
  • 网络innovative talents;creative talents
  1. 测绘专业应用创新型人才的基本内涵及特征

    The Basic Connotation and Characteristic Research of Mapping Applicable Innovative Talents

  2. 学科交叉与创新型人才培养的实践与思考

    Disciplines Crossing and Practice of and Considerations on Innovative Talents Training

  3. 结合EDA工程实践培养高素质创新型人才

    Training Qualified Personnel With Creative Minds Combining with EDA Engineering Practice

  4. 精英教育观与Boyer学术观是支持研究型大学本科教育改革的重要理念。而研究型大学的本科教育正是在不断改革之中逐渐形成创新型人才培养模式的。

    Elite education concept and Boyer 's academic idea contribute much to the reform of undergraduate curricular for innovative students in research-oriented colleges and universities .

  5. 对创新型人才实施全面的素质教育;

    It can implement overall well-being quality education of innovative talents ;

  6. 树立现代教育理念培养创新型人才

    Some Thoughts on the Educational Ideology of Training of Creative Talents

  7. 论创新型人才培养中几个亟待解决的问题

    On Several Urgent Problems in Fostering New Type of Talents

  8. 丰富教学模式,营造创新型人才的孵化环境

    Richening Teaching Model and Creating Cultivating Environment for New - type Talents

  9. 通过培养创新型人才来发挥图书馆功能

    Giving a Play to the library Functions through Cultivating the Innovative Talents

  10. 第四,培养与吸引创新型人才。

    The fourth is to cultivate and attract creative talent .

  11. 高校培养创新型人才的理性思考

    Rational Thinking on Training Creative Talents in Higher Educational Institutes

  12. 电子信息类专业研究性教学及创新型人才培养初探

    Exploration of Research Teaching and Innovation-type Personnel Training of Electron Information Major

  13. 论创新型人才培养方案的建立

    The Study of Establishing the Scheme of Training Innovator Talent

  14. 创新型人才培养目标下的西方经济学本科教学内容改革探索

    The Reform of Undergraduate Western Economics Education Based on Innovational Talent Cultivation

  15. 改革实践教学培养金属材料工程专业创新型人才

    Reforming practice teaching-cultivation of the innovative talents of metal material engineering specialty

  16. 高等院校培养造就创新型人才的几点思考

    Suggestions on the Cultivation of Innovative Talents in Institutions of Higher Learning

  17. 构建医学研究生创新型人才培养模式的研究

    The Research on Constructing Medical Postgraduates Innovative Personnel Cultivation Mode

  18. 知识经济下企业创新型人才的开发与管理策略

    On Development and Management Strategies of Enterprise Creative Talents under Knowledge Economy

  19. 强化研究生导师队伍建设促进创新型人才培养

    Improving Construction of Graduate Student Tutors and Promote Cultivation of Creative Talents

  20. 第四要聚集大批创新型人才。

    Fourth to gather a large number of innovative talents .

  21. 论高校创新型人才培养的必要性及措施

    On the meaning and measures of training innovative talents of colleges and universities

  22. 对高校教管结合与创新型人才培养的思考

    Reflections on Teaching Management Combination and Creative Personnel Training in Universities and Colleges

  23. 以学术科研活动为引导培养高素质创新型人才

    Cultivating Innovative Talents with High Qualities under the Direction of Academic Research Activities

  24. 创新型人才培养与人的主体性提升

    On Cultivation of Initiative Talent and Elevation of Subjectivity

  25. 依托计算机网络课程培养创新型人才的研究

    On cultivating creative talents relying on computer network course

  26. 建设学习型学生组织,是培养善于学习的创新型人才的重要途径。

    Building learning-oriented student organizations is an important way of cultivating innovative talents .

  27. 病原生物学专业本科生创新型人才培养中的生物安全问题

    Bio-safety Problem of Cultivating Innovative Talents in Pathogenic Biology

  28. 实验室开放与创新型人才培养的探索

    Exploration of Opening Laboratory and Cultivation of Innovative Talents

  29. 蒙牛创新型人才培训与企业文化建设剖析

    An Analysis of The Talents Training and Corporate Culture Construction of Mengniu Group

  30. 建设教学实习基地培养创新型人才

    Construction of experimental practicing base to train innovative talents