
  • 网络industrial development policy
  1. 产业发展政策包括产业技术政策和产业布局政策等。

    The third is industrial development policy , which includes industrial technology policy and industrial distribution policy .

  2. 并结合全文分析结果就如何引导和控制好外商直接投资,发挥其积极的产业效应提出相关的产业发展政策建议。

    In the end , this paper provides the related industrial development policy recommendations about how to give the better guidance and control of foreign direct investment , and how to make it play positive effects of China 's industrial optimization .

  3. 其次根据我国的物流产业发展政策及C航运企业的自身特点,提出C航运企业应大力发展海铁联运这一运输模式。

    Then , according to our national development policies for logistics and the characteristics of the C shipping company , a suggestion of developing sea-rail combined transport has been made .

  4. 研读中国汽车产业发展政策

    Study on The Policy for The Development of China Auto Sector

  5. 辽宁文化创意产业发展政策建议的研究

    Recommendations and Research of Liaoning Cultural and Creative Industries Development Policy

  6. 日本的信息产业发展政策及对我国的启示

    Japan 's Information Industries Development Policy and to our Country 's Enlightenment

  7. 实现高新技术产业发展政策的制度创新。

    Innovating the system of development of hi-tech industry policies .

  8. 2005年中国稀土产业发展政策调整分析

    The analysis on adjustment policy of China rare earth industry , 2005

  9. 我国汽车产业发展政策与汽车燃油限值标准

    On Automotive Industry Development Policy and Limited Amount Regulations of Fuel Consumption

  10. 我国生物技术产业发展政策建议

    Suggestions of Measures for the Development of the Biotechnology Industry in China

  11. 钢铁产业发展政策及其约束力探讨

    Discussion on developing policy and controlling force of Iron & Steel Industry

  12. 关于《造纸产业发展政策》的学习与思考

    A study and reflection on Paper Industry Development Policy

  13. 煤炭产业发展政策研究的必要性分析

    Study on the significance of coal industry development policy

  14. 关于重庆旅游产业发展政策的思考

    Study on development policy of tourism industry of Chongqing

  15. 高等教育产业发展政策的建议

    Suggestions on the Policy of the Industrial Development of Higher Education in China

  16. 中国包装产业发展政策研究

    Researches on Development Policies of China 's Packaging Industry

  17. 中国竹产业发展政策框架思路

    Profile of China Bamboo Industry 's Policy Development

  18. 我国数控产业发展政策研究

    Study on the Policies of National NC Development

  19. 国外航天产业发展政策的研究。

    Study on Foreign Aerospace Industry Development Policy .

  20. 实行积极的产业发展政策;

    Enforce the active policy of enterprise development ;

  21. 英国数字内容产业发展政策

    Policy for Digital Content Industry Development in UK

  22. 我国战略性服务产业发展政策的主要内容如下:对于竞争性服务采取市场化取向的政策举措;

    These policies include adopting policies favorable for market orientation to guide competitive service industries ;

  23. 并对最新的《汽车产业发展政策》进行了分析和评价。

    Have analyzed and appraised about the latest " development policies of automobile industry " .

  24. 贯彻钢铁产业发展政策促进冶金矿山持续发展

    Carrying out Development Policies for Iron & Steel Industry and Promoting Sustained Development of Metallurgical Mines

  25. 并以湖南省为例,选择深圳等10个城市与湖南进行高新技术产业发展政策体系比较,提出湖南政策体系建设的建议。

    Several suggestions are presented in the construction of Hunan provincial policy system of high-technology industry .

  26. 区域信息化指数的构建与西部信息产业发展政策分析

    The Establishment of Regional Informatization Indexes and the Analysis of the Development Policy of Western Information Industry

  27. 新的《汽车产业发展政策》和《汽车排放标准》均已开始实施,要适应新政策和标准的要求,绿色营销是汽车生产企业的必由之路。

    The new automobile industry development policy and the exhaustion standard of autocar have come into force .

  28. 从政策扶持到政策激励&谈中国电信产业发展政策的变迁

    From Supporting Policies to Incentive Policies the change of policy for the development of China telecommunications industry

  29. 在国家酿酒产业发展政策中,露酒是被支持鼓励发展的产业;

    Cordial production is an encouraged industry during the formulation of wine-making industry policies by the government .

  30. 中国汽车产业发展政策的重点之一就是针对进口车市场的开放与限制。

    The Chinese automobile industry development policy relates to the open and limit to the importing automobile market .