
cái wù zhǔ ɡuǎn
  • treasurer;finance officer;bursar
  1. 事业单位财务主管职能探讨

    An Approach to the Function of Institution 's Finance Officer

  2. 财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。

    The treasurer had run off with the club 's funds .

  3. 审理过后,他被重新任命为财务主管。

    After the trial he was reappointed treasurer .

  4. 亚历克斯和米哈伊尔当时是伙伴关系:米哈伊尔负责创新,亚历克斯是财务主管。

    Alex and Mikhail were in partnership then : Mikhail handled the creative side ; Alex was the financier .

  5. 她被选派接任财务主管的职务。

    She was designated to take over the position of treasurer .

  6. 财务主管由于试图窜改公司财政帐目而被拘留。

    The treasurer was arrested for trying to manipulate the company 's financial records .

  7. 自2000年以来,他分别担任过财务主管、上游业务负责人和首席执行官等各种职位,在BP成长为年营收2400亿美元的石油巨头过程中发挥了核心作用。

    Since 2000 , variously as treasurer , head of upstream activities and chief executive , he was central to the positioning of BP as a $ 240bn revenues-a-year behemoth .

  8. Carol,这是KathyChen,我们的财务主管,Kathy,这是CarolJacobs。

    David : Carol , this is Kathy Chen , our Financial Officer . Kathy , I 'd like you to meet Carol Jacobs .

  9. 此番并购热潮出现之际,美国企业正竞相借款,财务主管们希望赶在预料之中的美联储(Fed)加息之前锁定廉价、较长期的资金。

    The M & A boom has come amid a borrowing binge by US companies , as treasurers lock in cheap , longer-term funding ahead of an expected interest rate rise by the Federal Reserve .

  10. 中国钢铁制造商莱芜钢铁(laiwusteel)昨日披露,公司前财务主管于德政因挪用公款被判处有期徒刑10年。

    The former chief financial officer of Laiwu Steel , a Chinese steelmaker in negotiations to sell a stake to Arcelor Mittal , has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for embezzlement , the Shanghai-listed company said yesterday .

  11. 粗暴的英国航空航天公司老板JohnWeston要求担任Marconi财务主管多年的金先生来把握这个合并公司的战略。

    John Weston , the abrasive boss of British Aerospace asked Mr King , who had been finance director at Marconi for several years , to handle strategy for the merged firm .

  12. 哈姆.普勒格是英国建筑工程公司Costain西非分公司的财务主管。

    Harm Ploeger is the finance director for the West Africa branch of the British engineering and construction firm Costain .

  13. 我们对前财务主管克雷格·凯特尔曼的认罪协议达成了一致

    we have reached plea agreement for former treasurer Craig Kettleman .

  14. 浅谈财务主管的角色意识

    A Brief Discussion on the Role-playing Consciousness of Fiscal Authority

  15. 这位财务主管因违反规定被开除出了俱乐部。

    He treasurer was expelled from the club for breaking the rules .

  16. 我坚持认为,财务主管应该是一位合格的会计师。

    I insist that the senior finance person is a qualified accountant .

  17. 公司财务主管向董事会负责。

    The corporate treasurer has a responsibility to his board of directors .

  18. 财务主管将在年度大会上显示账目。

    The treasurer will be presenting the accounts at the annual meeting .

  19. 本文就对财务主管理财意识的提高进行了讨论。

    This thesis discussed the improvement of financial awareness of financial executive .

  20. 秘书和财务主管免予这种任期时间的限制。

    The Secretary and the Treasurer are exempt from this time restriction .

  21. 财务主管必须说明钱是怎么花的。

    A treasurer must account for the money he spends .

  22. 由首席财务主管负责协调与联络统计管理机构的关系。

    Relations with the regulatory agencies are coordinated by the Chief Financial Officer .

  23. 我来介绍一下王女士,她是我们的新财务主管。

    Let me introduce Ms Wang , Who is our new finance director .

  24. 确保财务主管知道这笔钱不用扣税

    Make sure the treasurer knows it 's tax-deductible .

  25. 财务主管有权决定50万美元以内的贷款。

    The treasurer has authority to lend up to half a million dollars .

  26. 财务主管一般有四项主要职责。

    The financial officers generally have four major responsibilities .

  27. 财务主管在知识经济时代的新思维

    The New Thought of Financial Controller in Knowledge-based Economy

  28. 她将担任我们新的财务主管。

    She is going to be our new treasurer .

  29. 管理公司现金账目,协助财务主管进行报税工作。6。

    Management company cash book and assist the treasurer for the return to work .

  30. 他是伯纳利欧县的财务主管

    He 's the treasurer of Bernalillo County .