
cái chǎn fǎ
  • property law
  1. Estate、Trust等理念、技术相结合共同构筑了现代财产法上的权益分割模式。

    Estate , Trust and other concepts combine together to build a modern property law on the rights and interests of time and space .

  2. 美国财产法妨害制度的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Nuisance System in American Property Law

  3. 现行的财产法允许个人对身故后的财产事务提前做好安排,库特纳从中获得灵感提出了让个人提前表明在身体无法自主时想要得到的医疗护理要求。

    Kutner drew from existing estate law , by which an individual can control property affairs after death and devised a way for an individual to express his or her health care desires when no longer able to express current health care wishes .

  4. 她在财产法方面背景不是很强。

    She didn 't have a strong background in property iaw .

  5. 1925年财产法使英国法中的按揭出现向抵押担保发展的趋势。

    Property Law ( 1925 ) even shows the trend of warranty .

  6. 秦汉简牍所见财产法研究

    Research of Laws of Property Recorded on Qin and Han Bamboo Books

  7. 第五章:具体阐述近代美国财产法理念中的社会因素。

    Chapter V detailedly discusses the social elements of American property law .

  8. 许多人投票赞成废除那项财产法。

    Many voted for the repeal of that property law .

  9. 在英国,财产法只调整和保护私有财产。

    In UK , the property law regulates and protects only private property .

  10. 此后,蛮族王国的入侵给高卢地区带来了日耳曼的财产法。

    Since then , the invasion of the Barbarians brought German property law .

  11. 暂时接收和管理特定财产法

    Law on Temporary Takeover and Administration of Specified Property

  12. 夫妻共同债务制度,是一项身份法与财产法相互结合的特殊债务制度。

    The Matrimonial community debt system is related to both identity and property laws .

  13. 知识产权与财产法一体化构建

    On Unification between Intellectual Property and Property law

  14. 代表这一体系的财产法的立法仍是个空白。

    There still a gap in the legislation of " law of property " .

  15. 在英美法系财产法上,财产被区分为具体物和抽象物。

    Under the property law , things are classified into abstract things and physical things .

  16. 古老的财产法被公然违犯了。

    Ancient property laws are openly violated .

  17. 资产证券化是现代财产法财产证券化历程上最高级、最复杂、最完善、包容性和灵活性最强的制度结晶。

    Asset securitization is the most advanced , the most complicated and the most perfect system .

  18. 真正的私有财产法是什么?

    Was that reaI estate iaw ?

  19. 财产法益研究的最终目的在于确定财产犯罪的界限。

    The study of legal interest of property is ultimately to define what property crimes refer to .

  20. 论英美财产法中的产权概念及其制度功能

    On the Concept of Title and Its Systematical Function in the Property Law of Anglo-American Legal System

  21. 在上法庭这个重要日子之前,她必须苦读财产法。

    Eg. she had to bone up on the property laws before her big day in court .

  22. 侵扰在英国普通法发展的早期,属于财产法调整的范围。

    In the early days of British common law , nuisance falls under the scope of property law .

  23. 这主要涉及英美法系以及大陆法系的财产法以及信托法的有关规定和理论研究。

    This mainly deals with the property law and trust law in the common law and civil law countries .

  24. 土地所有权是美国财产法上最基本、最重要的问题。

    The issue of the estates in the land is the most important ideas of the American Property Law .

  25. 该政策发布之后引起了一番争议,因为“拆墙”和开放社区可能会违反财产法。

    The policy became controversial because knocking down walls and opening gates might violate the country 's property laws .

  26. 该部分还介绍了英美财产法的内战:意思自治理念与自由交易理念之冲突。

    This part still introduces the civil war of Anglo-America property law & conceptual conflict between autonomy and free transaction .

  27. 进一步完善财产法体系的任务应该由制定民法典承担。

    The task to improve the system of property law system should be finished by the codification of civil code .

  28. 知识产权对财产法一体化构建提出了许多新问题:知识产权发展了传统财产对象的范围,从“有体物”扩大为“知识”;

    Intellectual property expands the range of traditional property , in which property includes not only material body but also knowledge .

  29. 物权立法可以从英国财产法中获取有益的经验,也可以从俄罗斯立法经验中获得启示。

    In this process , the UK law on property and legislative experience from Russia can provide us with much useful food .

  30. 侵害知识产权请求权可以分为财产法上的请求权和债法上的请求权。

    The right to sue for the infringement of intellectual property may be based on the property laws or law of obligation .