
cái chǎn bǎo quán
  • property preservation
  1. 关于完善我国仲裁中财产保全制度的几点建议

    Ideas about Improvement of Property Preservation System of Arbitration

  2. 第九章财产保全和先予执行

    Chapter IX Property Preservation and Advance Execution

  3. 为了履行WTO的要求,也为了完善我国民事诉讼保全制度,可借鉴国外立法,并参照财产保全的规定,具体构建行为保全制度。

    In order to fulfill the request for WTO , and to perfect the protection system of civil actions in our country , we can establish a behavior protection system through learning from legislation of foreign countries and the stipulations of property protection .

  4. 那种认为我国财产保全和先予执行制度类似于英美法系中的临时禁令制度的观点,在理论上是站不住脚的。

    In China , there is no such injunction in law .

  5. 财产保全的功能界定与思考

    The Thinking on the Function Cause from the Custody of Property

  6. 运用财产保全申请权,妥善运用撤诉权。

    3 , applying for security of property and withdrawing prosecution .

  7. 民事诉前财产保全制度若干问题研究

    Research on the System of the Pre-litigation Preservation of Property

  8. 试述财产保全与海事请求权保全的区别

    Difference between Property Security and Security of Maritime Claim

  9. 涉外仲裁之财产保全的探讨

    Research on Property Security Proceedings of Foreign Affair Arbitration

  10. 财产保全之管辖制度的缺陷与完善

    On the Defects and Perfection of Attachment Jurisdiction

  11. 行政调查研究论行政执法财产保全法律制度浅探

    Primary study on law system of saving property

  12. 其次,从法理上对财产保全是否应具有担保效力进行了探讨。

    Then it makes a jurisprudential discussion on whether property preservation should have guarantee validity .

  13. 浅议财产保全中的担保问题

    A Discussion of Guarantee in Property Preservation

  14. 第四部分对财产保全和担保物权的关系进行分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the relationship between property preservation and the real rights for security .

  15. (四)财产保全和先予执行;

    Property preservation and advance execution ;

  16. 可以在起诉前向人民法院申请采取财产保全措施。

    May apply for custody of property with the people 's court before filing an action .

  17. 试论我国商事仲裁中的财产保全

    Property preservation in Chinese commercial arbitration

  18. 从广义上说,民事保全制度包括财产保全、行为保全、证据保全等。

    In the broad , the system include the belongings and behavior save and evidence save .

  19. 财产保全采取查封、扣押、冻结或者法律规定的其他方法。

    Custody of property shall include seal-up , distrain , freezing and other measures provided by law .

  20. 当代主要国家(或地区)都设置了对财产保全的救济程序。

    Modern main countries ( or district ) set up the remedies for the Securing Judgment procedure .

  21. 行为保全区别于财产保全和先予执行,具有独立的价值。

    The behavior protection is different from the property protection and prior enforcement , and has independent value .

  22. 第二十七章财产保全

    Chapter XXVII Property Preservation

  23. 逾期不起诉的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。

    Where he fails to do so , the people 's court shall lift the custody of property .

  24. 由于财产保全的重大价值,各国立法几乎都对其进行了规定。

    Because of the significant value of property preservation , almost all countries ' legislations have set its provisions .

  25. 被申请人提供担保的,人民法院应当解除财产保全。

    Where the applying party provides guarantee , the people 's court shall immediately lift the custody of property .

  26. 再次,从立法层面上,就财产保全在立法上体现分析其具有担保效力。

    Thirdly , it analyses whether property preservation have guarantee validity based on its legislation embodiment from the legislation level .

  27. 我国行政诉讼暂时法律保护制度主要包括诉讼期间对被诉具体行政行为停止执行制度以及诉讼中的财产保全和先予执行制度。

    The temporary legal protection system includes suspending execution of the specific administrative act , property preservation and preliminary execution .

  28. 以保全的客体为标准,民事保全制度可以分为财产保全和行为保全两种类型。

    Take the object which preserved as the standard , the system may be divided into property preservation and act preservation .

  29. 第九十四条财产保全限于请求的范围,或者与本案有关的财物。

    Article 94 Property preservation shall be limited to the scope of the claims or to the property relevant to the case .

  30. 正是由于财产保全的这一弱点,救济制度的存在就显得尤其必要。

    It is because of this weakness of the preservation property , the existence of the relief system becomes even more important .