
  • 网络financial plan;Financial planning
  1. 关于我们的财政计划就讲到这里了。

    That 's so much for part of our financial plan .

  2. 制定出月度预算和财政计划。

    Put together a monthly budget and a financial plan .

  3. 他的大财政计划失败了。

    His great financial scheme crashed .

  4. 主权债务担保计划将提供防火墙,以稳定市场,并提供一个临时的保护伞,让欧盟(eu)及其成员国实施它们的财政计划。

    The sovereign guarantee programme would provide the firewall to stabilise the market and provide a temporary umbrella to allow the EU and members states to implement their fiscal plans .

  5. 并且在周二时,另一个由在宾夕法尼亚州的帕特里克•J•图梅领导下的保守派共和党组成的小组,实施了他们自己的财政计划,这可以消灭在接下来十年里的财政赤字。

    And Tuesday another group , this one made up conservative Republican senators led by Pennsylvania 's Patrick J.Toomey , introduced its own fiscal plan that would balance the budget in the next decade .

  6. 我们可以指引你们走出财政计划迷宫。

    We can guide you through the maze of financial planning .

  7. 微型计算机&矿物工业的财政计划和投资的助手

    Microcomputers : Mineral Industry 's Aid to Financial Planning and Investment

  8. 在公司控制系统下,每两月汇总一次财政计划报告。

    Bimonthly , remit financial project report following the company control system .

  9. 参议院保证将取消此规定,并通过一项直接财政计划。

    The Senate promises to strip that provision and pass a straight funding measure itself .

  10. 在制定可信的财政计划和充实银行实力的同时,在全球再平衡方面也必须取得更多进展。

    Credible fiscal plans and stronger banks must be matched by more progress on global rebalancing .

  11. 制订财政计划,预备综合账户,现金流动预测和其它公司的文书责任。

    Strategic financial planning , preparing consolidated account , cash flow projections and other company'secretarial duties .

  12. 董事会在市财政计划工程中被除掉了,他们对学校资金只有几乎没有控制权。

    The board , removed from the city 's budget process , had little control over school finances .

  13. 例如,与会计相关的工作技能应该包括财政计划编制,预算和财务报表能力。

    For example , an accountant 's job-related skills might include financial planning , budgeting and financial reporting .

  14. 一个增加结构性预算赤字的财政计划,只会让应对那些挑战变得更为困难。

    A fiscal programme that increased the structural budget deficit would only make confronting those challenges more difficult .

  15. 我认为国会这次应该考虑一下财政计划的事情了。

    I think that it is appropriate for Congress to be thinking about a fiscal program at this time .

  16. 但事先不集中处理武器、给战士们一笔钱打发他们回家的话,财政计划会很难实施。

    But without it plans to collect weapons and pay fighters to go home cannot begin to be acted on .

  17. 但罗姆尼-瑞安的财政计划缺乏太多细节来证明其是可行的。

    But there is too much detail missing from the Romney-Ryan fiscal plan to give it a clean bill of health .

  18. 美国政治体制的运转也失灵了;只需看看长时期未能制定任何长期财政计划就会明白这一点。

    American political institutions are woefully dysfunctional too ; just look at the protracted failure to produce any long-term fiscal plan .

  19. 昨日,一个信用机构龙头提醒,在四年内将亏损减半的财政计划速度过慢。

    A leading credit agency warned yesterday that the Treasury 's plan to halve the deficit within four years was too slow .

  20. 因为它向你的家庭和企业提供毕生的保护,因此,你可以在这个基础之上建立长期的财政计划。

    Upon this foundation you can build a long-term financial plan , because it guarantees lifetime protection for your family or business .

  21. 投资顾问能够帮助别人计算他们的风险承担能力,制定财政计划,还有在如今非常重要的一件事情,那就是债务管理。

    Investment counselors can help people determine their risk tolerance , financial plans , and something very important these days manage their debt .

  22. 奥巴马总统预计下周在国会结束一个月的休假之后,将公布一系列经济和财政计划。

    Obama is expected to unveil a set of economic and fiscal proposals next week , when Congress returns from a month-long recess .

  23. 商业计划最难的部分,财政计划应该要包括公司的收入以及盈利模式。

    One of the more difficult parts of the business plan , the Financial Plan will involve the company 's revenue and profitability model .

  24. 美国政府应将其余的减税政策延长两到三年,并在“第一阶段”的财政计划中进行审查。

    The remaining tax cuts should be extended for two or three years , and reviewed in the " first phase " fiscal plan .

  25. 他敦促美国和欧洲建立可靠的中期财政计划从而提高人们对其降低债务能力的信心。

    He urged both the United States and Europe to develop credible medium-term fiscal plans to boost confidence in their ability to cut their debt levels .

  26. 一个好的财政计划应该是简单的能保持平衡的,这样你就不会因为收益的问题而担心了。

    Good financial planning should be simple and well balanced ; this means your nerves will not be affected by worrying about the outcome of your investment .

  27. 继希腊之后,尽管实施了空前的财政计划,但多个欧元区成员国在为债务再融资时仍面临困境,甚至完全被市场挡在门外。

    Following Greece , a number of Member States faced difficulties refinancing their debts or lost access to markets altogether , despite the implementation of unprecedented fiscal programmes .

  28. 请在7月初时赶快做出财政计划并筹集资金,这样的话你就能得到你想要的!

    Hurry to conclude all your financial planning and fundraising during the early part of July , for if you do , you are likely to get what you want !

  29. 英国央行在十月初启动了第二轮量化宽松,美联储也已暗示可能会进行其整体财政计划中的第三轮量化宽松。

    The Bank of England launched a second round of QE in early October , and the Fed has hinted that it might undertake a third round of its programme .

  30. 财政计划也是在确定和量化用于启动运作所需的资金,以及资金的分配和资金控制和其后的关键。

    The financial plan is also crucial in identifying and quantifying the financial requirements for starting the operation , as well as the allocation and control of funds and funding thereafter .