
  • 网络Financial risk indicators;finance risk indicators
  1. 笔者在对企业财务风险指标进行科学选取的基础上,利用主成分分析法和因子分析方法计算企业财务风险综合得分;

    Based on selection of financial risk indicators , principal component and factor analyses were used to calculate the comprehensive scores of enterprise 's financial risk .

  2. 根据评价高等院校财务风险指标的选取原则,建立了高等院校财务风险评价的指标体系,指标体系建立的步骤包括:评价指标的筛选、设置指标权重并进行一致性检验、指标定值的方法。

    According to the principles of indexes selection , the paper builds the financial risks indexes system . The indexes system established by the steps including : sieving of indexes , setting target weights and consistency test , using the method of setting targets .

  3. 高校财务风险预警指标体系的构建研究

    Research on Establishing of the System of Early Warning Indicators on Financial Risks in Colleges

  4. 其次,在此基础上,本文研究如何建立城市商业银行的财务风险控制指标体系。

    On this basis , the paper establishes financial risk control system of the commercial banks .

  5. 第四章,中小企业的财务风险预警指标体系设计。

    In the fourth chapter , this paper probes the index system of financial risk forecast system .

  6. 第三部分是公立高校财务风险评价指标体系的内容。

    The third part is the content of the evaluation index system of financial risks ofpublic universities .

  7. 具体方法是先对整个财务风险衡量指标体系用聚类分析法对指标进行聚类,然后对于每一个类别用因子分析法选出其代表因子,并建立因子得分模型。

    The method is to classify the whole index system basing on clustering methodology and establish a factor score model after electing its representatives for every category .

  8. 比如,在构建财务风险预警指标体系时研究的还不够深入,未建立财务模型;未对对各种财务风险因素设置权重比例。

    For example , the studying of the constructing financial warning indicator systems is not enough in-depth , financial models are not established . Dose not set the weight ratio of a variety of financial risk factors .

  9. 企业财务风险预警指标是通过企业财务报表及相关资料的分析,将企业面临的危机情况预先告之于企业经营者和财务管理人员,以提早作好防范措施的财务分析系统。

    Enterprise 's financial prewarning index system is a financial analyzing system that is established through analyzing enterprise 's financial statement and the related materials , informing the managers and financial management personnel of enterprise 's financial risk in advance for putting forward the preventive measure early .

  10. 建立财务风险的预警指标;

    Buiding up index forecast of the financial risk ;

  11. 离差比系数&计量财务风险的新指标

    The Ratio of Coefficient of Variation & A New Index for Measuring Financial Risk

  12. 本文运用数理统计的手段,将包含双重风险的标准离差率分离,设计了计量财务风险的统计指标&离差比系数;

    The author designs a statistical index , the Ratio of Coefficient of Variation , for measuring financial risk .

  13. 将偿付能力充足率作为衡量公司财务风险的重要指标,并通过多个财务比率来反映就是其中之一。

    So taking the solvency adequacy rate as the index to measure the financial risk measured by other variables is one of the methods .

  14. 并结合公办高校自身发展的特点,借鉴企业管理的经验,选择12个财务指标建立高校财务风险预警指标体系,结合功效系数法建立公办高校的财务风险预警模型,并加以实证分析。

    Combined with the characteristics of the development , the experience of enterprise management and 12 financial indexes , it establishes the financial risk indicators of early warning system , and the system verifies and analyses the causes .

  15. 第四,本文对构建财务风险预警系统和财务风险指标评价体系进行了探讨,并提出建立相应的激励与约束机制,防范财务风险。

    Fourth , to structure financial risk early warning system and financial risk index appraise system go on the discussion this text , put forward and set up corresponding encouragement and tied mechanism , take precautions against the financial risk .

  16. 在此分析基础上,结合N工程有限公司财务管理的实际情况,采用综合评分方法构建出N工程有限公司的财务风险预警指标体系。

    Based on the analysis , index system of financial risk warning for the corporation is build up , using comprehensive scoring method .

  17. 采取案例分析法和文献综述法,对高职院校的财务风险进行系统的理论分析和实证研究,定性分析与定量研究相结合,选取适合于高职院校财务风险评估的财务指标进行指标体系的构建。

    To case analysis and literature review method , the financial risk of higher vocational colleges systematic theoretical and empirical research , qualitative analysis and quantitative research combined with select institutions for higher financial risk assessment index system of financial indicators Construction .

  18. 借鉴西方国家科学基金组织财务管理的经验,对中国国家自然科学基金管理中的财务风险进行分类,提出了经费开支、内部控制、资助结构和资金使用四个方面的财务风险评价指标体系。

    By the use of the experience of the financial management in foreign science foundation , the financial risks of NSFC was classified as expenditure , internal control , self supporting structure and use of founds , such four financial risk evaluation indicators system .

  19. 然后比较分析了现有的财务风险预警模型,结合我国寿险业务和财务制度的特点,从盈利能力、偿付能力和业务能力三个方面,构建了反映寿险公司财务风险的基本财务指标体系。

    Then it compares the existing financial risk early warning model , and with characteristics of the life insurance business and our financial system , construct the basic financial indicators system reflecting the financial risk of life insurance companies from the profitability , solvency and operational capacity .