- 网络mars

He stole a Mars bar from the school tuck shop .
Mars will work largely with the Rainforest Alliance , which encourages farmers to preserve their environment .
Mars Inc. packs 350 milligrams of cocoa flavanols into its 30-calorie a day CocoVia daily supplements .
Known by the masses for its color-coated chocolates , Mars employees know it more for its special culture .
Mars , the US pet food and confectionery group , says Russia will soon be its third-biggest chocolate market after the US and UK .
The market is dominated by Mars " Dove brand and Mondelez plans to launch 12 different Milka products , with special editions for specific holidays , for instance .
The WCF joined big chocolate companies including Hershey and its competitors Mars , Nestl é , and Kraft ( KFT ) with governments and farmers in cocoa-producing nations .
Snickers bars maker Mars , which was not asked to recall any products linked to the US peanut scare , has brought in independent external auditors to review its manufacturing plants in recent years .
The Mars Ambassador Program is a global initiative that allows Mars associates across all segments and regions to apply to spend four to six weeks working with non-profit partner organizations in key countries around the world .
But experts said the new study , although involving only 37 participants and partly funded by Mars Inc. , the chocolate company , goes further and was a well-controlled , randomized trial led by experienced researchers .
Brice Russell , Chief Procurement Officer for food group Mars , said companies were poaching people from each other as well as from commodity trading houses because it was hard to find experienced people .
To keep the flavanol content high , Mars ' gently ' processes its cocoa ' and adds an extract of cocoa flavanols made with a proprietary process , says Catherine Kwik-Uribe , director of research and development at the Mars Botanical unit .
Matthias Berninger , Mars global head of public affairs , said there was plenty of room for growth in China 's pet food market , which was already expanding beyond most industry expectations 。
E.T. may have had a sweet tooth , but those brown , orange and yellow candies he was snacking on weren 't M & Ms. It could have been M & Ms , but Mars passed on the chance to use their candy in " E.T. , the Extra-Terrestrial " when Spielberg asked .
Its work sites are utilitarian rather than comfy .
Our main clients include Procter & Gamble , Mars , Sony Ericsson etc.
It is the biggest acquisition by Mars in the food group 's 97-year history .
When Mars and Cadbury talk about their cocoa supplies being sustainable , they mean it .
The U.S. firm renowned for its confectionery owns pet food brands including Pedigree and Whiskas 。
It already has four in the country , but is spending $ 250m building three more .
Mars has patented the method for replicating naturally-occuring flavanols , enhancing the commercial potential of the discovery .
Fortunately , there is no strong trend towards debasing the Mars Bar its weight has always fluctuated .
What becomes striking is that Mars is in fact a sweet company at which to be an employee .
While compensation is very good in comparison with that of competitors , Mars offers neither stock options nor company-driven pensions .
Mars is one of several global food companies to have been caught up in China 's melamine-tainted dairy products scandal .
Mars also sells Cirku , a 15-calorie packet containing cocoa extract with a fruit flavor that you mix with water .
Mars has also begun a project to sequence the cocoa bean genome , which it hopes to complete within five years .
Mars already sells a supplement , CocoaVia , which it says promotes healthy circulation , including for the heart and brain .
In 2013 , 100 Mars associates representing every region and business segment will have the opportunity to participate in the program .
Mars was the market leader in China two years ago with a two-thirds share , according to the latest Euromonitor data .