
  1. 建立了因采样需要而扭曲的原始二值化电子图像还原成实画电子图像的多种处理算法,尤其是硬件、软件结合的SIC卡采样算法具有鲜明的特色。

    In the same time , the sampling algorithms of SIC in combination with software & hardware reflect vivid features , Because of the advantage of self-drawn figure by user .

  2. 最后,通过复数量重新定义成实数量,本文把上述的ε均衡概念和盲检测算法成功地推广应用于QPSK复信道情况。

    Finally , the paper extends and applies the above ε - equalization concept and blind detection algorithm successfully in the QPSK case with complex channels , by redefining a complex argument as a real one .

  3. 交流阻抗研究表明碳钢在薄层电解液中的阻抗谱图成实部收缩的半圆,加入YC-1后半圆的直径增大。

    The results based on electrochemical impedance spectrum showed that the real part at low frequency of carbon steel contracted after adding YC-1 , the diameter of EIS increased .

  4. 其次,《成实论》宣扬的某些学说适应了当时社会状况;

    Secondly , its doctrine suited the social situation at that time ;

  5. 可能仍然需要一些时间,这种不安才能转化成实实在在的改变。

    It may take a while for that discomfort to translate into change .

  6. 但一场经济衰退,至少迫使企业将更多扔进研发的钱转化成实实在在的收入。

    But a recession at least forces companies to turn research dollars into revenues .

  7. 我的很成实,她不能容忍一点的谎言。

    My mother is very honest she cannot stand for lying of any kind .

  8. 寻找阿喀琉斯脚踵&突发环境事件应急预案如何成实案

    Seek for Achilles ' Heel

  9. 有关平面与二次锥面相交成实直线两个定理及其应用

    Two Theorems for the Real Line from the Crossing of Plane and Quadratic Cone and Their Application

  10. 它正在创造机会使幻想、求知欲和高深莫测的事情转化成实实在在的知识。

    And it 's bringing about the opportunity to transform vision , curiosity , and wonder into practical knowledge .

  11. 供方必须对产品的质量和包装质量负责,提供据以验收的必要的技术资料成实样。

    The supplying party must be responsible for the product quality and packaging quality and provide the technical data or samples necessary for inspection .

  12. 文中探讨了对试验结果分析的一种近似方法,即利用流体力学中的相似理论,将试验值换算成实船倒车装置上的受力。

    An approximation method on experimental results is presented , which converts experiment value into full scale value by utilizing similarity theory of fluid mechanics .

  13. 该方法用显式关联直接将恩氏蒸馏数据转换成实沸点蒸馏数据和计算出馏分的中平均沸点,然后用积分法切割假组分。

    The ASTM data was treated to produce the TBP data and the mean average boiling point by explicit correlations and then the pseudo-components were cut by using the integral method .

  14. 任何一部法律都需要一套行之有效的分析方法,否则这部法律就永远只能停留在纸面上,而无法转化成实实在在的活法。

    Every law needs a set of effective analytical methods , otherwise it would be remained on the paper only , and could not be transformed into a real " living law " .

  15. 本文利用将夏变量的菲涅尔积分转换成实变量的菲涅尔积分,进行数值计算的方法,成功地求得了复变量的菲涅尔积分。

    In this paper , the complex argument Fresnel integral is transfered into the real argument Fresnel integral using the integral transformation and successfully calculated using the numerical method of the real argument Fresnel integral .

  16. 对采用人工辅助授粉所得的麻竹种子,经无菌发芽增殖培养而成的实生苗无性系进行组织培养繁殖试验及生长观察。

    Tissue culture trials of the seed clones obtained from artificial pollination of Dendrocalamus latiflorus were conducted .

  17. 感谢弟子昌旺将拙书的百字明咒作成供实修用的咒轮。

    Thanks to Disciple Chang Wang for arranging my calligraphy of the Hundred-Syllable Mantra into a mantra wheel for practice .

  18. 你的振动提升得越高,从以太层召唤成物理实相的速度也就越快。

    The further that one moves up in vibration , the more rapidly the etheric is called into the physical .

  19. 病灶呈斑片及片絮状高密度影8例,病变融合成大片实变阴影8例,其中磨玻璃样改变1例,肺内可见支气管充气像。

    There were 8 cases in diffuse patchy shadow or shaggy cloudy shadow and one in ground-glass lesions and air bronchogram in the shadows .

  20. 在以往所有的影视剧或动画片中,哪吒是实实在在的一个人,后来又成了实实在在的一个仙,是有本体的。

    In all previous adaptations - whether film , TV drama or animated series - Ne Zha , also known as Nezha , is a person who later transforms into a celestial being .

  21. 航迹是从陀螺仪得到航向,从计算机化量测船的加速度得到速率,将整个精确历程绘制而成。实船航速试验方法及数据分析计算机自动化

    Dead reckoning uses an accurate history of a vessel 's headings and speeds drawn from gyroscopes and from computerized measurements of the craft 's acceleration . Method of Speed Trial and Automatic Date Processing and Analysis with Computer for Transport Ships with Full-Scale

  22. 本文在一般模态分析理论的基础上,提出了准实模态的概念,并且给出了在具有弱非比例阻尼的振动系统中,由复模态转化成准实模态的准则及其简化处理的方法。

    Based upon the general modal analysis , the concept of the quasi-real-modal is mentioned in this paper , and in a weak non-proportional damping system . The criterion by which we can transform from a complex model to a quasi-real-model and its simplified method are also presented .

  23. 应用复变函数积分的最陡下降法,在弱耦合区将单链配分函数SU(3)群积分表示成一元实变函数的定积分,可以用数值计算方法很方便地求值。

    A definite integral expression of the SU ( 3 ) One-link partition function invariant group integral in the weak coupling regions of lattice gauge theories is obtained by the steepest descent method . The integral can be numerically eval - uated easily .

  24. 结果表明:荚播花生花针期生理活性强,但极显著减少花生的成苗率和实收株数而导致减产。

    Pod-sowing enhanced physiological activity of peanut at flowering and pegging stage , but significantly decreased the plant number per area and yield .

  25. 通过刻画出两个数据流的信噪比矢量的可行域和相互关系,将矩阵优化问题转化成了一个实矢量优化问题,并且采用梯度迭代算法获得酉预编码矩阵。

    After the feasible set of the SNR vector for both data streams and also the relationship between them are derived , the original matrix optimization problem is converted into a real vector optimization problem .