
shè huì ɡòu mǎi lì
  • social purchasing power
  1. 随着我国国民经济的增长和社会购买力的持续提高,汽车工业呈现出了前所未有的发展势头,发动机心脏部件活塞的生产也有了长足的发展。

    With the growth of our national economy and the durative boost of social purchasing power , the automotive industry shows an unprecedented development momentum , the piston as the important part of engine also being in a fast grow .

  2. 由于社会购买力的提高落后于商品生产的扩张,经济危机就发生了。

    Economic crisis must become for social purchasing power falls behind commodity production .

  3. 他们对社会购买力的支配,会使生产和进口都偏重奢侈品。

    Their dominant purchasing power can bias production and imports toward manufactured luxury goods .

  4. 此外,阶级剥削、因工伤残、年老体衰等也都影响到广大无产者的生活与生存,甚至还导致社会购买力下降,引发社会危机,引起社会动荡。

    In addition , class exploiting 、 wounded due to working 、 old and infirm etc. also influenced the living of the proletariat , which even lead to social purchasing power deduced .

  5. 社会零售商品购买力

    Purchasing power for social retail goods