
  • 网络Personal Management;individual management;Personnel Management
  1. 该系统由客服管理、员工管理和个人管理三个模块组成。

    The system consists of three modules : customer service management module , staff management module and personal management module .

  2. 本文系统实现了档案管理、场馆管理、个人管理、检测报告和统计分析五个模块。

    This system realizes the archives management , facility management , personal management , test report and statistical analysis of five modules .

  3. 股东对公司机构的管理方式有集体管理方式和个人管理方式。

    The company management by shareholders have collective way and personal way .

  4. 该员工必须能够访问另外某个人管理的故障通知单系统。

    This employee must get access to a trouble ticket system that someone else manages .

  5. 教师工作倦怠的防治可以从学校组织管理和教师个人管理两个层面展开。

    Prevention of job burnout can start from organizational management of school and individual management of teachers .

  6. 这是所有个人管理技能中最困难的也是最重要的其中一点。

    It is one of the hardest and yet one of the most important of all personal managements .

  7. 他们找了个人管理我们耕地,我在小的时候做过这样的工作。

    They found a person to manage us to arable land . I have done this job when I was young .

  8. 七年多海内外销售管理经验充分历练了个人管理销售团队和开拓市场的能力。

    Sven years sales management experience in both domestic and oversea market bestows me capability to manage sales team and explore market .

  9. 德勤员工将在各种非营利性组织中提供IT、市场营销以及个人管理方面的技术服务。

    Deloitte employees are donating skills in such areas as IT , marketing and personnel management at all sorts of non-profit organizations .

  10. 客户关系管理在各个方面都有广泛应用,在银行个人管理业务也有广泛的应用前景。

    Customer relationship management in all aspects of widely used personal management in the banking business also has a wide range of applications .

  11. 人民法院应当分别编制社会中介机构管理人名册和个人管理人名册。

    A people 's court shall prepare a roster of social intermediary agencies as administrators and a roster of individuals as administrators , respectively .

  12. 著作权管理又可以称为著作权实现方式,它可以分为著作权个人管理、著作权行政管理和著作权集体管理。

    The administration of copyright is also called the realization of copyright , which is divided into personal management , administration and collective management .

  13. 因此,本文由个人管理的三个基本问题入手,大致将其归纳为:思维方式、行为评价与意义问题。

    Therefore , this paper begins with the basic problems on self-management , which can be summarized as follows : think , practice and meaning .

  14. 其中我们发现的一个问题就是,让团队自己管理自己通常比让团队受另外一个人管理要好。

    But one thing we 've found is that groups that manage themselves are often better off than groups that are managed by a single person .

  15. 组织管理与个人管理既有联系又有区别,既相互独立又相互补充,但是管理在本质上是组织性的,自我管理归属于组织管理。

    Organize management and self-management has both relation and distinguish , both indepenent each other and complement each other , but management is organic essentially , self-management belongs to organize management .

  16. 为富裕个人管理财富的行业正在追踪亚洲百万富翁的崛起,银行纷纷派遣资深员工前往新加坡和香港争取新客户。

    The rise of Asian millionaires is being tracked by the industry that manages the fortunes of rich individuals , with banks shifting senior staff to Singapore and Hong Kong to chase new clients .

  17. 但科技的发展使作品使用者和使用方式都空前变化,著作权人对著作权的个人管理显得越来越无力,著作权集体管理制度应运而生。

    With the development of the technology and the change of the users and the using means , the individual management is quite incapable for the authors , so the copyright collective management come into being .

  18. 本文无力构筑一套系统的个人管理理论,甚至理论问题也不是本文探讨的重点,而是尝试启发人们自己思考这一问题。

    This paper can not construct an end theory on self-management , even a theory itself also is not the aim of the paper ; just try to make some attempts to arouse people to think themselves .

  19. 大学生自我管理体系由大学生个人管理系统和大学生外在管理系统耦合而成,由内因和外因结合起来总体构建大学生自我管理体系。

    College students ' self management system by college students ' personal management system and external management system coupling and college students , the internal and external causes to combine to construct university students ' self management system overall .

  20. 中国式的培训和发展与其文化习惯及价值观紧密相连,并且在近年来受到学术研究者的关注,这些关乎到从传统的个人管理向国际化人力资源管理实践的转化。

    Chinese context of training and development is bonded strongly with its shared cultural norms and values , and recently have captured much attention from academics ' and researchers that concerns transition process from traditional personal management to international human resource management practices .

  21. 比如说,你不承认内心对某位下属的负面情绪,可能会使总结变成发展框架,而这位下属真正需要的却是团队之外的个人管理,这样只会让下属和你自己都崩溃抓狂。

    For example , by denying your own negative feelings toward a subordinate , you may force the review into a developmental framework that 's frustrating for both you and the employee , who really needs to be managed out of the organization .

  22. 按照现代企业的委托代理问题,根据国家经济的复杂特殊背景,详尽阐述了约束机制同激励机制一样对强化企业内部个人管理的作用。

    In this part , according to the theory of agent appointment to modern enterprise and based on the complicated and specific background of the appointment to the state economy , I would like to elaborate an incentive as well as a restrain system to emphasis the internal personal management .

  23. 采用个人证书管理和三级密钥管理机制用Java实现了数字证书的产生及签名。

    Employs personal certificate and three-lever privacy key management to implement the certificate signature with java technique .

  24. 从个人知识管理的角度看Blog的应用

    Talking about the Application of Blog from the Viewpoint of Personal Knowledge Management

  25. Blog,知识共享与个人知识管理

    Blog , knowledge sharing and personal knowledge management

  26. E-learning环境下个人知识管理系统的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Personal Knowledge Management System Based on E-learning Environment

  27. Qpe包含全套的个人信息管理(PersonalInformationManagement(PIM))应用程序、因特网客户机、实用程序等等。

    Qpe includes a full set of Personal Information Management ( PIM ) applications , Internet clients , utilities , and more .

  28. 他们还指出,更好的医疗保健需要更好的信息技术。微软(Microsoft)上周在中国推出个人健康管理软件,就突出体现了这一点。

    And they note that better health care needs better IT - a point highlighted last week when Microsoft offered its personal health management software in China .

  29. 如果您是一个需求管理团队而不是一个人在管理流程,那么使用RationalTeamConcert中的相关工作项对您会非常有帮助。

    The use of a related work item in Rational Team Concert is very helpful if you have a requirements management team managing the process , not just a single person .

  30. 本次设计便是利用开发工具PHP和SQL等开发工具开发的网上个人图片管理系统。

    The design is the use of development tools , PHP , and SQL development tools such as the development of online personal picture management system .