
shào nián fàn zuì
  • juvenile delinquency
少年犯罪[shào nián fàn zuì]
  1. n.联谊会;联欢会adj.社会的,社交的少年犯罪在这个国家是一种严重的社会问题。

    social Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem in this country .

  2. 少年犯罪上这个国家一个严重的社会问题。

    Juvenile delinquency is a serious social problem in this country .

  3. 首先,本文认为少年犯罪应作广义理解。

    This article that juvenile crime should be understood more broadly .

  4. 第四部分是我国少年犯罪法律对策的完善。

    The fourth part is my perfect legal response to juvenile delinquency .

  5. 在刑事和少年犯罪法律体制中受到同等对待的权利

    The right to equal treatment in the criminal and juvenile justice system

  6. 因此,丛林和荒原里没有少年犯罪。

    Therefore the jungles and the savannas know of no juvenile delinquency !

  7. 少年犯罪与一般犯罪一样,在本质上都是对社会秩序的破坏。

    Like the crime , juvenile delinquency also undermines the social order .

  8. 的黎波里预防少年犯罪行动计划

    Tripoli Plan of Action on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency

  9. 预防少年犯罪准则(利雅得准则)

    Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency ( Guidelines of Riyadh )

  10. 现在这案子到了少年犯罪科。

    Now the case goes to the juvenile squad .

  11. 现在她又回过来讲那个国家少年犯罪的问题。

    Now she returned to the subject of juvenile delinquency in that country .

  12. 人们常把少年犯罪归咎于有越来越多的母亲外出工作这一事实。

    Delinquency is often blamed on the fact that more mothers are working .

  13. 你不认为瑶少年犯罪正在上升吗?

    A : Don 't you think that juvenile delinquency is on the increase ?

  14. 少年犯罪的非监禁刑之合理性和实践性探究

    The Research on Rationality and Practicability of the Deinstitutionalization of Treatments on Juvenile Delinquency

  15. 少年犯罪可能要归咎于父母的放纵。

    The blame of delinquency may be laid at the door of careless parents .

  16. 论传媒对青年少年犯罪的影响

    On the Influence of Media on Juvenile Delinquency

  17. 论儿童权利保护与少年犯罪

    The Protection of Children 's Right and Teen-ager 's Crimes and Their New Countermeasures

  18. 这也就解释了为什么在他们当中很少有少年犯罪的发生。

    This helps to explain why there is so little juvenile delinquency among them .

  19. 秦汉时期的少年犯罪与政府防范措施

    The Prevention Measures of Government and Juvenile Crime in the Period of Chin-Han Dynasties

  20. 我们应该通过教育抑制少年犯罪。

    We should curb juvenile delinquency by education .

  21. 利雅得准则(联合国预防少年犯罪准则草案)

    Guidelines of Riyadh ( United Nations Draft Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency )

  22. 早期潜在少年犯罪预测测井约束反演在预测煤矿岩浆岩分布中的应用

    Application of logging constrained inversion technology in prediction of magmatic rock distribution in coal mines

  23. 一个由教派共同组织的少年犯罪委员会

    An interdenominational committee on juvenile delinquency

  24. 这种父母管教的缺乏被认为对少年犯罪率是有影响的。

    This lack of parental supervision is thought to be an influence on juvenile crime rates .

  25. 早期潜在少年犯罪预测犯罪三元论对我国青少年犯罪防治的启示

    Inspiration from " Crime on the Ternary " on Juvenile Delinquency 's Prevention and Control in Our Country

  26. 少年犯罪的预防管理则需要家庭、学校和社会的通力配合。

    The prevention and management of juvenile delinquency needs the every effort by the family , school and society .

  27. 全文内容主要包括以下五个部分:第一部分论述了少年犯罪的有关情况。

    The paper consists of the following five components : The first part elaborates on the situation of the juvenile delinquency .

  28. 总统打算突击处理少年犯罪,并对警察和监狱工作进行大幅度的改革。

    The president is to launch a blitz on teenage crime accompanied by drastic reform of the police and prison services .

  29. 未成年人犯罪适用非监禁化原则初探少年犯罪适用非监禁刑的合理性探究

    Initial Search on the Adopted Non-imprisonment Rules to Under-grown-up Crimes ; The Research on Rationality of the Deinstitutionalization of Treatments on Juvenile Delinquency

  30. 由于少年犯罪日益严重,少年教养机构陷入了人满为患的困境,国家难以支付这一巨大开支。

    Due to juvenile crime is increasingly serious , juvenile correctional institutions in overcrowded dilemma , countries are difficult to pay the expense .