
  • 网络Social Learning Theory;social-learning theory
  1. 班杜拉社会学习理论对现代德育的启示

    Inspiration from Bandura 's social learning theory on modern moral education

  2. 社会学习理论及在学校德育中的运用

    Application of Social Learning Theory in Moral Education in Vocational Schools

  3. 社会学习理论视域下的互动式口译教学探究

    Social Learning Theory : a Probe into the Teaching of Interactive Interpretation

  4. 论班杜拉社会学习理论的人本主义倾向

    On the humanistic tendency in bandura 's social learning theory

  5. 观察学习是班杜拉社会学习理论的核心。

    Learning of observation is the core of social theories of learning by Bandura .

  6. 班杜拉的社会学习理论与数学教学

    Bandura 's Social Learning Theory and Mathmatics Teaching

  7. 把社会学习理论和优势视角理论作为论文研究的理论基础。

    The theoretical basis of this dissertation is social study theory and strength perspective .

  8. 运动攻击性行为的假设模式包括本能理论、驱力理论、社会学习理论等。

    Movement model assumptions include sexual assault instinct theory , the theory-edge , social learning theory .

  9. 观察学习是一种基于社会学习理论的集成学习方法,以往对其研究集中于同构模式。

    Observational Learning Algorithm ( OLA ) is an ensemble method based on social learning theory .

  10. 本参考架构之「论基础」源于提升能力理论与社会学习理论。

    Theoretical base of this frame of reference is drawn from the theories of empowerment and social learning theory .

  11. 上海大龄孤残儿童就业辅导服务研究:基于社会学习理论的分析

    The Research of Employment Services for Teenager Orphans in Shanghai : An Analysis on the Basis of Social Learning Theory

  12. 行为主义和社会学习理论则强调:个体已形成的习得无助感加剧了戒烟困难;

    Yet the behaviorism stresses that it is the individual learned helplessness that sharpens the difficulty of giving up smoking .

  13. 行为主义,人文主义,认知主义和社会学习理论分别从不同的角度解释了什么是动机?

    The behavioral , humanistic , cognitive and social learning theories account for " what is motivation " from different perspectives .

  14. 本项目在活动设计上主要运用了社会学习理论和认知理论、生态系统理论等社会工作专业理论。

    This project used the social learning theory and cognitive theory , ecological systems theory and other social work profession theories to design .

  15. 本文第一章阐述了论文的理论基础:女性主义教育理论、社会学习理论、人本主义心理学。

    The theoretical foundations are explained in the first chapter of this thesis : the theory of feminist education , social researches and humanistic psychology .

  16. 班杜拉的社会学习理论对我国现阶段的公民道德建设和学校德育工作具有重要的启示意义。

    Bandera 's social learning theory is of important significance to the construction of the people 's morality and school moral education at the present in our country .

  17. 相应地,被普遍认为能够对暴力资讯促成未成年人犯罪作出合理解释的社会学习理论,亦当做出适当修正。

    So the social learning theory which is commonly regarded as an appropriate way to explain the correlation between violence information and juvenile delinquency should be revised properly .

  18. 道德心理学领域主要有四种理论,即精神分析理论、社会学习理论、认知发展理论和进化心理学理论。

    There are four major theories in the area of moral psychology . They are psychoanalytic theory , social learning theory , cognitive-developmental theory , and evolutionary psychology .

  19. 班杜拉社会学习理论以三元交互决定论为理论基础,指出亲历学习和观察学习是人类学习的两种基本形式,同时提出自我调节论、自我效能感等理论主张。

    This article describes the main content of Bandura 's social learning theory , including its theoretical basis , two forms of human study , self-regulation theory and self-efficacy .

  20. 主要从现代化理论、社会学习理论等社会学理论视角解析失地对农民的家庭影响。第三章主要是探讨失地对农民家庭影响的实证研究设计。

    It mainly discusses sociological theories such as modernization theory . The third chapter is the design of effects which losing land created to the farmers ' family questionnaire research .

  21. 外语学习积极情感背景模式便是在人本主义教育理论的基础上建立起来的,它还借鉴了社会学习理论,归因理论与自我效能理论。

    Based on humanistic pedagogy and social learning theory , enlightened by the theory of attribution and self-efficiency , a model of positive affective environment for foreign language learning is established .

  22. 回归模型还显示,在社会学习理论中居于重要地位的“家庭示范”和“亚文化群示范”在未成年人犯罪促成过程中的实际地位已让位于媒体,媒体暴力问题的严重性可见一斑。

    The regression model also reveals that family modeling and subcultural modeling , which are both important to juvenile delinquency in the social learning theory , have given place to medium violence .

  23. 依据建构主义理论、人本主义理论和社会学习理论等,分析什么是情感体验性教学以及它的特征、类型、原则和意义。

    According to Constructivism , The Humanistic Theory and Social Learning Theory , the article also analyses what the Sentimental Experiencing Instruction is and its features , types , principles and significances .

  24. 第四部分介绍了角色扮演教学法的理论基础:社会学习理论和合作学习,同时指出他们是如何为角色扮演教学法提供理论支撑的。

    In the fourth part , we point out the theoretical basis of Role-play teaching method , which is Social Learning Theory and cooperative learning , and think them support Role-play teaching method .

  25. 它们分别是心理学中的性别发展阶段理论、性别特质双向化理论与性别社会学习理论,以及女性主义学说中的自由主义女性主义、激进主义女性主义与马克思主义女性主义。

    They are the psychological stages of development in gender theory , gender theory and gender characteristics of two-way social learning theory , and feminist theories in the liberal feminism , radical feminism and Marxist feminism .

  26. 行为主义学习理论经历了三个阶段,表现为由经典行为主义的学习理论到新行为主义学习理论,再到20世纪50年代后期表现为社会学习理论的历史演变过程。

    The Behavioral Learning Theory has been experienced three phases , that is , from the classical behavioral learning theory to the new behavioral learning theory to the social learning theory which appeared in the last 1950s .

  27. 班杜拉社会学习理论是心理学理论体系中的重要理论,其理论涉及观察学习、自我调节、自我效能、三元决定论等重要概念;

    Bandura 's social learning theory is one of the important ones in the theoretical system of psychology . It concerns some important concepts such as observational learning , self-regulation , self-efficacy , tri - determinism and so on .

  28. 社会学习理论强调人类行为是个体与环境交互作用的产物,儿童可以通过替代强化获得道德行为,其基本途径是通过观察学习。

    The theory emphasizes that the mankind 's behavior is the product of interaction between man and environment and that children can obtain moral behavior by vicarious learning . That is to say children can learn by observing other 's behavior .

  29. 第二部分阐述了中小学隐性教育实施的理论依据,包括班杜拉的社会学习理论、罗伯的内隐学习理论、波兰尼的缄默知识理论和杜威的同时学习理论。

    Part two , to expatiate the theoretical evidence of the carrying on of hidden education . The theoretical evidence includes the theory of Bandura , the tacit knowledge theory of Polanyi , the implicit learning theory of Reber and the education theory of Dewey .

  30. 社会学习理论和实践代表了行为主义当代走向的一种新趋势,它使行为主义学习理论能够在认知心理学和人本主义心理学几乎平分天下的当代独树一帜。

    The social learning theory and its practice is a new trend of the behavioral psychology , which brings the behavioral learning theory to develop a school of it 's own in the modern psychological world whose main treads are the cognitive psychology and the humanistic psychology .