
  • 网络fiscal gap;financing gap
  1. 一年前,该组织曾暗示美国财政缺口高达其国内生产总值(GDP)的10%。

    A year ago the IMF was suggesting that the US had a fiscal gap of as much as 10 per cent of gross domestic product .

  2. 更重要的是,阿根廷弥补了财政缺口,在数年内维持了预算纪律。

    More importantly , it closed the fiscal gap , maintaining budgetary discipline over several years .

  3. 第五部分找出了存在财政缺口的原因。

    The fifth part finds out the causes of financial funds gap .

  4. 当时的法兰西王国是如何填补财政缺口的呢?

    How did the French monarchy cover its exposure ?

  5. 售股所得将用于填补财政缺口。

    The proceeds could go towards plugging the deficit .

  6. 世行估计,有98个国家将面临2700亿美元-7000亿美元的财政缺口。

    The Bank estimates the financing gap for98 countries at $ 270 - $ 700 billion .

  7. 无论如何,再快的开始抛售也不能填满2012年的财政缺口。

    In any case , sell-offs will not happen quickly enough to bridge the financing gap in 2012 .

  8. 降低利率预期也有助于缩减未来几年预期将出现的财政缺口。

    Lowered expectations of interest rates also helped to shrink the fiscal gap expected in the coming years .

  9. 日本政府有能力通过在国内市场举债来弥补日渐扩大的财政缺口。

    The government has been able to fund its growing fiscal gap by raising debt in the domestic market .

  10. 同时通过对近几年各地农村税费改革试点的追踪调查,发现改革过程中也暴露出了一些问题:乡镇财政缺口加大;

    Some problems have been exposed in the reform course : the financial breach of villages and towns is strengthened ;

  11. 欧洲的通胀水平也很低,一些国家正采取严格的节制措施以抵消他们的财政缺口。

    Inflation is also running low in Europe , where some countries are imposing harsh austerity measures to pare their budget gaps .

  12. 即使不存在财政缺口,这些新税种本身也有理由成为税制的一部分。

    These would make sense in their own right as part of the mix , even if there were no revenue shortfall .

  13. 因此,解决乡镇财政缺口,理顺乡镇财政体制,已成为亟待研究和解决的问题。

    So , the deficiency of township financial and reconstruction of township financial system has become the problem needing badly being studied and solving .

  14. 但美国接下来出台的8000亿美元刺激计划,就基本上可以说是在白白浪费钱了,此举急剧扩大了如今拖累美国经济的财政缺口。

    However , the subsequent $ 800bn American stimulus package was largely a waste of money that sharply enlarged the fiscal hole now facing our economy .

  15. 此外,有必要以增值税和/或碳排放税等新税种来填补余下的财政缺口。

    In addition , new taxes such as a value added tax and / or a carbon tax would be needed to bridge the remaining fiscal gap .

  16. 与此同时,几十年来底特律也一步步走上了债务泥沼的不归路:民选官员犹犹豫豫,遮遮掩掩,百般辩解,却没有采取严厉措施来填补财政缺口。

    Detroit , meanwhile , stumbled over a period of decades into irreversible insolvency because its elected officials dithered and dissembled and argued , instead of undertaking tough measures to close fiscal gaps .

  17. 为了弥补财政缺口,稳定地方政权,支持地方经济的发展,中央加大了转移支付的力度,转移支付成为县的主要财源。

    To remedy the finance gap , make the local political power stable and support local economy development , the central government increased the transfer payments , and then the transfer payments become the majority of county fiscal revenues .

  18. 展望未来,只要美国不像欧洲那样投入竞相紧缩的自毁游戏,财政缺口可以通过结合较为缓和的增税和削减支出,加上可持续的经济增长来逐渐弥合。

    Looking ahead , as long as the US does not follow Europe in the self-defeating game of competitive austerity , the fiscal gap can be closed over time through a less than draconian mix of tax increases and spending cuts alongside sustained growth .

  19. 作者指出,必须在认真甄别不同类型财政缺口的基础上制定有效的财政转移支付制度,否则将给农村税费改革带来政治成本和财政成本过高的风险。

    The author points out that the fiscal transfer must be based on distinguishing the different kind of financial gap , otherwise , the reform in the system of rural taxation and fees will have to face the risks of high political and financial costs .

  20. EFSF目前可用于将债务一笔勾销,但如果银行业需要更多现金或者欧元区边缘国家的财政收入缺口进一步扩大,这笔资金将很快耗尽。

    The EFSF could be used now to wipe the slate clean but it will quickly be tapped out if the banks need further cash or if the revenue shortfalls in the peripheral countries grow .

  21. 随着包括德国在内的其它大国加入到美国的行列,事态的发展加速了。面临巨大财政赤字缺口的德国,加大了对其它国家的压力,因为这些国家实施了包帮助逃税的银行保密法。

    Matters accelerated fast as the US was joined by other big countries including Germany that , facing yawning deficits , upped the pressure on other states whose bank secrecy laws potentially helped tax evasion .

  22. 由于地方政府由于财力和事权的不对等,导致地方财政收支缺口加大,同时出让土地出让金能获得丰厚的利润,使得地方政府通过卖地获得大量财政收入,个别地区土地财政已经成为第二财政。

    Because local obligation and resources is unequal , the gap of local fiscal revenue and expenditure occur , and local government can get huge profits from land leasing , " land finance " has become the second fiscal revenue .

  23. 地方政府为弥补财政收支缺口,只有依靠以土地出让金为主要方式的土地财政,由此对地方财政的稳定性和可持续性形成威胁。

    In order to make up for the gap between revenue and expenditure , the local government only rely on the land finance which organized revenue by land transfer fund . In this way . it consequents threat to the sustainability of local financial .

  24. 由于分税制改革的原因,地方政府财政出现缺口,为了解决地方政府的财政困境,地方政府融资活动迅速发展,形成了以融资平台、银政结合和土地财政相结合的地方政府融资模式。

    To solve the financial difficulties , which are due to the financial difficulties , of local government , financing activities of the local government is rapid development , formed financing platform and banks and government combined and land finance combination of local government financing mode .

  25. 财政上的缺口不能仅仅通过增税来填补。

    The chasm in public finances cannot be filled by tax increases alone .

  26. 乡镇财政的支出缺口加大,财政状况呈恶化的趋势。

    More expenditure worsen the finance situation .

  27. 现阶段地方财政收支的缺口的情况逐年变大,各级的地方政府积累了相当规模的债务压力。

    At the present the gap of sub-national government financial revenue and expenditure has gradually become larger . Some governments have accumulated considerable debt pressure .

  28. 同时,海关财政预算硬缺口问题长期存在,外部审计监督力度持续加大,对海关预算执行提出了更加严格的要求,海关管理中资金绩效考核机制缺失,在建设节约型海关方面任重而道远。

    Meanwhile , customs budget hard gap long-term existence external audit supervision to the customs , continue to widen proposed budget implementation , more stringent requirements of money , the customs management performance assessment mechanism is missing , in the development of intensive customs aspect lags .

  29. 运用财政手段解决养老金缺口将涉及到财政资金的使用,财政资金的使用必将对经济运行产生一定影响。

    To settle pension gap by fiscal method will involve the use of fiscal funds , which surely has some certain influence on economic movement .

  30. 加大财政转移支付力度,弥补县乡财政缺口;

    Increasing the financial transfer and Filling Financial gap for county ;