
  1. 采用了培训与应用、创新和岗位相结合的方法。

    The training and application , innovation and post combination method .

  2. 为此,有必要深化内部市场化管理,实现具体管理方法的创新&岗位货币化管理。

    In view of the above questions , it is necessary to deepen and develop the enterprise 's internal marketization and realize concrete method of management innovation - Post monetary management .

  3. 积极开展数学建模活动,努力培养学生创新能力加大岗位开发力度推动勤工助学发展

    Enhancing the Activity of Mathematical-Modeling to Arouse the Students Ability of Innovation ; INTENSIFYING THE OPENING-UP OF POSTS , PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF WORK-STUDY FOR GRANT-IN-AID

  4. 中小科技企业是现代经济的重要组成部分,是经济活跃的基础,在促进经济增长、推动技术创新、提供就业岗位和发展对外贸易等方面发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Small and medium-sized enterprise is an important part in modern society . It plays great part in improving economy increase , implementing technique progress , widen job players and so on .

  5. 高校图书馆要想适应时代的发展,真正成为高等教育的三大支柱之一,就必须从实际出发,克服现行体制中存在的弊端,开创新的体制&岗位轮换制。

    If the university libraries want to adapt themselves to the development of the world and really become one of the three great supports of the advanced education , they have to overcome shortcomings in the temporary policies and establish a new system-post shifting system .