
  • 网络Product Director;product manager
  1. 李博文,男,31岁,产品总监,从事本行业7年。

    Li Bowen , male , 31 , Product Director , in this profession for7 years .

  2. 他计划进一步拓展ProductHunt,涉足其他数个领域,其中也包括游戏。作为一名消费者和手游平台PlayHaven的产品总监,他对这个行业十分熟悉。

    He has plans to expand Product Hunt into other categories , including gaming , an industry he 's familiar with as a consumer and as director of product at PlayHaven .

  3. 本文作者SamGerstenzang为Imgur产品总监,曾在安德森o霍洛维茨基金合伙人担任过16个月的合伙人。

    Sam Gerstenzang ( @ gerstenzang ) is director of product at Imgur , and previously spent 16 months as a partner at Andreessen Horowitz .

  4. 但本月初,公司也遭遇了产品总监梅根•奎因的高调离职,她跳槽至凯鹏华盈风险投资公司(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)。

    But the company also suffered a high-profile defection earlier this month when Megan Quinn , its director of product , left to join venture firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers .

  5. 对从日本借调至英国的新兴产品总监michiotanaka而言,他的“一大担心”是自己基本不会讲英语的妻子如何应付在英国的生活。

    For Michio Tanaka , an emerging products director seconded to the UK from Japan , " a big worry " was how his wife , who spoke little English , would cope .

  6. 梅丽莎o梅耶尔——时任谷歌消费者网络产品总监;

    Marissa Mayer - then , Google 's director of consumer Web products ;

  7. 我在五个月前离开了安德森o霍洛维茨基金,加入图片分享网站Imgure担任产品总监。

    I left Andreessen Horowitz five months ago to join Imgur as director of product .

  8. 中国银行,公司金融总部,国内结算与现金管理模块,产品总监,林宏。

    Bank of China , Financial Headquarter of the Corporation , Cash Management and Settlement Department , Production Director , Lin Hong .

  9. 2016年10月4日,谷歌产品管理总监塞布丽娜·埃利斯在加利福利亚州旧金山的产品发布会上向大家介绍了谷歌的Pixel系列手机。

    Sabrina Ellis , Google director of product management , talks about the new Google Pixel phone during a product event in San Francisco , California , Oct. 4 , 2016 .

  10. 2004年4月1日,艾琳•伯比奇(EileenBurbidge)搭乘隔夜航班从旧金山抵达伦敦,她将担任Skype英国分公司的产品开发总监。

    On April 1 , 2004 , Eileen Burbidge stepped off the overnight flight from San Francisco to London .

  11. 我们的目标是扩大品牌的受众群体,别克广告与产品营销总监克雷格比尔利(CraigBierley)表示。

    The goal is about expanding the audience for the brand , says Craig Bierley , advertising and promotions director .

  12. 谷歌apps产品管理总监克莱巴沃尔(claybavor)表示,他认为google比竞争对手拥有优势,因为谷歌向企业提供的服务,与消费者在家使用的服务一样。

    Clay Bavor , product management director for Google Apps , said he believed that Google had an advantage over its competitors because it offered to businesses the same products that consumers used at home .

  13. 谷歌的安卓产品管理总监巴拉(HugoBarra)说,我们想围绕所有这些优秀的内容进行优化,设计出一个最佳谷歌体验。

    ' We wanted to design a best-of-Google experience that is optimized around all this great content , ' said Hugo Barra , Google 's Android product management director .

  14. 力以赴,抓住新时代带来的机遇。”美联社视频产品全球总监保罗·尚利表示,随着Ticktok和Vlog等新平台的出现,传统媒体巨头在争取观众注意力和时间方面面临着艰巨挑战。

    Paul Shanley , the Global Director of Video Products at The Associated Press , says traditional media giants are faced with tough challenges to fight for attention and time from the audience as many new platforms are like Tictok and Vlog .

  15. 我的头衔是产品设计总监。

    My title is director of product design .

  16. 我花了5个月时间,终于找到了一个产品营销总监的职位。

    It took me five months to find a job as a director of product marketing .

  17. 仅仅6年前,他还是几十个名不见经传的谷歌中层干部中的一员,头衔也仅仅是“产品管理总监”而已。

    Just six years ago , he was one of dozens of mid-level Googlers with the title of director of product management .

  18. 实际上,皮查伊此前担任产品管理总监时,就已经凭借一个不起眼但非常重要的工具在谷歌内部扬名立万了,它就是谷歌工具栏。

    Inside Google , however , Pichai had already made his mark as a director of product management for an obscure but important weapon in the company 's arsenal : the Google toolbar .

  19. 苹果产品完整性总监史蒂夫.肯纳(SteveKenner)在信上签字,信件寄递时间是11月22日。

    The letter was signed by Steve Kenner , Apple 's director of product integrity , and was submitted on November 22 .

  20. 据说拉夫西蒙斯接任CalvinKlein(长久仰仗带标识的产品)创意总监一职时,曾要求知名美术设计师彼得萨维尔(PeterSaville)对标识再设计。

    It 's telling that when Raf Simons took over at Calvin Klein , a brand that has long relied on logoed products , he called on acclaimed graphic designer Peter Saville to reshape the branding .

  21. 吉列首次赞助007系列电影,但其母公司宝洁的美容产品传播副总监卡拉·巴克利表示,这是赞助体育赛事以外的另一种方式。

    For Gillette , the Bond sponsorship is new with this film , but Kara Buckley , associate director of communications for grooming products at Procter and Gamble , Gillette 's owner , said it was a way to diversify from sports promotions .