
  • 网络creativity;creative ability
  1. 因此,品牌视觉形象的操控能力、创意能力、表现能力和执行能力的提升格外重要。

    So the improvement of controlling ability , creative ability , expressive ability of brand image is extremely important .

  2. 有很好的团队合作能力且创作欲望高,思维非常活跃,创意能力强,目前还在上海水晶石教育学院培训。

    A very good team and the ability to create desire , very active thinking , creative ability , is still crystal stone Shanghai Institute of Education training .

  3. 在演讲题目的脑力激荡过程,激发我的创意能力。

    My creativity has blossomed through brainstorming sessions for speech topics .

  4. 您认为中国当今创意能力如何?

    What do you think about creativity in China now ?

  5. 专注于用其他方式来运用你的创意能力。

    Focus on using your creative abilities in other ways .

  6. 我是从她们的创意能力角度,而不是管理能力角度谈的。

    I 'm talking about women in creative capacities , not administrative .

  7. 演说能力加一,疯狂的创意能力加一

    plus-one speaking , and plus-one crazy idea ,

  8. 如何培养学生的图形设计创意能力

    Creativity training in teaching of graphic design

  9. 网络广告创意能力的培养

    Creative Capability Cultivation in Network Advertisement

  10. 商家寻找一个有创意能力,类似广告代理商的电子邮件服务商必须确保他们能够提供卓越的电子邮件创意。

    Marketers looking for an agency-style engagement with creative development must make sure a provider can deliver outstanding email creative .

  11. 这本书包括的一步一步学习课程帮助你迅速提高你观察周围世界的新视角和创意能力。

    It includes hands-on lessons designed to help you quickly develop new and creative ways of viewing the world around you .

  12. 英国与欧洲大陆的边境再次闭上后,这些未来的设计新锐会失去此类工作机会吗?抑或说他们的缺席会削弱那些时尚巨擎的创意能力吗?

    With borders closed , will future graduates be denied such opportunities , and will their absence lessen creativity at conglomerates ?

  13. 凹凸以策略为基础,结合出色的创意能力,为客户长期持续的构建品牌形象和视觉体验。

    Aotu policy-based , combined with excellent creative capabilities , For customers to build long-term sustainability of the brand image and visual experience .

  14. 比如说,当我走下这个舞台的时候,我不会有演说能力加一,疯狂的创意能力加一更不用说疯狂的创意能力加20了。

    When I get off this stage I 'm not going to have plus-one speaking , and plus-one crazy idea , plus-20 crazy idea .

  15. 而在有关中国教育现状的讨论中,创造力同样也引发了人们的热议,有些人认为现行教育对开发年轻人的创意能力重视不足。

    It 's also debated in the context of the current state of Chinese education , which some say doesn 't focus enough on developing creativity in young people .

  16. 其次,论述了广告产业园的特殊性,它是一种以创意能力为核心的产业园,它必须在接受企业委托之后才能开始工作,比一般园区更需要注意与媒体的合作。

    Secondly , we discussed the special nature of the advertising industry park , it is a creative ability as the core of the industrial park , it began to work in behalf of enterprises , more than the average park need to pay attention to cooperation with the media .

  17. 论动画人才团队协作意识与创意思维能力的培养

    On the Training Animation Talent Teamwork Awareness and Creative Thinking Abilities

  18. 拥有好心情可以增加创意解难能力和其他方面的想象能力。

    Being in a good mood has been shown to increase creative problem-solving skills and other aspects of thinking .

  19. 土星三合天王星促使了肯主动及运用创意的能力,与此同时运用的常理及智慧,都是从实际的承诺中获取的。

    Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality , whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment .

  20. 这些学生用他们的创意思维能力想出各种借口为自己的行动辩护,最后减轻了自己的内疚感。

    The students then used their creative thinking skills to come up with different reasons for their actions and ultimately assuage their guilt .

  21. 介绍创造力的本质及创造思考的策略,增进学生对日常生活中工程应用的创意思维能力。

    Introduce the essence of the creativity and the strategy of the creation thinking , promote the student to daily life the creativity thinking ability that the engineering apply .

  22. 当代社会,要求人才具备创意思维能力正成为社会对人才评价和教育评价的重要标准之一,也正改变着基础教育的培养目标和价值取向。

    In modern society , the demand of talent with creative thinking ability has become one of the important standards of social evaluation of talent and education evaluation , is also changing the training goal and the value orientation of basic education .

  23. 你表达创意想法的能力将发挥到极致!

    Your ability to express your creative ideas will go into overdrive !

  24. 音乐和艺术都非常重要。这处境中,创意思考的能力非常有用,非常重要。

    They are both important . That being the case , creativity is not only important but vital .

  25. 高职创意类专业能力本位理念下的历史教学观

    The Historical Teaching Concept in View of the " Competence Standard " of Majors in Originality in Vocational and Technical College

  26. 在众多的设计形式中招贴设计是最能够体现创意与综合能力的形式,图形自身的无限魅力与招贴设计的结合堪称完美。

    In numerous design forms , the form of poster design is the most able to embody creativity and comprehensive ability , graphics own infinite charm and poster design combination can perfect .

  27. 在技术进步的同时,要创作出符合时代需要的标志作品,必须不断提高自身的艺术素养,补充综合相关学科的知识,提高自己的创意思维与能力。

    In technological progress , we must create a sign of the times need work , we must continuously improve their quality of art to complement comprehensive knowledge of related disciplines , to improve their creative thinking and ability .

  28. 如何提高创意产业的创新能力及竞争力成为各界关注的焦点。

    How to increase the innovation capabilities and competitiveness of creative industry has become a focus of the society .

  29. 就此而言,底特律经济未来的推动因素,将是其深化所有产业的创意组成部分的能力。

    The city 's economic future will then be driven by its ability to deepen the creative component of all its industries .

  30. 那么,如何培养这种创意性的思维能力并应用到平面广告教学中就是本篇论文要探讨的课题。

    So , how to cultivate such a creative thinking ability and teaching applied to print ads in this paper is to explore the topic .