
  1. 它是独立财务顾问公司Sesame负责人写的圣诞贺词。

    It is a Christmas message from the head of Sesame , an independent financial adviser .

  2. 他补充道,此项方案已得到独立财务顾问公司洛希尔(rothschild)的支持。

    He added that the proposal had been supported by Rothschild , the independent financial adviser .

  3. 与凯塞尔和舍曼一样,杰夫•博加特(JeffBogart)也是金德的门徒。博加特去年创建了YogicInvesting,这是他位于克利夫兰(Cleveland)地区的财务顾问公司的分部,是受瑜伽思想启发而建立的。

    Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '

  4. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司RothschildCie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  5. 据内部人士透露,法国-瑞士私人银行和资产管理公司爱德蒙德罗斯柴尔德(EdmonddeRothschild,又称爱德蒙德洛希尔)集团即将向法国财务顾问公司Rothschild&Cie发出禁止令。

    Edmond de Rothschild Group , a Franco-Swiss private bank and asset manager , is about to issue a cease-and-desist order to the French financial adviser Rothschild & Cie , insiders have disclosed .

  6. 像saundersonhouse这样的财务顾问公司正日益涌现,他们正紧跟老牌私人银行的步伐,面向富裕客户推出了完全免除佣金的理财模式,以管理费取而代之。

    Saunderson house is representative of a growing number of firms of financial advisers that are snapping at the heels of the established private banks by targeting wealthy clients with an entirely commission-free model and embracing fees instead .

  7. 越来越多的专业理财公司和独立财务顾问公司也盯上了身家10万英镑以上的富人。

    There is a growing queue of specialist wealth managers and independent financial advisers targeting the 1 00000 - plus bracket .

  8. 独立财务顾问公司也将目标瞄准了这些富人,它们占据着理财市场上最大的份额,高达33%。

    Independent financial advisers are targeting the affluent too and enjoy the biggest wealth management market share at 33 per cent .

  9. 一些财务顾问公司,甚至包括一些私人银行,其收入来自所售投资产品的佣金(至少部分收入来自于此)。

    Some financial advisers and even some private banks will be - at least in part - remunerated by commissions received from investment products they sell .

  10. 财务顾问公司20年来的推广,现已成为美国资本市场和企业富有竞争力的资本运作绩效评价指标。

    Financial consultant firm over the past 20 years , EVA has become the competitiveness evaluation index of capital operation performance in U.S.A. capital market and companies now .

  11. 被迫退休时,思想灵活十分关键。认证理财规划师迈克尔?查德威克表示,他同时也是康涅狄格州尤宁维尔查德威克财务顾问公司总裁。

    When you 're forced into it , the key thing is to be mentally flexible , says Michael Chadwick , a certified financial planner and CEO of Chadwick Financial Advisors in Unionville , Connecticut .

  12. 如果在瑞星思达之外再需要聘用其他的财务顾问,慧康公司只有在取得瑞星思达同意后方可聘用。

    Should any other financial advisor ( s ) besides need to be hired , Huikang shall do so only upon consent of RSH .

  13. 瑞星思达将作为慧康公司的财务顾问,帮助慧康公司上市、上市之后的股票支持,并协助进行投资人关系管理。

    RSH will be Huikang 's financial advisor to get Huikang to be listed on an US stock exchange , and to support its stock after going public and to assist in managing its investor relationship .