
  • 网络Financial Statement
  1. 收集25个省市的卫生资源配置标准和区域卫生规划,及部分省市的卫生资源配置标准测算资料,以及相关的1992-2003年《中国卫生统计年鉴》和《卫生部财政决算》等资料。

    Collecting the standards of health resource allocation of 25 provinces and the materials to calculate the standards of health resource allocation .

  2. 通过对德国政府《2004年度联邦财政决算报告》和《2005年度联邦财政预算》的剖析,可以比较清楚地了解德国经济的状况。

    By analyzing the Report on the Final Accounting of Revenue and Expenditure of 2004 and the Report of Budget on 2005 Financial Year , we can discover the financial situation of Germany at present .

  3. 要积极探索财政决算审计与市县长经济责任审计的结合,适应现代财政管理理念,积极探索财政性资金绩效审计。

    In order to suit the control idea of modern finance ard probe actively financial funds performance audit , it is necessary to probe actively the combination of finance balanced budget audit and mayors economic duty audit .

  4. 受财政预决算的制约,现代税收国家是天生的有限政府。

    Restricted by the fiscal budget , modern tax countries are born " limited governments " .

  5. (四)编制并提出财政预算、决算;

    To draw up and introduce budgets and final accounts ;

  6. 财政实行预、决算管理和跨省交叉预算复审制度;各级审计部门的监督和国家林业局对资金的稽查,实现事前、中、后全过程监管。(3)建立总稽查特派员制度。

    Cross-provincial budget review system and supervision by audit departments at all levels and funds check by the State Forestry Bureau so as to realize the inspection of the whole process ; and ( 3 ) it carry out the general check special officer system . 6 .

  7. 签署立法会通过的财政预算案,将财政预算、决算报中央人民政府备案;

    To sign budgets passed by the Legislative Council and report the budgets and final accounts to the central people 's government for the record ;

  8. 随着信息化时代的到来,财政的工作重点逐步向全面推进部门预算编制、深化预算执行控制、加强对资金支付和财政决算的全面监控方向发展。

    With the coming of information age , the focus of financial work is shifted towards advancing the departmental budgeting in an all-around way , deepening the budget implementation control and strengthening the full monitoring of payment and final account .