
xiàn fǎ jiě shì
  • interpretation of constitution
  1. 宪法解释自宪法产生之日起就与宪法相伴而生,并且历来受到西方各国的高度重视。

    The interpretation of constitution is every bit as old as constitution itself , and it has always been highly esteemed in western countries .

  2. 这些活的宪法解释案例的方法、程序、效力,在规范的宪法解释、法律解释制度最终确立之前,将继续存在。

    The methods , procedure and force of these cases of living interpretation of constitution will still exist until the establishment of standard interpretative system of constitution and laws .

  3. 最早对现代宪法解释方法作出较科学界分的是约翰·哈特·伊利(JohnHartEly)。

    Of the first modern interpretation of the Constitution than to the scientific community-is John Hart Ely .

  4. 第一部分是宪法解释权基本理论。

    The first part is the basic theory of constitutional interpretation .

  5. 宪法解释体制下的司法空间与界限

    Judicial Space and Limitation under the System of the Constitution Interpretation

  6. 宪法解释是政治法律化的基本途径&兼议司法释宪的形式化特征

    Constitutional Interpretation is the Basic Way of Politics - Legalization

  7. 宪法解释是宪法实施中一个重要的手段。

    Constitution explanation is an important means in constitution implement .

  8. 论宪法解释程序中的合宪性推定原则

    On the Principle of Constitutionality Presumption in the Procedure of Interpreting Constitution

  9. 建立和完善我国的宪法解释制度

    The Establishment and Perfection of the Interpretive System of the Chinese Constitution

  10. 《宪法解释程序法》的意义、思路与框架

    Significance , Strategies and Framework of the Procedure Law of Constitutional Interpretation

  11. 形成二元化的宪法解释机制;

    Secondly , forming dual mechanism of constitutional interpretation .

  12. 论自然法学说在美国宪法解释中的作用

    Explain the Function of Natural Jurisprudence in American Constitution

  13. 宪法解释的语境分析

    An Analysis of Discourse in Interpretation of the Constitution

  14. 公共利益的困境与出路&美国公用征收条款的宪法解释及其对中国的启示

    The Dilemma and Solution of " Public Interests "

  15. 我国宪法解释之制度与学说

    On the System and Theory of Chinese Constitutional Interpretation

  16. 宪法解释与宪法适用是如影随形、相伴而生的。

    Constitutional interpretation is accompanied by constitutional application .

  17. 因此需探讨宪法解释的必要性和可能性。

    So it 's necessary to probe the necessity and possibility of constitution interpretation .

  18. 宪法解释面临着许多难题。

    The constitutional interpretation has encountered many difficulties .

  19. 试议我国宪法解释程序

    Discussion on Constitution Interpretation Procedure in Our Country

  20. 同时,作为基础问题的宪法解释理论也得到广泛关注。

    The theory of constitutional interpretation which is the basic also has more attention .

  21. 宪法解释机关比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Constitutional Interpretative Organ

  22. 本篇论文研究的是法官在宪法解释中的能动性问题。

    This paper research is mainly about the activity of the judge in constitution interpretation .

  23. 世界上不同的国家采用不同的宪法解释权模式,这是因为对宪法解释权性质的分析不同所导致的。

    Different countries use different constitutional interpretation model because of the different interpretation of the Constitution .

  24. 宪法解释权和适用权是实现宪法监督的关键&英美法系司法审查权的启示

    The Right to Interpret and the Right to Apply the Constitution : The Key to Constitutional Supervision

  25. 自然法理论在宪法解释中的运用&以对美国宪法的解释为例

    The Practice of Natural Law in Constitutional Interpretation & A Case Study on Interpretation of American Constitution

  26. 这一部分通过对国外宪法解释权性质的介绍,主要是对国外与国内宪法解释权性质的横向比较,引发人们对我国宪法解释权性质的思考。

    This part mainly compare for foreign and domestic constitutional power by introduction of foreign constitutional interpretation .

  27. 宪法解释基本问题研究

    Fundamental Problems of Constitutional Interpretation

  28. 宪法解释是我国宪法运行机制中的一个薄弱环节,至今尚未形成一套完整的应用原则和制度体系。

    The constitutional explanation is a weak link in the functioning mechanism of the constitution in China .

  29. 研究并制定宪法解释程序对于建设法治社会来说是必要的和重要的。

    It is necessary and important for the nomocracy construction to research and establish constitution interpretation procedure .

  30. 宪法解释是宪法变迁的一种重要方式,有其存在的必要性和可能性。

    The constitutional explanation is an important way of the constitutional changing , its existence is necessary and probable .