
  • 网络Financial Statement Analysis;Analysis of Financial Statements;Financial Reporting and Analysis;Finance and Financial Reporting
  1. 本文通过对研究与财务报告分析相关的若干互动因素及其影响,探讨财务报告分析存在的缺陷、所处的理论环境和现状。

    The article tiies to explain the internal limitation , theoretical environment and present situation of financial statement analysis ( FSA in short ), by analyzing the FSA-related counteracting aspects and their influence on FSA .

  2. 第六部分,其他财务报告分析。

    Part one discuses the analysis of foot notes to financial statements .

  3. 谈建筑企业经理必备的财务报告分析知识

    Manager of Building Enterprise Must Master the Knowledge on Financial Statements ' Analysis

  4. 试论传统财务报告分析方法

    Traditional Analytical Methods of Financial Reports Financial Analysis

  5. 财务报告分析课程在建筑业工商管理培训中的教学实践

    Teaching practice about the course of financial report analysis in MBA training of building enterprises

  6. 试论财务报告分析

    The Analysis on Financial Report

  7. 本文综合运用规范研究和实证研究方法,对财务报告分析的理论和方法进行了深入的分析。

    By employing normative & empirical research , the paper tentatively studies the theories and methods of financial statements analysis in several aspects .

  8. 传统财务报告分析是针对资产负债表和损益表进行的,其典型的分析方法包括结构分析、趋势分析和比率分析。

    Traditionally , analysis of financial reports was mainly made on balance sheet and income statement typically with structure , tendency and rate analysis .

  9. 本文从四个方面阐明了作为建筑企业经理必备的财务报告分析的知识,为其进行企业财务管理活动理清思路。

    In this article , the author interprets the knowledge on financial statements ' analysis that mangers of building enterprise must master in four respects , in order to help them manage their factories ' finance .

  10. 财务报告分析人员采用手工摘取数据的方式,难以快速地对企业财务经营状况作出及时分析和预测,无法满足管理人员的需求。

    It is difficult for financial reporting analyst to quickly make timely analysis and forecasts of corporate finance business conditions by way of manual access to data , which is also unable to meet the requirements of management .

  11. 本文从讲授内容的选取、讲授方法、案例应用、树立经营观念等几个方面入手,总结了在建筑企业工商管理培训中财务报告分析这门课程在教学中的几点体会。

    In this article , the author inquires into several teaching experiences about the course of financial report analysis in MBA training of building enterprises through some aspects as follows : selecting suitable teaching materials , teaching method , moots analyzing and establishing a sense of management .

  12. 第四章:网络财务报告模式分析。

    Fourth chapter : Analysis of the Internet financial report model .

  13. 虚假财务报告成因分析

    Analysis on Causes of Fraudulent Financial Reporting

  14. 财务报告的分析与利用

    Analysis and Utilization of Financial Report

  15. 第五章:基于扩展标记语言的网络财务报告模式分析与展望。

    Fifth chapter : The analysis and forecast of Internet financial report model based on expansion mark language .

  16. 以管理者为基础的财务报告研究分析提高基层疾控机构检验报告质量分析

    Analysis of how to improve the quality of inspection reports of basic Center for Disease Prevention and Control

  17. 利润质量这一概念,在上市公司财务会计报告分析中十分重要。

    The concept of profit quality is very important in the financial statement analysis of the listed securities companies .

  18. 通过对企业财务报告智能分析系统在软件方面的探讨,以起到抛砖引玉的作用,期待软件技术在财务报告智能分析系统中更加深入的运用。

    Through this research , expecting that software technology will apply the field of Financial statement analysis more deeply .

  19. 从现行财务报告的分析与评价入手,提出了改进财务报告的策略。

    Starting from the analysis and evaluation on the current financial statement , this paper puts forward some measures for improving the financial statement .

  20. 我国上市银行会计改革效果的研究&基于上市银行财务报告的分析与评价

    Research on the Effectiveness of the Listed Commercial Bank Accounting System Reform In China : Analysis and Comments Based on the Listed Banks ' Finacial Reporting

  21. 后者则需要借助公众公司财务报告的分析与解释机制,主要包括证券分析师、评级机构等中介服务机构功能的发挥。

    The second one relies on the analysis and interpretation mechanisms , which mainly fall back on the functions of markets intermediaries such as securities analysts and rating agencies .

  22. 第一部分是对政府财务报告使用者的分析。

    The first part analyses the users of government financial report .

  23. 智力资本报告与传统财务报告的差异分析

    On the Differences between Intellectual Capital Report and Traditional Financial Report

  24. 无形资产会计对财务报告的影响分析

    The Analysis of the Intangible Assets Accountancy Influence Financial Report

  25. 上市公司虚假财务报告的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Fraudulent Financial Reporting of Listed Companies

  26. 财务报告舞弊动因分析与警戒信号识别

    The Analysis of Fraud Motivations and the Recognition of Alert Signals in a Financial Report Audit

  27. 中国会计准则与国际财务报告准则差异分析试论英国会计准则委员会的《财务报告原则公告》

    A Comparative Analysis of CAS and IFRS ; On Statement of Principles for Financial Reporting Issued by Accounting Standards Board ;

  28. 会计信息失真、财务报告及财务分析指标体系的局限性,会影响财务分析的有效性,从而影响投资决策。

    The distortion of accounting information , the limitation of financial report and financial analysis target system can affect the validity of financial analysis and influence investment decision .

  29. 本论文根据一般公认会计原则和国际财务报告准则,分析并考查了中国和肯尼亚的会计准则情况。

    According to Generally Accepted Accounting Principle ( GAAP ) and International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ), this thesis analyzes the accounting standards of China in comparison to Kenya .

  30. 通过对国内外涉农上市公司2007年财务会计报告的分析发现:国外和国内上市公司都存在着信息披露不充分、不规范等问题。

    By analyzing the financial report of the agriculture-related listed companies in 2007 at overseas or domestic level , we found that both the domestic and international companies have the problems that the information disclosed is not adequate and standard .