
  1. 在西部民族地区完善财政生态补偿机制的对策建议

    Proposals on Supplying Mechanism of Public Finance for Ecological Environment in Western National Region

  2. 中央财政森林生态效益补偿基金支持的重点公益林扩大到7亿亩。

    The area of key public forests funded by the central government with the forest ecological conservation fund expanded to46.67 million hectares .

  3. 当前公共财政对生态公益林业的支持力度不够,森林生态效益补偿基金应尽早纳入国家公共财政支付体系。

    The ecological beneficial forestry is absent of the supporting of public finance . Forest ecological beneficial compensation fund should be added to public finance payment system .

  4. 创造制度环境,创新财政投入西部生态重建的机制,理顺建设过程中各利益相关者的关系,引入民间资本和社会力量投入西部生态环境重建,是提高效率的关键。

    The way out lies in the institutional innovation , that is to reform the fiscal investment mechanism to set the relations of related stake-holders and absorb private capital into the project .

  5. 然后,从农业经济增长、农业收入、农业就业、农业财政以及农业生态环境五个方面,分别分析和概括农产品国际贸易与之存在着的理论关系。

    Then base on theoretical analysis , state the relations between agricultural growth and agricultural international trade from five aspects , agricultural economic growth , agricultural income , agricultural employment , financial support for agriculture and the agro-ecological environment .

  6. 从总体上看,我国的财政政策在支持生态环境保护和治理中发挥了重要作用。

    Asa whole , the fiscal policy in our country has played a great role in the protection and governance of environment .

  7. 水土保持生态补偿的财政对策&基于生态转移的横向转移支付制度

    Studies on Financial Countermeasures of the Ecological Compensation of Soil and Water Conservation & The Transverse Transfer Payment System Based on Ecological Shifting

  8. 项目监测在中德财政合作辽宁朝阳生态造林项目执行中起着非常重要的作用。

    The project monitoring and evaluation plays a very important role in the implementation of the Sino-German Financial Cooperation Ecological Afforestation Project , Chaoyang , Liaoning .

  9. 关于生态公益林建设,指出了要按照公共财政投入为主,多渠道融资为辅的投资原则,确立公共财政在林业生态建设中的主渠道地位和作用。

    About ecology-oriented forest construction , the text points out that it should obey the principle " the public finance input for main fact , if multi-channel financing complement ", ensure that main channel status and function of public finance in the ecological construction .