
  • 网络consortium charge
  1. 财团抵押与浮动抵押之比较

    The Comparison of consortium charge with Floating charge

  2. 财团抵押立法研究

    Research on the Legislation of the Inventory Mortgage

  3. 论浮动财团抵押优先权问题

    On the Priority of Floating Charge

  4. 希望能通过这一探讨对中国的物权法案中有关浮动财团抵押制度的设计有所帮助。

    The author hopes the article can help in drafting the system of floating charge in the future Property Law of China .

  5. 财团抵押制度是大陆法系国家创制的以企业特定的集合财产为抵押标的物的担保制度。

    The inventory mortgage system is a system of guarantee created by continental law system countries , with certain given property of enterprises as its collaterals .

  6. 最后,通过对国内和国际经济发展状况的分析,论证了在我国建立财团抵押制度的必要性;

    In the final part of this paper , analyses are made on domestic and international economic development status to prove the necessity to establish the inventory mortgage system in China .

  7. 抵押有普通抵押和特别抵押之分,后者包括最高额抵押、法定抵押、财团抵押、浮动抵押等抵押特别形式。

    The mortgage can be divided into normal mortgage and special mortgage , the latter of which includes the maximum-limit mortgage , legal mortgage , the consortium unsecured mortgage , and floating mortgage .

  8. 企业担保是指以企业全体财产为标的而设定的担保,与财团抵押、浮动抵押两者既有相同又有不同。

    Enterprise guarantee refers to the guarantee enacted with all the properties of the enterprise as the subject , which is both similar to and different from the financial group mortgage and floating mortgage .

  9. 第一章还从浮动抵押的定义和特征入手,对其概念进行了分析,并与财团抵押、所有权保留和抵押物的物上代位性等相关概念进行了区别。

    The first chapter also analyzes the conception of the floating charge through the definition and features of it and distinguishes it from the related notion including financial group mortgage , retention of ownership and substitution of mortgage .