
  • 网络Fiscal Support;financial support to agriculture;agriculture
  1. 农村政策性金融与财政支农关系

    On the Relationship between Rural Policy Finance and Fiscal Support

  2. 第一章,财政支农理论的一般性介绍。

    The first part is general analysis of the fiscal Support of agriculture .

  3. 财政支农支出对农业GDP长期影响的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis on the Long-term Impact of Agriculture-related Fiscal Expenditures on Agricultural GDP

  4. 结合WTO《农业协议》及我国农业资源变化趋势和中国人口实际,提出逐步加大财政支农力度及区别对待;

    This paper Combine WTO 《 agriculture agreement 》 and our country agriculture resources change trend and population reality .

  5. 按WTO农业协定要求调整财政支农政策,减少入世给农民带来的不利影响。

    Adjusting the policy of financial supporting agriculture by making the best use of the agriculture agreement of WTO to reduce negative effect of entering the WTO on farmers .

  6. 文章结合WTO框架内有关农业的国内支持政策要求,对我国财政支农政策的现状及其转变进行了简要分析,并从政策观念、资金来源和农业生产条件等方面提出了相应的对策建议。

    In the light of claims of WTO in the domestic fiscal agricultural policy , the article analyses and discusses the present condition of agricultural fiscal policy of China , and also puts forward relevant suggestions .

  7. 第四章详细分析了我国财政支农资金的供给与效益,运用DEA模型探讨了支农支出的政策效率。

    The chapter four is to make a research on the supply of agricultural support fund from fiscal department , and explore its efficiency by using DEA model .

  8. 我国实施财政支农政策的基本依据分析

    Basic Foundations for Implementing the Policy of Supporting Agriculture by Finance

  9. 建立健全资金管理各项规章制度,规范支出行为,保证资金及时、合理、有效使用是推进财政支农资金整合工作的保证。

    Setting up perfect regulations is the guarantee of the work .

  10. 湖南财政支农与农业经济增长关系的研究

    Research on Fiscal Supporting of Growth of Agriculture Economic in Hunan

  11. 财政支农资金使用效益评价

    The Evaluation of Utilization Benefit of Supporting Agriculture in Finance

  12. 加强财政支农资金管理的若干思考

    Several Thoughts on Reinforcing Management of Financial Funds for Agriculture

  13. 统筹规划,突出重点,集中使用,是推进财政支农资金整合工作的基础。

    Planning together and concentrated appliance is the basis of the work .

  14. 论环境保护与绿色财政支农体系

    On Environmental Protection and Green Financial System That Supports Agriculture

  15. 福建财政支农绩效评价及政策选择

    Performance Evaluation and Policies Selection of Finance of Supporting Agriculture in Fujian

  16. 西部地区财政支农的效率评价研究

    Efficiency Evaluation Research of Agriculture Financial Expenditure in Western Area

  17. 这便决定了财政支农政策转型的结果之一必然就是要继续对农业产业化龙头企业给予扶持。江西财政支农支出最优规模分析

    An Analysis of the Optimal-scale of Expenditure on Financial Support to Agriculture

  18. 北京财政支农现状分析及政策建议

    Status Quo Analysis and Policy Suggestion of Beijing Financial Expenditure in Agriculture

  19. 财政支农资金整合研究

    The Research on Conformity of Fund of Finance Supporting Agriculture

  20. 我国财政支农投资政策的演变与创新

    Evolution and Innovation of Investment Policy of Chinese Finance ' Assistance to Agriculture

  21. 世贸规则下我国财政支农政策创新

    Policies ' Innovation of China 's Aid-Agriculture Finance Under the Regulation of WTO

  22. 加强财政支农支出监管提高财政支农支出效益

    Strengthening the Supervision and Improving the Effect of Expenditure Used to Support Agriculture

  23. 我国财政支农效益评析及政策优化

    Evaluating Performance of Financial Fund for Agriculture and Optimizing Policy of Our Country

  24. 这充分反映了云南省财政支农政策的效率问题。

    This fully reflects the efficiency of Yunnan Province , Fiscal policy issues .

  25. 财政支农支出是国家财政用于农业的各项支出。

    Fiscal agriculture expenditure means budgetary expenditure on agriculture .

  26. 中国农业综合生产能力研究我国财政支农对农业综合生产能力影响的实证分析

    Empirical Research on Comprehensive Production Ability of Agriculture by Finance Supporting in China

  27. 西部大开发背景下的财政支农问题初探

    Analysis of the Government Supporting to the Western Agriculture during the Western Development

  28. 新农村建设中财政支农政策问题研究

    Financial supporting agriculture policy in the new rural construction

  29. 推进财政支农资金整合的工作机制探讨

    On Operating Mechanism to Integrate Fiscal Funds for Agriculture

  30. 农业环境保护博弈与财政支农导向

    Agricultural Environmental Protection and the Financial Support to Agriculture