
cái chǎn sǔn shī bǎo xiǎn
  • Property damage insurance;indemnity insurance
  1. 我国财产损失保险定价方法分析

    Pricing Method of Property Insurance in China

  2. 财产损失保险是财产保险公司的传统、重要险种之一。

    Property damage insurance property insurance company tradition , one of the important types of insurance .

  3. 财产损失保险是指以各种有形的财产为保险标的的财产保险。

    Property damage insurance refers to a variety of tangible property is the the insurance subject of property insurance .

  4. 从近几届奥运会来看,奥运会涉及的保险险种将主要涉及赛事注销和停办保险、人身意外伤害保险、财产损失保险等几个方面。

    In recent Olympic games , Olympic insurance mainly focus on games logout insurance , accident insurance and property insurance .

  5. 企业财产损失保险;家庭财产损失保险;建筑工程保险;安装保险;货运保险;机动车辆保险;船舶保险;能源保险。

    Business property insurance ; family property insurance ; building insurance ; installation insurance ; cargo insurance ; motor vehicle insurance ; shipping insurance ; energy insurance .

  6. 除了车辆保险以外的财产损失保险产品目前也陆续有部分行业监管产品,但由于产品较多,各家保险公司自主制定的范围广,产品定价随意性现象突出。

    Property damage insurance products in addition to outside the vehicle insurance also went to some of the industry regulatory product , but a wide range of various insurance companies to develop their own products more prominent phenomenon of product pricing randomness .

  7. 如果发生财产损失,财产损失保险就可以保证其得到维修并重新投入使用&因此相关的人员和企业就能恢复其经济活动,从而惠及广泛的公众利益。

    In the case of property damage , having the property insured for damage assures that the property will be repaired and returned to use-so the people and businesses associated with it can resume economic activity-which has broad public benefit .

  8. 财产保险业务,包括财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险等保险业务;

    Property insurance business which includes insurance against loss or damage to property , liability insurance and credit insurance ;