
  1. 明宪宗时期的云南镇守太监钱能

    A Review of Qian Neng the Guardian Eunuch of Yunnan Province During the Xian Zong Emperor of the Ming Dynasty

  2. 权德舆,字载之,唐德宗、宪宗时期著名的政治家、文学家。

    Quan De yu , styling himself Zai Yu , was a famous politician and literator in the periods of Tang De Zong and Tang Xian Zong .

  3. 这场兵变对亲身经历过它的德宗、顺宗、宪宗产生了很大的影响,从而在各个方面影响了唐王朝中后期的政局走势。前人学者对其兵变本身已经做过了很多深入的研究。

    This mutiny had a great impact on Te-tsung and his successors , thus affecting all aspects of the political trend of the late Tang dynasty ; previous scholars have done a lot of the mutiny itself-depth research .