
  • 网络Financial integration;Fiscal Integration
  1. 高校后勤物流与财务一体化管理系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of Integrality management system for university logistics and finance

  2. 然后,文章研究了供应链&财务一体化模型,目标是所有者权益最大化;

    Thirdly , we study the integrated supply chain-finance model . The aim is the maximum of the rights and interests of the owners .

  3. 会计从一开始的电算化发展到后来的业务财务一体化阶段,再到现在的事件驱动会计阶段,不得不说信息技术的发展在其中起到了决定性的作用。

    From the computerization of accounting of the beginning to the later stage of the business and financial integration , and then to the event-driven accounting of the current stage , we have to say that the development of information technology has played a decisive role in it .

  4. 然后结合A公司会计信息化实践,分会计电算化、财务业务一体化和ERP三个阶段阐述了会计信息化的具体步骤。

    Then combining accounting informatization practice of A company , it expounds the concrete steps of accounting informatization from three phases , namely accounting computerization , financial and business integration and ERP .

  5. 第三个阶段财务业务一体化;

    The third stage is to merge business into financial affairs .

  6. 高校资产与财务管理一体化初探浅析高校资产档案管理存在的问题及对策

    On Integrated Management of Assets and Finance In University Problems and Countermeasure to the Management of Capital File in Higher School

  7. 采用财务业务一体化模式,实施过程中要做好操作人员技能培训,使相关部门和人员自发地、积极地参与到项目建设中来。为保证系统的稳定运行,还要制定详细的工作标准和操作规范。

    When adopting financial and business integration mode , during implementation process , it shall do skill training for operational staff , and formulate detailed work standards and operation criterions .

  8. 整体的需求分析从业务流程和财务流程一体化的角度进行分析,业务流程和财务流程的整合,可以提高公司目前的工作效率,合理的配置企业内部的资源。

    The overall demand analysis is analyzed base on the integrated business and financial processes the integration of which can improve the work efficiency of the company and realize rational allocation of internal resources .

  9. 并且最终实现了采购、销售、库存、财务等高度一体化,能够方便企业管理,有效的整合各部门资源,提高企业资源利用率,为企业创造经济效益。

    And integrated procurement , sales , inventory , finance and other field in one system , this can facilitate the effective integration of all departmental resources , improve enterprise resource utilization , and create economic benefits for the enterprise .

  10. 由于这种企业集团内部的主要联接纽带是资本,集团成员均处于独立的法人地位,只有从财务角度实施一体化的控制,才能使企业集团真正成为一个经济利益上的整体。

    Because the main ligament inside this kind of enterprise group is the capital , group members are independent legal person , only integrated control from the financial angle could make the enterprise group really become the whole piece of economic benefits .

  11. 企业的财务体制改革势在必行,实施财务一体化是势必的最好选择。

    Financial system reform of enterprise imperative , implement that financial affairs certainly will it integrates to be best to choose .

  12. 该系统使财务会计与管理会计通过集成达到了财务管理的一体化,提高了财务管理的效率,为企业决策提供了可靠的财务依据。

    The system integrate finance accountant and manage accountant consequently integrate the finance manage , improve the efficiency of finance manage , provide dependable finance basement to enterprise .

  13. 作为财务实施集中式管理实施的保障,论文从实现财务业务一体化、狠抓全面预算、实施资金动态管理三个方面进行了设计。

    Being an insurance of finical running intensive management , it is excogitated from three aspects , namely : achievement of financial business unity , focus on systemic budget , apply fund motive management .

  14. 通过企业技术创新和企业财务功能、目标、周期之间的分析,指出企业技术创新和企业财务基础理论是相契合的,企业技术财务具有一体化的趋势。

    Through analysing the technological innovation and the financial functions , objectives and cycle , propose the conjunction of the technological innovation and the business finance .