
  • 网络EPC;Electronic Product Code
  1. 因此,本文以鹿茸可追溯系统为背景基础,详细介绍了产品电子代码(EPC)标识方案。

    This paper introduces the identification schemes of Electronic Product Code ( EPC ) as the background basis for antler traceability system .

  2. RFID射频识别技术与EPC产品电子代码是近年用于物流业的新技术。

    Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) and Electronic Product Code ( EPC ) are new techniques used in the logistics industry in recent years .

  3. 在今后几年物流网的发展中,我国将是最大的EPC(产品电子代码,ElectronicProductCode)用户之一,而基于UHF频段的远距离RFID技术正是EPC技术的核心技术。

    During the following years of the development of Logistics Network , China will become one of the largest Electronic Product Code ( EPC ) consumers , and UHF RFID technology is just the core of EPC technologies .

  4. 本文介绍了产品电子代码与射频识别技术(EPC/RFID)的基本原理和工作特点。

    An introduction to basic principle and characters of Electronic Product Code and Radio Frequency Identification ( EPC / RFID ) was given in the paper .