
  • 网络property rule
  1. 加入WTO并未阻止中国操纵人民币汇率,未阻止它操纵招标程序,未阻止它将廉价资金输送给大型国企,也未阻止它系统性地藐视知识产权规则。

    Joining the WTO did not stop China from manipulating its currency , from rigging its tender procedures , from funnelling cheap finance to its state-owned behemoths , or from systematically flouting intellectual property rules .

  2. 政府往往是产权规则的提供者。

    Government is frequently the provider of property rules .

  3. TPP也会为监管体系、知识产权规则和公平竞争,设置很高的标准,都是中国应该努力追求、但目前达不到的标准。

    The T.P.P. would set high standards for regulatory systems , rules on intellectual property and fair competition & standards that China should aspire to but cannot currently meet .

  4. 介于产权规则和责任规则之间的知识产权集体管理组织

    Collective administration organizations of IPRs as an intermediate mechanism between property rule and liability rule

  5. 双重产权规则的冲突是导致目前我国经济宏观控制能力弱化的根源。

    The conflict between dual types of proprietorship leads to the weakness of China 's macroeontrolling capacity .

  6. 这些用户创造了知识产权规则、非正式网络以及超越国界的同级评审机制。

    These users have crafted intellectual property rules , informal networks and peer review mechanisms that transcend borders .

  7. 企业制度的演进过程,就是不断创新公共领域的产权规则,以减少管理者在公共领域产生的机会主义。

    The evolution process of the enterprise system lies creating property rule , in order to reduce the opportunism .

  8. 产权规则、责任规则及农地征用规则的选择

    Property Law , Liability Law and the Selection of Rules in the Area of the Acquisition of Agricultural Land

  9. 这些进展包括知识产权规则、新的原产地规则、国有企业指引以及可执行的环境和劳工标准。

    These included rules on intellectual property , new rules of origin , guidelines for state-owned enterprises and enforceable environmental and labour standards .

  10. 通过产权规则,明晰建筑物区分所有权的二元性,明确房屋建筑面积非专有即共有。

    Basing on property rules , the duality for the distinct property rights has been analyzed with condominium ownership either the exclusive or common .

  11. 所有权与先占相挂钩的规则(先占原则)既刺激水资源的开发,又能节省政府执行与实施产权规则的费用。先占原则适用于水资源开发的初期。

    The rules of associating property with pre-empt are both incentives to exploitation of water resource , and economization in government expense of executing property rules .

  12. 第一节:我们叙述了财产权规则在宪法、物权法、债法、公司法、救济法中体现,建立一个统一的广义上的财产权规则的体系。

    Part Three : Property Rules ( 1 ) Property rules exist in constitutional law , law of things , obligation law , corporate law and law of remedies .

  13. 它说,发展中国家不具备和发达国家同等的,恰当实行许多知识产权规则、制度和立法的法律和机构框架体系。

    It said that developing countries did not have the same legal and institutional framework for the adequate application of many of the intellectual property rules , systems and legislation .

  14. 产权与规则

    Property right and rules

  15. 另一方面,又有力地推动了全球性的和国家地域性的产权交易规则及法律制度的建立及完善。

    On the other hand , it strongly improves the foundation and perfection of the national or international trade assets systems / regulations .

  16. 其中的一个亮点是,新规要求改进电子商务和大数据等新兴领域中的知识产权保护规则。

    Among the highlights , the guidelines call for the improvement of rules and regulations related to IPR in newly emerging fields , including e-commerce and big data .

  17. 随后本文利用上述分析思路和基本结论对房屋拆迁和环境污染问题进行了分析,提出了相关的政策建议,进一步深化了对产权保护规则的选择。

    Subsequently this article analyses the problems of building demolition and environment pollution according to above analysis of ideas and basic conclusions , and proposes some correlative advices .

  18. 我国具体要根据国情,从鼓励和保护国家利益的角度出发确定知识产权保护规则和体制。

    Our nation bases on the situation of a country concretely , confirms the rule and system intellectual property protecting , from the angle of encouraging and protecting nation interest .

  19. TRIPS协定是世界贸易组织(WTO)成员必须共同遵守的保护知识产权的国际规则。

    TRIPS agreement is the international regulation to protect intellectual property abided by the parties of WTO organization .

  20. 中国加入WTO以后,TRIPS协议中有关知识产权侵权的规则将对我国知识产权侵权法律制度产生重要的影响。

    China affiliation WTO hereafter , TRIPS agreement inside rule concerning intellectual property right infringement will to our country the intellectual property right infringement law system produces the important influence .

  21. 并对国有产权交易的规则化进行了研究,以此奠定产权经营的运行机制。

    And the state-owned property transactions of regularization should bethe operation mechanism of property management .

  22. 产权交易竞争规则是产权交易中介组织运行的总规则。

    The property right conveyance competition rule is the main regulation of property right conveyance intermediary organization running .

  23. 基于产权交易方式的规则设计

    Mechanism Design Based on Trading Method of Property Exchange

  24. 美中商贸联委会主要讨论各种技术问题,包括知识产权保护、出口规则和具体贸易争端。

    The JCCT focuses on a variety of technical issues , including intellectual property protection , export rules and specific trade disputes .

  25. 在经济制度方面,所有制构成国家计划的利益基础,产权决定计划的规则结构,资源配置方式则是计划的运行基础。

    In economic system aspect , ownership makes up the interested foundation of the state plan , the property right determines regular structure of planning , and the way of allocation of resource is an operational foundation to planning .

  26. 所以,在知识产权的保护上,这种组织能够集产权规则和责任规则的优点于一身,确切地说就是能够在降低交易成本和降低信息成本之间做出最佳的折中。

    Therefore , on the aspect of protecting the IPRs , these organizations could synthesize the merits on the property rules and liability rules and make the best tradeoff between lowering the transaction costs and the information cost .

  27. 然而,国家知识产权局副局长甘绍宁认为,我国的知识产权保护规则还有改进的空间,同时他指出我国知识产权保护规则研究开始的比较晚。

    However , Gan Shaoning with the State Intellectual Property Office admits that there is room for improvement , noting that China has a short history with IPR .

  28. 本文通过对知识产权集体管理组织的分析,指出这种组织对知识产权的保护具有介于产权规则和责任规则之间的性质,是一种基于产权规则的责任规则。

    Based on the analysis of the Collective Administration Organizations of IPRs , this thesis indicates that the mode of protecting the IPRs by organizations is a liability rule built on property rules , and owns the attribute between the property rules and liability rules .

  29. 化的分配专利。”我国知识产权发言人表示,我国已建立了一套完整的,国际公认的,具有中国特色的知识产权保护规则。该规则包括行政保护和司法保护。

    China 's IP authorities say the country has established a complete and internationally recognized legal system for IPR protection with Chinese characteristics , which incorporates both administrative and judicial protection .

  30. 根据产权的概念界定出俱乐部产权的概念,在此基础上比较了美国两种联盟体制的运作方式,指出不存在到处适用的产权规则。

    According to the concept of property rights , we define the concept of club property rights . Compare two models in American league in order to show there is no rules available everywhere .