
  • 网络Social insurance fee rate
  1. 阶段性降低城镇职工基本医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险等四项社会保险费率;

    Gradually reduce four social insurance premium rates as the medical insurance , unemployment insurance , industrial injury insurance , maternity insurance , social insurance for urban workers .

  2. 上海市政府上周一宣布,决定进一步降低当地社会保险费率,总体下降2.5个百分点。这样上海也成为全国第七个实行类似缓和措施的地区。

    Shanghai government announced its decision on last Monday to lower social security premium contributed by companies by 2.5 percentage points , making it the seventh region to launch similar easing measures .

  3. 最后对我国社会基本养老保险费率结构调整的经济增长效应进行分析,对实证研究方法及其设计过程进行阐述。

    The fourth chapter , the effect of economic growth of the adjustment of basic endowment insurance rate structure in our country , expounds practical research methods and their designing process .

  4. 再次对我国社会基本养老保险费率结构调整进行模型分析,对依据的相关金融、保险及数学方法进行阐述,建立模型假设条件,完成目标函数模型的构建。

    The third chapter , the analysis on the mode of the adjustment of basic endowment insurance rate structure in our country , establishes objective function mode according to assumed conditions which based on the related finance , insurance and mathematical methods .

  5. 本文在论述过程中是分层级进行的,首先阐述了本文的选题背景及写作意义,对国内外关于社会基本养老保险费率结构理论进行文献综述,介绍本文研究内容和思路。

    The first chapter , Introduction , introduces the background and significance of this paper , making an integrated literature review on the theories of basic endowment insurance rate structure at home and abroad , providing an outline of the content and thread of this paper .

  6. 中国人力资源社会保障部和财政部近日联合发布关于降低社会保险费率的通知,这是减轻企业负担的最新举措。

    The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance have jointly issued a notice on cutting social security premiums in the latest move to reduce enterprises ' burdens .