
cái wù bào biǎo
  • financial statement
  1. 基于粗糙集理论的CPA(注册会计师)审计独立性风险评价模型,旨在解决财务报表保险制度运作过程中的招投标管理问题。

    The evaluation model of the CPA audit independence risk is to solve the bid management in the process of the Financial Statement Insurance .

  2. 再次,构建了ERM模型的结果报告模块,在对各风险因子进行建模的基础上,以现金流为媒介进行整合,从而得到公司未来的模拟财务报表;

    Third , outcome report module is built . Combining risk modules and cash flow , simulating financial statement is acquired .

  3. 几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

    The directors are responsible for preparing the company 's financial statements .

  4. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。

    The report is inconsistent with the financial statements .

  5. 6.Cookthebooks做假账伪造或篡改财务报表

    cheat in accounting , manipulate financial records

  6. 我们翻阅了公司过去5年来的财务报表。

    We perused the company 's financial statements for the past five years .

  7. ERP中的自定义财务报表系统

    User - defined Financial Statements System of Enterprise Resource Planning

  8. 将Excel财务报表转成Notes文档的实现

    To Convert Excel Financial Report into Notes Document

  9. 但是现在Facebook上市在即,以后他的团队必须向投资者提交令人满意的财务报表,就这一点而言他们会面临巨大压力。

    But now that Facebook will be a public company , his team will be under enormous pressure to deliver financial results that keep investors happy .

  10. 审计事件惹人争议,甚至以对平衡财务报表不感兴趣著称的mccain也开始表达对此的看法。

    So controversial has accounting become that even John McCain , a man not known for his interest in balance sheets , has an opinion .

  11. 对于市场资本超过7000亿美元的公司,首次提交XBRL格式的财务报表时不能带详细脚注。

    Those with market capitalization above $ 700 million must make their initial submission in XBRL without detailed tagging of footnotes .

  12. 然而在传统会计原则之架构下,衍生性金融商品的资产负债表外(off-balance-sheet)特性,使得财务报表无法充份反映其经济实质的相关信息。

    Nevertheless , under conventional accounting principles , the characteristics of the off-balance-sheet won 't enable financial statements to adequately reflect the real-term information of the economy .

  13. 因此1988年的合并财务报表所显示的Cofipex的股份归于布伊格股份有限公司名下,就像是该集团所拥有。

    Hence the consolidated balance sheet for1988 shows Cofipex 's stake in Bouygues SA as shares that the group held in itself .

  14. 同时,广大投资者也认识到只关注财务报表结果而忽视产生结果的过程和控制是错误的。但是《萨班斯&奥克斯利法案》(以下简称SOX法案)的生效,使得这一情况发生了变化。

    At the same time , investors recognized that it was wrong that they only concerned the result of financial statements without concerning controls and processes which produced the result of financial statements . But this situation has changed since " Sarbanes-Oxley Act " enacted .

  15. 但因美国保险公司多遵循一般公认会计原则(GAAP)编制财务报表,所以在会计处理方式上虽有差异,仍有迹可循。

    But because the American insurance company follow and generally acknowledge generally that works out the financial statemant in accounting principle ( GAAP ) more , punish way has differences , there are marks that can be followed in accountant .

  16. 具体分析方法是基于ohlson的价格模型,通过spss统计分析方法对2006年到2010年上半年财务报表中的三张主表的财务数据与股价的关系来研究会计信息的价值相关性。

    Specific analysis method is based on the price model ohlson by spss statistical analysis for 2006 and 2010 financial statements of the three main table of financial data and stock prices to study the relationship between the value relevance of accounting information .

  17. 2007年,微软花了63亿美元收购aQuantive公司,试图进军互联网广告市场,但最终却惨败收场,最后该公司的市值在微软的财务报表上显示为区区1亿美元。

    Its attempts to make inroads in the Internet advertising market with the $ 6.3 billion acquisition of aquantive in 2007 was a rout that ultimately forced the firm to write the value of the company down to a mere $ 100 million .

  18. 功能性货币和境外子公司财务报表的合并研究

    Study on Functional Currency & Consolidation of Foreign Subsidiaries MONEY HISTORICAL

  19. 关于我国财务报表要素的几个问题

    Some things about Key Elements of Our Country 's Financial Statement

  20. 然后利用中国沪市上市公司的财务报表历史数据训练出财务报表欺诈的预测模型,并对模型的预测效果做出评估。

    The effect of the prediction mode is evaluated at last .

  21. 运用杜邦分析法对企业财务报表综合分析

    Comprehensive Analysis of Company 's Financial Statements by Du Pont Method

  22. 对被审计单位财务报表的辅助分析;

    Auxiliary analysis of the financial statements of the audited bodies ;

  23. 合并财务报表的合并理论与合并范围分析

    Analysis of the Consolidation Theory and Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

  24. 评估财务报表有助於辨认和衡量风险。

    Review financial statements to help identify and measure risks .

  25. 主题包括营运资金的管理及财务报表分析。

    Topics include working capital management and financial statement analysis .

  26. 吉林省制药业上市公司财务报表分析

    Financial Statements Analysis of Pharmaceutical Listed Corporations in Jilin Province

  27. 改革财务报表的编排形式和内容。

    To reform the form and contents of financial statement .

  28. 财务报表附注:国际比较与改进

    Notes of Financial Statements : International Comparison and Improving Strategies

  29. 从会计信息充分披露看财务报表附注的重要性

    The annotations of report forms is important to fiscal information

  30. 外币财务报表折算方法探讨

    An Exploration of the Foreign Currency Financial Statement Translation Method