
  • 网络Property Income
  1. 第三是部分农民还有财产性收入。

    And third , some farmers also receive property income .

  2. 但是,目前我国居民财产性收入在不断增长的同时其差距急速扩大。

    However , property income has the rapid expansion of the gap .

  3. 增加群众财产性收入的伦理意蕴探析

    Discussion on Ethics Implication of " Increasing the Masses Property Income "

  4. 多渠道增加居民财产性收入。

    We should increase proprietary individual income through multiple channels .

  5. 现阶段我国农民财产性收入问题研究

    Study on Chinese Farmers ' Property Income at the Stage

  6. 从群众拥有财产性收入变化看社会价值观的变迁

    Social Values from Property Income Changes That the Populace Have

  7. 增加我国居民财产性收入的理论探析

    The Theoretical Exploration on Increasing the Property Income of Our Country 's Residents

  8. 三是部分农民有财产性收入。

    And third , some farmers receive property income .

  9. 增进财产性收入,推动社会保障改革

    Enhancing Property Income and Promoting the Social Security Reform

  10. 创造条件让更多群众拥有财产性收入。

    We will create conditions for more people to earn income from property .

  11. 股票投资理应成为居民财产性收入的重要来源之一。

    Stock investment is supposed to be a prime source of property income .

  12. 财产性收入和转移性收入对贫困的影响较小。

    Property income and transferred income have played little role in reducing poverty .

  13. 中国居民财产性收入理论与实践研究

    A Study on the Theory and Practice of Residents Property Income in China

  14. 股票投资对增加居民财产性收入影响的研究

    Effects of Stock Investment on Property Income Growth

  15. 随着经济的发展,财产性收入越来越成为我国居民收入的一个重要来源。

    With economic development , property income increasingly become an important source of income .

  16. 深化收入分配制度改革,保障低收入群体的财产性收入

    Deepen the Reform of Income Distribution System , Protecting Low-income Groups in the Property Income

  17. 我国居民财产性收入增加的途径及条件的研究

    A Research on the Ways and Conditions of Chinese Residents ' Increasing in Property Income

  18. 由此总结归纳出财产性收入对我国经济发展,对社会稳定的必要性和意义。

    Sums up necessary and Significance in property income for development our economy and stabilize society .

  19. 财产性收入的增长,从侧面反映了居民持有财富的增加。

    Property income growth , from the reflection of the increase of wealth held by residents .

  20. 转移性收入与财产性收入差值在两省农村居民人均纯收入差值中所占比重不是很大,但增速很快。

    The difference of metastasis income and property income is not very important , but increased rapidly .

  21. 广东省居民财产性收入与可支配收入差距关系的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Property Income and Disposable Income Gap of Residents in Guangdong Province

  22. 城镇和农村居民内部财产性收入分配的不平等状况都比较严重。

    The inequality situation of property income distribution of both urban and rural residents is serious . 3 .

  23. 在此基础上,对财产性收入增加所遇到的体制性的障碍和不确定的风险进行了客观的评估。

    According this , this thesis made an objective assessment of obstacles and risk to increase property income .

  24. 更多群众拥有财产性收入,是实现共同富裕、构建社会主义和谐社会的重要条件。

    More and more people having property income is an important condition for common prosperity and harmonious society .

  25. 分别从城镇居民和农村居民的基本情况进行统计,特别是对财产性收入的统计。

    Were urban residents and rural residents from the basic situation of statistics , especially on property income statistics .

  26. 在持续的通货膨胀中,注重“财产性收入”的理财显得尤为重要。

    In the sustained inflation , to pay attention to " property income " in financial management is particularly important .

  27. 本文在随后又通过建立制度模型对制度影响农民财产性收入的关系进行分析。

    In this paper , then model the system by establishing a system of property income of the farmers were analyzed .

  28. 内容提要:十七大报告中提出的“财产性收入”的概念,引起了广泛的关注。

    Abstract : " Property Income " was put forward and drew great attention in the17th National Congress of the CPC .

  29. 农民的财产性收入在总收入中所占的份额相对较小,一般不超过总收入的3%。

    Property income of fanners makes up a comparatively small proportion of gross income , usually at 3 % or lower .

  30. 农民的土地财产性收入,指土地被征用、土地经营使用权经流转后而得到的相应补偿和收益。

    Farmers ' land property income means relevant compensations for expropriation of land or proceeds from transfer of land use right .