
  • 网络Financial Supply Chain
  1. 随着社会化生产分工和全球化供应链产业组织模式的发展,运用供应链金融解决财务供应链管理的做法日益创新。

    With the development of the social division of labor and the industrial organization of supply chain , there are increasingly innovative ways to apply the supply chain finance to financial supply chain management .

  2. 财务供应链中冗余财务成本及解决对策

    Solution of Redundant Financial Cost of Financial Supply Chain

  3. 最后,用委托代理理论、财务信息供应链理论、和信号传递理论论述了内部控制与财务信息质量的关系。

    Finally , the principal-agent theory , the financial information supply chain theory and signaling theory discusses the relationship between the quality of internal control and financial information .

  4. 我们的服务经验遍及多个行业处于领导地位的外商投资企业,涵盖银行,人力资源,财务,供应链,生产制造等多个职能部门的中高端职位。

    Our practices had been provided to the industry leaders from various sectors , involving the mid-senior positions of human resources , finance , supply chain , manufacturing functions and etc.

  5. 财务报告供应链和价值链的分析为财务报告的监管提供了一条新的思路,就是以公司治理为基础防范财务报告舞弊,提升财务报告质量。

    And analysis of financial reporting supply chain and value chain provides a new way to supervision of financial reporting , namely , financial fraud is prevented and quality of reporting is promoted based on corporate governance .

  6. 商业和工业财产保险公司fmglobal最近进行的一项研究发现,北美洲和欧洲的财务高管把供应链中断视为自身业务面临的第二大威胁。

    A recent study by FM global , an insurer of commercial and industrial property , found that financial executives in North America and Europe saw supply chain disruption as the second-biggest threat to their operations .

  7. 最后以新的财务角度研究供应链违约风险防范和控制。

    Finally , the new financial perspective the supply chain to prevent and control the risk of default .

  8. 第四章分别阐述了公司整体、财务管理、供应链管理、生产管理的需求分析,表述了原有的流程是如何运作的,并分析了其中的不足以及应该达成的目标。

    Chapter IV gives requirement analysis with respect to the company as a whole , financial management , supply chain management and production management . This chapter also describes the operation of the original process and analyzes the deficiencies therein , determining a goal to be achieved .

  9. 接着,在平衡记分卡的思想运用上,基于整体和发展的视角,本文从顾客价值、财务价值、供应链内部运营和供应链长远发展潜力四个方面建立了供应链绩效评价指标体系;

    Thirdly , based on balanced-score card and the visual angles of whole and development , this paper establishes the system of supply chain performance evaluation indices from four aspects , such as customer value , finance value , supply chain interior operation and its long range development potential .

  10. 同时企业还会通过供应链将财务风险传导至上下游相关企业,产生财务风险在外部供应链上的传导。

    At the same time , enterprise conducts its financial risk to related upstream and downstream enterprises through the supply chain , resulting in financial risk conduction through the supply chain .