
cái chǎn fàn zuì
  • Property crime;crime against property
  1. 敲诈勒索罪是司法实践中十分常见的一种侵犯财产犯罪,具有极大的危害性。

    Extortion is very common judicial practice a crime against property .

  2. 同时,经济犯罪与财产犯罪不可混为一谈,并要注意对经济犯罪违法结构的分析。

    In the meanwhile , economic crime can 't be mixed with crime against property , so great efforts should be made into analyzing the structure of economic crime .

  3. 而且各种新型的财产犯罪层出不穷。

    And an endless stream of new types of property crimes .

  4. 序言主要是讨论虚拟财产犯罪研究背景。

    Preface : discuss the background of crimes involving virtual property .

  5. 共同非法占有公共财产犯罪的定性辨析

    Analysis on Identification of Conspiratorial Illegal Occupation of Public Property

  6. 财产犯罪的发案率多年来一直居我国各类刑事案件的首位。

    In many years property crimes always keep top first among criminals .

  7. 侵犯财产犯罪是对社会治安起决定作用的一类犯罪。

    Crimes against Property are responsible for public order issues .

  8. 第二节探讨了虚拟财产犯罪。

    Part Two discusses the crimes involving virtual property .

  9. 否则,不排除成立相应财产犯罪的可能性。

    Otherwise , corresponding property crimes may be formed .

  10. 犯罪的月份暴力与非暴力性财产犯罪人员人格特征评估

    THE CRIME OF THE MONTH Comparison of Personality between Violent and Non-violent Criminals

  11. 财产犯罪对象的变迁

    The Expansion of the Object of Property Crime

  12. 论虚拟财产犯罪的认定及其刑法规制

    On the Assertion of the Crimes Involving Virtual Property and Regulated by Criminal Law

  13. 我国刑法规定的诈骗罪是取得型侵犯财产犯罪中犯罪率较高的一种。

    The Legal Interest Trespassed Against and Target of Crime in Crime of Swindling ;

  14. 财产犯罪的对象在我国刑法理论界历来存在较大争议。

    The object of property crime in our country there is considerable controversy ever .

  15. 主要从虚拟财产犯罪概念、特征角度论述。

    From comparative view , the article draws the character of crimes involving virtual property .

  16. 此案的宣判也给虚拟财产犯罪者再次敲响警钟。

    Of this case adjudge also ring noisy alarm bell again to fictitious belongings malfeasant .

  17. 第一节阐述了数额在财产犯罪的定罪和量刑方面的重要意义。

    Section I of the amount of property crime conviction and sentencing of important aspects .

  18. 这都对传统意义上的财产犯罪对象提出了极大的挑战。

    This is the traditional sense of the object property crime presented a great challenge .

  19. 试论洗钱犯罪与财产犯罪和职务犯罪的交融关系

    On the blend relations of the washing money and the property crime or the duty crime

  20. 总体来说财产犯罪减少了超过百分之2.5。

    In all property crime decreased more than two and a half ( one-half ) percent .

  21. 犯罪数额在我国财产犯罪中的作用举足轻重。

    The role of the criminal amount is very important in property crime in our country .

  22. 后两个特色则涉及财产犯罪体系如何完善。

    The last two features , on the other hand , involve how to perfect the system .

  23. 文章分析了我国现代化进程中侵犯财产犯罪的社会原因。

    This article has analyzed the social cause of the crime in the course of the modernization .

  24. 财产犯罪是最常见多发的犯罪,也是疑难案件最多和理论争议最大的类罪。

    Property crimes are most frequently committed , and also most involved with hard cases and theoretical disputes .

  25. 以计算机为手段的财产犯罪的既遂认定罪犯扔下刀,举起了双手。

    Identification of Accomplished Property Crime by Computer The criminal dashed down his knife and then raised his hands .

  26. 它还使该计划参与者的财产犯罪行为下降了90%。

    It has also secured a 90 per cent reduction in property crimes by those participating in the programme .

  27. 目前,侵犯财产犯罪数量不断上升,严重影响了现代化建设。

    Now , the property violation crime cases are increasing , which severely hinders the modernization of our country .

  28. 侵占罪是修订刑法时增设的一种新的侵犯财产犯罪。

    Crime of embezzlement is a new kind of crime of invasion property increased by the modified criminal law .

  29. 抢劫罪是侵犯财产犯罪中比较严重的犯罪,是刑法打击的重点。

    Crime of robbery is a serious crime in encroachment of property and is the attacking emphasis of criminal law .

  30. 盗窃罪作为财产犯罪中最常见的犯罪,一直受到刑法学界的高度关注。

    As the first crime of property crime , larceny is always caught the most attention of the criminal scholars .