
  • 网络innovative enterprise;entrepreneurial firm;innovative firm
  1. 医院&新型城市综合体建设创新型企业

    Hospital & A New Type of Urban Complex Set up Innovative Enterprises

  2. 技术创新型企业的构建模式研究建设创新型企业

    The Study on the Building Pattern of Innovative Enterprises

  3. 基于成熟度模型(CMM)的创新型企业文化研究

    Study on Innovation-Corporation Culture Maturity Model

  4. 作为全球顶尖电信设备制造商之一,华为(Huawei)喜欢把自己描述成一家私有的创新型企业,其所有者是其两万名员工。

    Huawei , one of the world 's top telecommunications equipment manufacturers , likes to portray itself as an innovative , privately held business owned by its 20,000 employees .

  5. 该校就业服务主任卡米拉德维(CamiladeWit)表示:我们在试着鼓励学生成立创新型企业。

    What we 're trying to do is get our students to set up innovative businesses , says Camila de Wit , director of career services .

  6. 我国创业板运行三年来,越来越多创新型企业通过IPO登陆创业板,创业板公司IPO首日表现出的高发行价、高市盈率、资金超募等诸多问题凸显。

    GEM operation for three years in China , more and more innovative companies involved in through the IPO . On the first-day , the GEM IPO showed high price , high price earning ratio , high under-pricing rate , and many other highlighted performance .

  7. 其次,针对创新型企业R&D人员设计了一套胜任力评价体系,运用AHP和灰关联法确定指标权重并进行综合评价,与此同时,本文给出了数据收集和评价结果处理的方法。

    Secondly , the evaluation index system of competency is set up for R & D employee , and then comprehensive evaluation is made by using AHP and gray correlation method . At the same time , this dissertation puts forward the methods of data collection and evaluation results processing .

  8. 这款产品宣告,Vizio在不到十年的时间里,已经从一家专门生产廉价杂牌产品的厂商成长为业内响当当的主导创新型企业。

    It heralds a bold shift for a company that has gone from a purveyor of chintzy , off-brand sets to being a major industry disruptor in less than a decade .

  9. 技术创新型企业的创新体系结构及其营运机制

    On the Innovative System and Operation Mechanism of Technological Innovative Enterprises

  10. 建设创新型企业支撑大型能源集团发展

    Construct innovative enterprise to support the development of large-sized energy groups

  11. 浅谈技术创新型企业薪酬管理模式的创新

    On Innovation of Salary Management Model in Technology - innovative Enterprises

  12. 之后,创新型企业建设在全国范围内迅速展开。

    After that , the construction of innovative enterprises become rapidly .

  13. 对创新型企业的研究也显得十分重要。

    Therefore , the research on innovative enterprises is of importance .

  14. 博世因以协商一致为推动力而著称,但同时也是一家伟大的创新型企业。

    Bosch is renowned as consensus-driven but also as a great innovator .

  15. 合肥科技创新型企业培育计划跟踪研究

    Track Study on the Cultivation Project of Technological Innovation-based Enterprises of Hefei

  16. 创新型企业成长健康度评价指标体系的构建

    The Evaluation Index System for Innovative Enterprise Growing Health Degree

  17. 建设创新型企业是复杂的不断创新的过程。

    To set up innovation enterprise is the complex unceasing innovation process .

  18. 基于投入产出的创新型企业成长能力评价指标的建立

    The evaluation index of innovative enterprises growth based on input-output

  19. 债务结构对创新型企业的成长性存在显著的影响。

    Secondly , debt structure significantly affects the growth of innovative enterprises .

  20. 建设创新型企业实现跨越式发展

    Construct a Creatively Business Enterprise Carry out the Cross Over Type Development

  21. 创新型企业创新网络构建及其治理研究

    Innovative enterprise innovative network construction and it 's governance research

  22. 营造和谐创新型企业的思考

    Study on the Construction of a Harmonious and Innovative Enterprise

  23. 创新型企业的本质是持续创新。

    The essence of Innovative enterprises is sustainable innovation .

  24. 而创新型企业将认识到提高对风险管理的关注所创造的战略机遇。

    But innovative companies will recognise strategic opportunities created by this increased focus .

  25. 创新型企业团队成员交换与组织创新关系研究

    Research on relationship between team-member exchange and organizational innovation

  26. 最后提出将宽带薪酬引入我国创新型企业的完善措施。

    Finally put forward broadband firewood to introduce our innovative enterprise perfect measure .

  27. 宽带薪酬在创新型企业中的应用研究

    The Research on Broadband Pay Applied in Innovative Enterprises

  28. 社会网络嵌入性视角的创新型企业文化作用机制研究

    Innovative Corporate Culture Mechanism : Social Network Embeddedness Perspective

  29. 创新型企业:知识产权与品牌战略

    Innovative Enterprises : Intellectual Property and Brand Strategy

  30. 创新型企业发展模式及其实现持续创新机制研究

    Research on the Development Pattern of Innovative Enterprise and Its Mechanism of Continuous Innovation