank .

  13. 长期以来,我国的商业银行一直从事两项传统的业务:资产业务和负债业务。

    For a long time , commercial banks in China have been engaged in two kinds of traditional operation : assets operation and debt operation .

  14. 第五章研究我国国有商业银行的业务创新策略,主要从资产业务创新、负债业务创新、中间业务创新三方面进行探讨。

    Part 5 describes the strategy of business innovation in our state-owned commercial banks including the assets business innovation liabilities innovation and charge business innovation .

  15. 在现代商业银行中,它已经成为和资产、负债业务并别的三大业务之一。并且成为商业银行利润的重要来源。

    In modern commercial bank , intermediary business is important of asset business and liability business , which is also a major source of profit .

  16. 商业银行的中间业务收入已成为银行资产业务收入和负债业务收入之外的第三大业务收入。

    The intermediate business income of commercial bank has become the third major business income besides bank property , business income and liabilities business income .

  17. 中间业务创新对扩大农村信用社收入来源、促进资产负债业务发展、规避风险等方面具有重要意义。

    Intermediate business innovation has great significance on enlarging income , rural credit cooperatives to promote the development of business assets , liabilities , risk aversion .

  18. 第四,在传统资产、负债业务的基础上,加快中间业务的发展,保证新的利润增长点。

    Fourth , on the basis of traditional assets and balance business it is necessary to speed up development of intermediate business to guarantee new profit increase .

  19. 金融系统通过资产负债业务,发挥其融资的中介职能,并以此推动社会经济的发展。

    By means of assets and liabilities operation , financial system serves as the intermediate of accommodation line and helps to promote the development of social economy .

  20. 相对资产业务和负债业务而然,商业银行中间业务虽然风险较低,但绝不可忽视。

    The risk of it of banks is lower than that of assets and liabilities business , but it can 't be neglected , especially off-balance sheet activities .

  21. 保险公司的经营包括负债业务和资产业务,其中负债业务是指普通的承保业务,资产业务是指保险资金投资业务。

    The business of the insurance company includes debt business and capital business , with the former focusing on underwriting business and the latter focusing on investment business .

  22. 文章对银行资产负债业务中隐含期权进行了分解,分析其隐含期权的特征以及各个因素对期权执行可能性的影响。

    This paper decomposes the implied options in the asset and liability operations of bank , analyzes their characters and the impact of different factors on the execution possibility of option .

  23. 促进网点全面转型,需进行网点服务迁徙、全面进行业务流程化改造、进行科学的绩效考核机制、拓展网点负债业务。

    To promote the comprehensive network transformation , need to undertake network service migration and comprehensive routing business transformation , the scientific performance evaluation mechanism , the development network business debt .

  24. 农村商业银行与一般的商业银行一样,资金的获得也需要通过各种各样的负债业务,当然这些资金的使用则避不开银行资产业务。

    Rural commercial banks and general commercial banking , funds obtained through a variety of debt business , of course , the use of these funds not avoid bank assets business .

  25. 文章提出,中国政策性银行应充分利用资本市场,现代金融工具,对其资本和负债业务进行全方位的金融创新。

    The article proposes , the policy banks of China should fully utilize the capital market , modern financial instruments , carry on financial innovation to its capital business and debt business .

  26. 中间业务是商业银行发展到一定阶段的必然产物,它和资产业务、负债业务并称为现代商业银行的三大支柱业务。

    Intermediary business is the inevitable product when a commercial bank develops into a certain stage , which is another propping business of modern commercial banks apart from assets business and liabilities business .

  27. 为了最大程度地分散经营风险,实现利益的最大化,就必须实行商业银行资产负债业务种类的多样化和结构的合理化。

    In order to minimize management risks and maximize profits gained , efforts must be made to diversify the assets and liabilities management of the commercial banks and to rationalize their business structures .

  28. 同时,资本市场的发展有利于商业银行负债业务、资产业务和表外业务的拓展、资产质量的改善和资产结构优化。

    At the same time , capital markets helps commercial banks to conduct operation on borrowing and assets business and expand off-balance-sheet business as well as to upgrade assets quality and optimize assets structure .

  29. 通过比较分析传统的资产负债业务的利率风险衡量方法来寻找最适合度量理财产品利率风险的方法。

    2 , it makes comparative analysis of the traditional business assets and liabilities of interest rate risk measurement methods to find the most suitable method to measure the interest rate risk of financial products .

  30. 主要包括个人负债业务、个人贷款业务、个人支付结算业务、代理业务、电子银行业务和个人投资理财业务等。

    Mainly include personal liabilities business , personal loan business , personal pay to settle accounts the business and act for the business , the electronics bank business with personal investment and finance business etc. .