
  • 网络Financial Decision Making;financial decision;Corporate Finance;financing decision
  1. 行业特征是影响企业各方面决策的外部因素之一,而资本结构是企业的财务决策结果;所以从观念认识上说,行业特征对资本结构有重要的影响。

    Industry characteristics is one external factor which influence business decision making , however capital structure is the result of business financial decision making ; So from a concept known , industry characteristics on capital structure has important implications .

  2. 规范财务决策制度;

    ( iii ) defining the financial decision making system ;

  3. 资本结构问题是企业财务决策中的一个重要问题,自MM无关性定理发表以来,西方资本结构理论逐渐发展起来。

    Capital structure problem is an important problem in enterprise financial decision .

  4. 基于ERP的财务决策支持系统的构架探析

    Analysis of the framework for financial management decision support system based on ERP

  5. 作为一项财务决策,使用诸如SimpleDB之类的托管数据库对您的业务来说可能是值得的;我在这里仅解释一下它的技术方面。

    Using hosted databases such as SimpleDB may be worthwhile for your business as a financial decision ; I will only be explaining the technical side .

  6. 艾瑞里研究人类不靠谱的行为已经很多年了(难怪这哥们儿有点郁闷)。他的第一本书《怪诞行为学》(PredictablyIrrational)揭示了我们在做最佳财务决策方面是多么的无能(并且该书还找到了供需理论的漏洞)。

    Ariely , whose first book Predictably Irrational highlighted how painfully incompetent we are at making optimal financial decisions ( and poked holes in the theory of supply and demand ) , has been researching human fallibility for years .

  7. 本文拟对如何综合运用这些最新技术,研究开发新一代财务决策支持系统(NFDSS)问题进行探讨。

    The paper focuses mainly on developing the new generation of financial management DSS ( NFDSS ) by applying these new technologies .

  8. 税收行为是企业财务决策的重要方面。

    Tax behavior is an important aspect of corporate financial decisions .

  9. 支持分布式、异构数据仓库财务决策支持系统的研究

    Study of Finance Decision Support System Based on Distributed Heterogeneous Database

  10. 基于VAX&11/730机的财务决策支持系统

    Financial Decision Support System Based on VAX & 11 / 730

  11. 上市公司投票权对财务决策影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research into Effect of Voting Rights Imposing on Financial Policy

  12. 企业多项目投资财务决策方法

    The Approach to the Finance Policy-making Method in Multiform Investment

  13. 债务融资是公司的一项重要财务决策。

    The debt financing is an important financial decision of an company .

  14. 试论社会工程项目的财务决策

    A Study of the Mechanism of the Finance-Decision of the Social Project

  15. 资本成本是财务决策的重要指标。

    Capital cost is a importance index of finance decision-making .

  16. 本文研究信息与公司财务决策的关系。

    This paper studies corporate financing choices under asymmetric information .

  17. 市场不完全因素与公司财务决策

    Corporate Financial Decisions from the Inspective of Market Imperfection COMPANY

  18. 透过合并会计报表审视企业集团财务决策

    Seeing through Merging Accounting Report Forms Look Closely at Group Financial Decision

  19. 数据挖掘技术在财务决策支持系统中的应用研究

    Application of Financial Decision Support System to Data Mining Technology

  20. 外贸纺织企业财务决策支持系统建模研究

    Research on Models of FDSS for Foreign Trade Textile Enterprise

  21. 需要说明的是,这并不是赛伯勒斯公司的一项财务决策。

    To be clear , this is not a financial decision by Cerberus .

  22. 本文主要研究的是这几种租船业务的财务决策问题。

    This paper is mostly researching the financial decision-making of these affreightment businesses .

  23. 现金持有量是企业经营战略的一项重要财务决策。

    Cash holdings decision is a Piece of important decision on corporate finance .

  24. 人工智能在财务决策支持系统中的应用

    The Application of AI in Finance Decision Supporting System

  25. 现金持有是公司财务决策的一个重要内容之一。

    Cash holding is important in corporate financial decisions .

  26. 论国有企业的财务决策机制

    Study on Financial Decision Mechanisms to State-owned Enterprises

  27. 论企业财务决策中的税务筹划

    On Taxation Plan in Enterprise Financial Decision Making

  28. 公司并购的财务决策方法

    Financial Decision-making Methods in the Merging of Companies

  29. 紧接着笔者分析了与船舶租赁财务决策相关的因素,包括财务因素和非财务因素;

    Thirdly , the author analyzed the affect factor to the charter decision making ;

  30. 预测未来值可能是财务决策制定过程的重要组成部分。

    Projecting future values can be an important part of the financial decision-making process .