
  • 网络Fiscal year;financial year
  1. 他们已准备好削减下一财年的联邦预算赤字。

    They 're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year .

  2. 日本金融厅(FinancialServicesAgency)将在下一财年的4月至9月之间出台这些措施。

    The Financial Services Agency will introduce the measure between April and September next fiscal year .

  3. 他宣布在接下来的两个财年里将大幅提高税收。

    He announced big tax increases for the next two financial years

  4. 地方政府等不到财年结束钱就会花得一干二净。

    Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year

  5. 他预计本财年能继续保持可观的利润。

    He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year .

  6. 广告收入在新财年取得了开门红。

    Advertising revenue in the new financial year has got off to a flying start

  7. 公司承认到9月本财年结束时将会出现亏损。

    The company admits it will make a loss for the year ending September .

  8. 该公司有望在下一个财年实现2,000万英镑的盈利。

    The company is on course for profits of £ 20m in the next financial year .

  9. 业界估计本财年订单会增加10%。这绝对不可能。

    The industry reckons it will see orders swell by 10 % this financial year . Some hope .

  10. 我建议你在这个财年结束前都按兵不动。

    I suggest that you sit tight until the end of the financial year .

  11. 但索尼仍坚持自己的目标,即在截至明年3月的财年里,销售250万台3D电视。

    But Sony is sticking by its goal of selling 2.5m 3D televisions in the Japanese fiscal year to March .

  12. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,这家公司上一个财年有13亿美元的收入来自情报公司,占了公司总收入的23%。

    The New York Times reports that the company earned $ 1.3 billion , 23 % of its total revenue , from intelligence work during its most recent fiscal year .

  13. MMResearch称,在截至2013年3月份的财年,苹果的iPad在日本平板电脑市场的市场份额已超过50%。

    Apple 's iPad also garnered more than 50 % of Japan 's tablet-computer market in the fiscal year ended March 2013 , said MM Research .

  14. 戴尔电脑(DellComputers)是全球PC业的霸主,2002财年销售收入达到了310亿美元。

    Dell Computers is the industry leader in PC world . Its revenue in Financial year 2002 reached $ 31 billion .

  15. 日本国有银行——日本政策金融公库(JapanFinanceCorporation)的数据显示,上一财年,仅有16%的新公司由女性创办。

    In the last financial year , only 16 per cent of new businesses were started by women , according to Japan Finance Corporation , the government-owned bank .

  16. 据路透社(Reuters)报道,在2014年3月结束的财年,公司仅售出了2200辆大使牌汽车。

    In the year ending March 2014 , just 2,200 Ambassadors were sold , according to Reuters .

  17. 印度央行周二将其本财年GDP增速预期从原来的7.3%下调到6.5%。

    India 's central bank on Tuesday cut its forecast for gross domestic product growth in this fiscal year to 6.5 % from 7.3 % .

  18. 在2015年财年,平均每个工作日有92314名乘客在宾州车站搭上新泽西公共交通(NewJerseyTransit)列车,而在2010年财年这个数字为79891人。

    An average of 92314 riders boarded New Jersey Transit trains at Penn Station each weekday in fiscal year 2015 , up from 79891 riders in fiscal year 2010 .

  19. 2011财年,美国联邦财政收入达到GDP的15%,低于1980年的19%。

    Federal revenues in the fiscal year 2011 amounted to 15 per cent of GDP , less than the 19 per cent of GDP of 1980 .

  20. RIM已经宣布,预计2013财年第2季度公司仍将继续亏损。

    Rim now says it expects to report an operating loss in the second quarter of fiscal 2013 as well .

  21. 芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)的CEO保罗·欧德宁领导该公司连番实现了创纪录的销售收入&该公司上一财年的销售收入高达540亿美元。

    Intel CEO Paul Otellini led the chipmaker to record sales & a whopping $ 54 billion in its last fiscal year .

  22. Treasury财报显示,在截至去年12月31日的上半财年,Treasury净利润增加了31%,至5230万澳元。

    Treasury 's net profit increased 31 % to A $ 52.3 million in its fiscal first half ended Dec. 31 on a reported-currency basis .

  23. 在海外市场需求的帮助下,本田(honda)昨日宣布上一财年的销售达到创纪录水平。

    Honda yesterday unveiled record sales for the past fiscal year , helped by demand in overseas markets .

  24. 今年11月,在本财年启动后不久,该公司发布了iPhoneX,这是人们期待已久的旗舰产品升级。

    In November , shortly after the start of the current fiscal year , the company released iPhone X , a long-awaited upgrade to its flagship product .

  25. 其次,储蓄与投资的大幅增长,为这种增速提供了支撑。2007年至2008年财年,印度国内总储蓄升至GDP的38%。

    Second , vastly higher savings and investment underpin this acceleration , with gross domestic savings up to 38 per cent of GDP in the financial year 2007-08 .

  26. 鲁比尼全球经济咨询公司(RoubiniGlobalEconomics)估计2009-2010财年仅60亿美元左右的埃及外国直接投资现已直线下跌了68%。

    Roubini global economics estimates foreign direct investment in Egypt , only about $ 6 billion in the 2009-2010 fiscal year , has dropped by 68 % .

  27. 最近一个财年,印度预算赤字占GDP的比重为5.8%,高于4.6%的目标,这使印度几乎没有实施财政刺激的空间。

    Its budget deficit of 5.8 % of GDP in the recent fiscal year , which overshot a target of 4.6 % , leaves little room for fiscal stimulus .

  28. 2006财年,IBRD和IDA总共提供了279项贷款和担保业务。

    The2006 financial year saw a total of279 IBRD and IDA lending and guarantee operations delivered .

  29. 官方在接受采访时说,绿色GDP报告是一个很复杂的核算体系,相对于传统的财年GDP报告所需要的一年完成期而言,它则需要2年左右的时间。

    Officials told China Daily that the Green GDP report is a complex accounting project which takes around two years longer than the compilation of conventional GDP figures for a fiscal year .

  30. 同时,苏格兰可能还要按比例承担英国的部分净公共债务,据英国财政部(uktreasury)预测,净公共债务将在2013-14财年达到峰值,为gdp的71%。

    Moreover , Scotland would presumably inherit a pro rata share of UK net public debt , forecast by the UK Treasury to peak at 71 per cent of GDP in 2013-14 .