
  • 网络creative tension;creative tention
  1. 企业在市场博弈中的创造性张力

    The Creative Tension of Enterprise in Market Game Fostering Innovation and Creativity among Employees in Workplace

  2. 把握创造性张力,消除情绪性张力,企业就会产生持久的创造力,就能超越自我,达到期望的目标。

    Controlling the creative tension force and eliminating the emotional tension force , the enterprise will increase the long-lasting innovation power and can surpass self to reach the enterprise aim .

  3. 文中指出目前教育的两大症结问题:平等竞争机制和人的创造性张力的产生。

    Two cruxes in education of China : equality competition and innovation tension were pointed in the paper .

  4. 促使企业信息化建设已成为企业降低成本,提高竞争力的主要手段。企业信息化的实现依赖于实施过程中创造性张力和情绪化张力的力量对比。

    The informatization construction has become the main method for enterprises to reduce costs and improve competitive power , and the realization of enterprise informatization relies on the contest between the creative strength and the emotional tension .