
  • 网络Chengdu Road;Chengtu Rd;Chengdu Rd
  1. 成都路桥集团资金管理模式选择研究

    Research on the Choice Mode of Capital Management in Chengdu Road & Bridge Group

  2. 上海市成都路雨水调蓄池的主要作用是截流储存成都路服务区的初期雨水,以减少泵站的雨天排江水量和排江负荷。

    For pollution induced water shortage cities , setting up water quality storage tanks can reduce the discharge amount of rainwater and combined sewage to the river channels .

  3. 吴欣欣和五位同学从成都一路骑行到峨眉山。

    Wu rode from Chengdu to Mount Emei with five classmates .

  4. 城市夜景照明规划设计原则&以成都春熙路商业步行街夜景规划方案为例

    Planning and Design Principles of Illumina-tion in City Night

  5. 复合空间品质的塑造&成都春熙路步行街城市设计

    Design of the Complex Spatial Quality & The Urban Design of Pedestrian Mall of Chunxi Road

  6. 雕塑与规划个案浅析&成都人民路立交桥底空间规划设计

    Superficial Discus-sion of Sculpture and Individual Plan-ning Case & Space Planning and Design of the Under Part of the Bridge of Renmin Rd. , of Chengdu

  7. 到达八一镇就感觉与其他地方相距甚远,因为它已经是拉萨往东400公里的地方了通往成都的路正在修护过程中。

    Track Two Bayi does feel a long way from anywhere because it is already 400 kilometres east of Lhasa . The road that goes on to Chengdu was under repair .

  8. 在成都绕城路膨胀土路基改性试验研究的基础上,利用动三轴试验研究膨胀土及改性膨胀土在重复荷载作用下的永久变形及动力特性。

    Based on the improving tests of expansive soil roadbed of Chengdu Bypass Expressway , permanent deformation and dynamic properties of expansive soil and improved expansive soil under repeated loading are studied using dynamic triaxial test .

  9. 从成都市红星路下穿地道施工浅谈成都地区地下工程施工技术

    A Brief Introduction to Construction Technology for Underground Works in Chengdu Area