
  1. 论传统储运企业向现代物流企业成功转型的关键:基于核心竞争能力的物流企业资源整合

    Resource Integration of Logistics Enterprises Based on Core Competence Enterprises Business Data

  2. 因此,我国传统储运企业须加快向具有现代物流特征的第三方物流转化。

    Hence , the traditional preservation and transportation business of our country have to speed up the transformation into modern TPL .

  3. 传统储运企业向现代物流企业转型的策略研究&基于资源整合和核心能力

    The Strategy Study of Traditional Storage and Transportation Enterprise 's Transformation to Modern Logistics & Based on Resources Integration and Core Competence

  4. 与此同时经过多年的改制重组,一大批传统储运企业转型为第三方物流企业。

    At the same time after years of restructuring and reorganizing , a large number of traditional enterprises storage and transportation for the third-party logistics companies in transition .

  5. 在第三方物流形成的基础上,本文将其发展总结为三种模式:传统储运企业的扩展模式、工商企业的自营模式和邮政部门的转型模式。

    On the foundation of the third-party logistics formation , its development is divided into three kinds of models : traditional storage-conveyance expanding model , industry and business enterprise 's self-management model and postal transformation model .