
  • 网络audit of financial revenues
  1. 比如高校财务收支审计、高校内部控制制度审计、高校校内银行审计等等。

    High school 's inner control audit , high school 's bank audit etc.

  2. 经济责任审计与财务收支审计比较分析

    The Analysis of the Difference between the Economic Responsibility Audit and Financial Audit

  3. 因此,效益审计实质上是财务收支审计的延伸。

    Actually speaking , benefits audit is the extension of income and expenses audit .

  4. 公共工程投资绩效审计与效益审计、财务收支审计既有区别,又有联系。

    Both difference and connection exist between performance audit , benefit audit and financial and accounting audit .

  5. 开展效益审计应坚持效益审计与财政财务收支审计相结合的方法。

    Pr of it audit should abide by the combination between pr of it audit and finance balance audit .

  6. 但目前高等学校的审计仍以财务收支审计为主,对高等学校经常性经费的绩效审计还没有开展。

    But now audit of universities and colleges focuses on the financial audit , while year-by-year fund audit has not been carried out .

  7. 随着我国经济的发展和政府改革的逐步深化,政府审计已由传统的财务收支审计扩展到现代绩效审计的广阔领域。

    With the development of China economy and the deepening of Chinese government reform , Chinese Government Auditing has changed from traditional treasury auditing into modern Performance Auditing .

  8. 医院财务收支审计是医院审计的重要内容之一,作好医院的财务收支审计是医院生存和发展的重要保证。

    The hospital auditing of financial revenue and expenditure is one of the important auditing parts , which is an assurance for the hospital to exist and develop .

  9. 为促进新农村建设资金到位,督促相关单位管好、用好新农村建设资金,开展涉农专项资金财务收支审计显得十分必要。

    To make sure that the construction funds can be timely arranged , well managed and properly used , its quite necessary to start the auditing of the agro-oriented special funds .

  10. 近几年,各级审计机关围绕深化金融改革、整顿金融秩序,认真开展金融机构财务收支审计。

    For the past several years , audit institutions at various levels , serving to the needs of deepening monetary reform and rectification , have carried out audits of revenues and expenditures of monetary institutions .

  11. 中原石油勘探局尝试利用中国石化审计软件(测试版)开展钻井系统财务收支审计,实际工作中根据需要,调用软件提供的帐务查询、财务指标计算等模块进行分析性测试。

    This software was applied to financial income and outcome ( balance ) audit in well drilling system in this Bureau , in practice , analytical tests were carried out with programs this software provided , such as accounting inquiry , financing target calculation .

  12. 审计机关对上述单位与建设项目有关的财务收支的审计,不受审计管辖范围的限制。

    Audit of incomes and expenses related to construction projects which are generated and incurred by the above units shall not be subject to the restriction of audit jurisdiction .

  13. 组委会监督审计部门对组委会各部门的财务收支进行定期审计监督。

    The BOCOG supervision and auditing department shall regularly audit the income and expenditure of all the BOCOG departments .

  14. 第十九条审计机关对国家的事业组织的财务收支,进行审计监督。

    Article 19 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of State institutions .

  15. 第十八条审计署对中央银行的财务收支,进行审计监督。

    Article 18 The National Audit Administration shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of the Central Bank .

  16. 政府审计,指的是由国家审计机关代表国家,对行政事业单位、企业、金融机构等组织的财政、财务收支情况进行审计。

    The Governmental audit is referred to the national auditing bureau for the national financial institution and the state-owned company on the behalf of the country .

  17. 第二十五条审计机关对国际组织和外国政府援助、贷款项目的财务收支,进行审计监督。

    Article 25 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of projects with aids or loans provided by international organizations or governments of other countries .

  18. 第二十四条审计机关对政府部门管理的和社会团体受政府委托管理的社会保障基金、社会捐赠资金以及其他有关基金、资金的财务收支,进行审计监督。

    Article 24 Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of the social security funds , funds from public donations and other relevant funds and capital managed by governmental departments or by public organizations authorized by the governments .