
He has really scored with his latest book ; it 's selling very well .
If a recent book ," Sucesso Made in Brasil ", by Donald Sull and Martin Escobari , is to be believed , they have evolved special skills for surviving chaos and seizing opportunities .
Two books analyse what makes hedge-fund managers great - and reach very different conclusions .
So he decided to create an automatic appeal generator , using previously successful letters as a template .
I originally planned to spend a year doing a book on successful businesses while staying with a friend who had retired there .
Study Skills for Academic Success focuses on the responsibility that each student must assume in order to succeed in an American university .
I accepted Andrew Carnegie 's commission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University .
A successful business plan does not have to be a book .
Her formula for success should be written down and turned into a book .
The team at Facebook that manages the Facebook Like button decided that it needed to be redesigned .
Chinese child-rearing book that has been a runaway success in China has this piece of advice : Listen to your child .
The tender , and in case of a successful tender the form of agreement , shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners ;
Tang Jun , who had listed his degree as an achievement in a book recounting his success in business , later acknowledged that his PhD actually came from Pacific Western University in California .
G. Richard Shell teaches at the Wharton School and his book Springboard : Launching Your Personal Search for Success , out in paperback this week , has a great chapter on how to be more confident .
G. Richard Shell teaches at the Wharton School and his book Springboard : Launching Your Personal Search for Success , out in paperback this week , has a great chapter on how to be more confident 。
Tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms as partners shall comply with the following requirements : the tender , and in case of a successful tender the form of agreement , shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners ;
Here is how it goes : a successful woman writes a book about being a successful woman and then other women write angry articles about her and it .
To find out the answers , I interviewed some people who are quite successful at motivating others : the nation 's top motivational speakers and best-selling authors of how-to-succeed books .